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Player Perspective and Idealogy

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Posted  Edited by gkuo88

For a fucking second I seemed to have broken out of my madness and once again considered that I might be WRONG or something.  So it best be to gather opinions. Answer these for me you slaves. You're free to skip any or add an extra answer, or choose multiple choices


1. What maps do you generally prefer?

a. casual laidback

b. hard but commonly beaten

c. tryhard maps rarely beaten

d. just specific maps


2. When faced with a map you don't wish to play what do you do?

a. leave server

b. play non-tryhard

c. tryhard if there is a chance

d. go afk

e. inflate or spam rtv


3. What level of effort are you willing to go to to get the map you wish to play

a. no effort ok with everything

b. spam numbers

c. actually use mic 

d. become beloved by server


4. If you enjoy hard maps that you like how much effort are you willing to put into it?

a. no effort

b. constant defending

c. actually leading


5. How inclined are you to try a map that is barely won? 

a. never

b. ok if there is someone willing to lead

c. ok if the team just pulled a hard victory


6. If you are a leader which do you usually go for?

a. leading favorite maps

b. leading hard maps that aren't commonly beaten


7. As an average player, how do you feel about an increase in difficulty?

a. I play as freely as i choose and do not care if an increase leads to more losses

b. I am willing to play harder on a general basis and even lead in order to adapt to this increase

c. I did not ask for this increase and I am upset that there are more losses on my favorite maps now.

d. I am willing to play harder or leading, but at the cost of playing less often

e. I am not willing to play harder, I will avoid certain maps more often if we lose too much on them


8. As a leader, what do you feel about an increase in difficulty?

a. An increase in difficulty will make my favorite maps more fun and challenging

b. and increase in difficulty will make it more tedious to lead my map

c. I am willing to go and place the extra effort to lead my map with harder difficulties

d. I am willing to lead my map, but less often because it takes more work each session


9. What do you feel is wrong about gfl's zombie escape? (just write the mechanic)

a. Nothing is wrong because there is no right way to play zombie escape

b. x is wrong because it makes things too easy

c. x is wrong because it panders to a select group of people

d. x is wrong because it makes things too hard or tedious


10. How loyal are you to the server?

a. This is my main server and only server

b. I jump around to other servers depending on what maps I wish to play

c. I prefer other servers for x reason


11. How much do you care about playing zombie escape "correctly"

a. there is no correct way to play

b. There are things I disagree with about the settings of the server bit I can live with it

c. While I still play on the server, I consider none of it as legit.


12. What sort of win ratios do you like?

a. (10, 25, 50, 75, 90) human win rates

b. 90-50% human win rates on earlier levels with 10-25% human win rates on later levels

c. no preference


13.  How varied do you like your maps?

a. I enjoy a wide variety of maps which I am willing to play

b. I enjoy a mostly select group of maps, but I'm still willing to play anything

c. I enjoy a select group of maps and I avoid other maps


14. How willing are you to improve?

a. I don't improve because I play at my own rate

b. I don't improve because I know it is insignificant 

c. I do improve if I feel like I can make a significant change

d. I will improve for a specific map

e. I will improve for the sake of standing above others


15. What is your driving force to continue playing the game?

a. friends

b. attention or trolling

c. having a good time (by winning as human)

d. having a good time (by challenging myself)

e. by standing above others or dominating others


16. What extent do you feel that leading can accomplish and what is your outlook on it?

a. There are people who can never change like bhoppers

b. there are people who can generally become more skilled

c. The team can accomplish much more, but it may not be enough to overcome certain maps or settings

d. Anything can be accomplished by leading as leading can be continually improved forever

e. anything can be accomplished by leading, but sometimes it is too much of a hassle in some cases

f. Leading is the norm, and the server will die without it

g. leading has been taken for granted, and people devalue the win if it was easily accomplished with leading


17. Going back to the question on an increase in difficulty how do you think OTHER players will react to it? 

a. Players will play as normal like they usually do

b. players will start playing harder than they usually do

c. players will start avoiding maps if they lose too much

d. players will change tactics in a positive manner

e. players will continue to use the same tactics as before


18. What do you think is the most important thing in leading?

a. map knowledge from traps to ztele spots to timing

b. general strategy used in all maps, like when to nade, fall back, backpedal, what locations good to defend at

c. map specific strategy from timing of orders, communicating the map to the players

d. understanding players and their weaknesses and communicating information to them

e. repetition and stamina leading multiple sessions in consecutive days in order to build experience

f. overarching planning and adapting to new strategies to deal with unknown factors in the session


19. How do you feel about zombie wins and human wins?

a. I prioritize human wins in general

b. I prioritize zombie wins in general

c. I would like equal wins as humans and zombies

d. I want to win whenever I'm a human, and whenever I'm a zombie

e. I would like to win more as a zombie, but not if it comes at the cost of losing more as a human

f. I like to win more as a human, but not if it zombie wins go under 10/25/50/75/90%


19.5. How do you prefer your human wins?

a. I like to win in general

b. I like a win that comes with many losses but still occurs in one session

c. I like a win that comes only after many sessions of losses

d. I like a hard to get win, but not if it comes at playing the map much less often

e. I like wins as low as possible on certain maps because the more rare they are, the more I feel it's an achievement


20. How do you feel about the state of human wins and zombie wins in GFL? And do you think it to be too much or too little?

a. players selection of maps lead to alot of human wins compared to zombies

b. players selection of maps lead to a balanced amount of human wins and zombie wins

c. players selection of maps lead to alot of zombie wins compared to humans


21. What do you think about the playerbase of gfl and its skill level?

a. autistic mostly

b. tryhard alot

c. flexible to switch between mannerisms

d. follows along easily with leading


22. How do you feel about these map designs?

a. pure rng killers such as bosses

b. bosses with a select pattern that can be overcome with experience

c. traps that kill less than 10% of the team and slowly trim away the defense

d. traps that kill 50 to 90% of the team early on

e. traps that kill 50 to 90% of the team late on like lazers

f. multi way defenses

g. item that grant abilities

h. point systems that allow certain players to use certain things


23. How do you feel about team dependency? (where victory is dependent on a large number of players not screwing up)

a. I am against team dependency because I would not like maps that can only be won with a high number of survivors

b. I am for team dependency but only to a certain number of survivors

c. I am for team dependency and im willing to take many losses for the sake of one win

d. I am against team dependency because I feel like my teammates are dragging me down with them.


24. How do you feel about bhop?

a. I use bhop and I enjoy its benefits even if I have to defend harder against hoppers

b. While I enjoy bhop as a zombie I do not believe it is worth the extra defense

c. Bhop panders to a small selection of players and thus is not fair in certain situations

d. bhop belongs to its own servers and should not be used as a mechanic

e. bhop adds a refreshing change to defending against zombies

f. bhop grants zombies an advantage that is worth the extra defense

g. bhop is used more for doorhugging than tactical use

h. I am not willing to spend hours to learn bhop in order to be at the same advantage 

i. I learned bhop for the sole sake of having an advantage on the server

j. With the inclusion of bhop I am less willing to defend against zombies

k. I use bhop to doorhug as a human and have an advantage as a zombie

l. As a zombie I feel bhopping zombies have an unfair advantage


More dumb questions later. If you wish to add your own questions, continue the number

Edited by gkuo88

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3 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

1. What maps do you generally prefer? 

All of the above.

4 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

2. When faced with a map you don't wish to play what do you do?


GFL I leave.

4 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

4. If you enjoy hard maps that you like how much effort are you willing to put into it?


4 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

5. How inclined are you to try a map that is barely won? 

b/c okay if the team has a decent shot at it

5 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

6. If you are a leader which do you usually go for?

Hard maps, some maps don't need leadership.

6 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

7. As an average player, how do you feel about an increase in difficulty? 


6 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

8. As a leader, what do you feel about an increase in difficulty? 


6 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

9. What do you feel is wrong about gfl's zombie escape? (just write the mechanic)

lmao, negev is too much power while requiring no skill.

7 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

c. I prefer other servers for x reason

I prefer other servers for Timezone, Ping, easier to connect (not as full as often) more map variety, less mapfagging, players more willing to listen, better admins, better settings and better community.

23 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

11. How much do you care about playing zombie escape "correctly"



23 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

13.  How varied do you like your maps?



24 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

14. How willing are you to improve? 

what the fuck are these options?


24 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

15. What is your driving force to continue playing the game?

I play so I can get my solo and show that I am superior to all the other players.

29 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

16. What extent do you feel that leading can accomplish and what is your outlook on it?

You can't lead players not willing to listen, if that happens there is nothing you can do, there also things that require skill you can't lead them past like lasers, those require practice.

30 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

17. Going back to the question on an increase in difficulty how do you think OTHER players will react to it? 


30 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

18. What do you think is the most important thing in leading?

All of the above

31 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

19. How do you prefer your human wins? 

I prefer my solo wins team wins are boring

31 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

21. What do you think about the playerbase of gfl and its skill level?

Hovering around A


33 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

a. pure rng killers such as bosses

Even moving bosses aren't completely rng

33 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

b. bosses with a select pattern that can be overcome with experience

Good, allows you to learn and beat it with enough knowledge, allows you to explain to new players how to survive.

34 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

c. traps that kill less than 10% of the team and slowly trim away the defense 

You can tell people about the traps and how to avoid them


34 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

d. traps that kill 50 to 90% of the team early on



34 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

e. traps that kill 50 to 90% of the team late on like lazers

These don't add much to difficulty, just kill off the bad players only the good ones win.

34 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

f. multi way defenses

These allows for good ZMs to do damage to an unprepared/unaware human team, quite good


35 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

g. item that grant abilities

Can be good, can be overpowered and require you to rely on them to win which is bad, you can make maps based around item usage like minas that are good however.

35 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

h. point systems that allow certain players to use certain things

These are fine


36 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

23. How do you feel about team dependency? (where victory is dependent on a large number of players not screwing up)



37 minutes ago, gkuo88 said:

24. How do you feel about bhop?


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I will try my best on the maps I like.
the rest i will hug the door (or join !spec) , nominate the maps i like, rtv and silence (no complain, no call rtv, Eat some fast food or do something )

Your article is interesting but I'm not  Malal, I can't answer every question (lazy)

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Why u have 2 No.19 problems?

Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch

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You’re free to answer with just numbers and letters or with your own response. I also wished that if other players had their own questions they could add it in as well, rather than have one person in charge of all the questions. I’ll look into other options anyways.

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5 hours ago, reduct said:

Have you heard of Google Forms? 

What's the point of having a forum if you offload the questions to an anonymous third party site?


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Posted  Edited by lukem5

Been playing ZE for several years, something about it keeps me coming back; running from vicious predators is surely ingrained in our minds from millions of years evolving, anyway...




Tryhard maps are fun but they get old when ppl fuck around and u do over n over again like Frostdrake with shit team (most of team must be committed) 


I like to play hero and edge/save teammates lagging behind that would otherwise die, I think there should be more incentive for that. 


most of the time im pissed cus i got zombied for edging/being a  hero so I just afk and post shit like this. There needs to be more incentive for zombie.


Im also constantly in the queue waiting for a spot in the server, they should let more players in during peak times.


There are a lot of maps I just hate like fapescape, mako, biohazard, anything final fantasy, etc and then there are a lot of great classics like icecap and jurassic park that need major overhauls and a look at the mechanics that made them so good (but they are old/overplayed)


I think ze needs a major overhaul, less hp for zombies, more default abilities like sprints for zmbies/humans, maybe unique classes for both factions, more incentive for humans/zombies to be engaged at front line rather than door hugging or afk.


Id just like to see more variety and ingenuity especially in the maps, maybe special (tryhard) maps where FF and block is enabled


eventually id like to see a standalone game with gun upgrades,  graphics, perhaps more disposable zombies like in L4D but not L4D keeping the escape theme very much intact.



Edited by lukem5

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2 hours ago, lukem5 said:

eventually id like to see a standalone game with gun upgrades,  graphics, perhaps more disposable zombies like in L4D but not L4D keeping the escape theme very much intact.

someone tried that, no idea what happened probably gave up

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On 3/27/2019 at 11:47 PM, Malal said:

someone tried that, no idea what happened probably gave up

looks like OP is trying to do the same otherwise why would he ask our opinion. ZE is undoutedly popular. During peak times there are hundreds of players on and would be more if there wasnt 64 player cap. 

On 3/28/2019 at 2:21 AM, Chewie2k said:

thread looks like a book

rgr, op is basically asking what u think of ze.

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9 minutes ago, lukem5 said:

looks like OP is trying to do the same otherwise why would he ask our opinion.


It's literally in the title of the thread... He made it so he can learn the perspectives and ideologies of players regarding zombies and gain an understanding of the differences and similarities between them.


This will allow him and possibly even the admins to learn that my opinion is actually fact and everyone else is inferior to me.

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