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Homepage Complete!

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Hello everybody, just wanted to let everybody know the home page is mostly complete!


Credit goes to @denrosDenros has been doing an unbelievable job at making the website look great!


Also, you can keep track of what we are working on by looking at the website updates posted here.



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  • 4 weeks later...
18 hours ago, Bouncing said:


You may read it as 29th because of the time difference. But most of us see it as the 28th. This post was posted while hidden from view, but it changed to public view from yesterday.


credits to @Clavers

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While the homepage is good, I think I liked having the forums as the first thing you see when you go on gflclan.com. While I understand the rationale for having an actual homepage, I feel linking it directly to the forums was more convenient. I don't have the statistics or info, but I'm willing to bet most visitors head directly to the forums. Perhaps the homepage could be an overlay for the forums? In any case, it's a small issue. The home page does look pretty good.

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14 minutes ago, Liveandie said:

While the homepage is good, I think I liked having the forums as the first thing you see when you go on gflclan.com. While I understand the rationale for having an actual homepage, I feel linking it directly to the forums was more convenient. I don't have the statistics or info, but I'm willing to bet most visitors head directly to the forums. Perhaps the homepage could be an overlay for the forums? In any case, it's a small issue. The home page does look pretty good.

The homepage has always been the main part of the website. If you want to always start off with the forum you can type this:


that'll lead you straight to the forums.


credits to @Clavers

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  • 2 weeks later...

i kinda miss the home page being simply the forums its so annoying to have to get on the website then click on the forums then yea.. idk my opinion i guess but its alot nicer to be able to go straight to the forums, and while some of you will say oh just make the gflclan.com/index your home page... well i have and its allways outta date and i gotta go to the gfl banner and then revert back to the forums... food for thought i suppose 

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7 hours ago, SouRD said:

i kinda miss the home page being simply the forums its so annoying to have to get on the website then click on the forums then yea.. idk my opinion i guess but its alot nicer to be able to go straight to the forums, and while some of you will say oh just make the gflclan.com/index your home page... well i have and its allways outta date and i gotta go to the gfl banner and then revert back to the forums... food for thought i suppose 

The homepage is supposed to show announcement and updates. Also if you click on the header, it'll lead you to the forums. And if you click on the images down below where it shows this part:


If you click on view forums, you are redirected to forums. If you click on Make a Donation, you are redirected to the donate page. And if you click apply for Member, you are redirected to the member application page.



credits to @Clavers

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