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Hi, i'm poker, oldschool 1.6 'pro' kz and ze player + have some questions about cs:go ZE gameplay

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Posted  Edited by poker

So hello there,


My name is Martin from Spain and im 19 years old. As title says i'm coming from the good old cs 1.6. I was there whats considered a bhop/kz 'pro' having a few world records on certain maps and furthermore probably one of the oldest ZE players as well. Im leader of a clan called 'E[j]A' which stands for Escape Art: Jumpers - entirely for ZE and  freerunning the maps in the most beautiful and fast way possible. Of course thats not bhop server and its important to know the teamwork and the other essential skills of the ZE mod. If I only wanted to race i'd play only KZ servers. :D


I've played CS;S ZE as well but didn't really like it due to difference in movement and not only that but in plugins as well (as main purpose)


So having cs;go I decided that I should finally look up for some ZE servers in this game. Checked on gametracker which is the most played one, and not only its the most played ZE server, but overall the most played cs;go server overall, which is quite impressive if you ask me.


In any case before downloading and waiting and learning the mod, I decided to find some essential answers for my questions in order to decide more rapidly if its really worth playing it.


So here are my questions -


1. Is the server 128 tick? I ask this because to me and in cs 1.6 as well, movement in ZE is really important, knowing how to gain higher speeds in order to get as fast as possible to the end. We all know default cs;go settings are tr*sh, but with 128 tick you can actually resemble a little bit the old feeling of true movement competition. In general what are usual settings for all ZE servers?


2. Does it have records time system? I'll explain. In cs 1.6 a lot of ZE servers had the so called record plugin system which resembles a lot kz/bhop servers, but its not the same. Consist in taking the best time on map (Plus having top15 times). It was real fun because a lot of good players were entering and trying to race with each other. What better than having a server where you play against zombies, but also having a movement based competition, after all its zombie ESCAPE, and the most appropiate top would be something connected to running/speeds etc.


+Sometimes they were even doing tournaments where people compete for the best time BUT not really the freerunning like on bhop servers they had the obstacle of being chased by the zombies like a normal gameplay. Is there something like this here?


3. In case you have it, is it connected to some other type of system?

In 1.6 we had that level and reset system. Ill explain -  you gain one 1 reset after reaching 100 levels. While upgrading your levels you gain the normal guns and grenades. BUT if you reach 100 level you have 1 reset.
You need to start over from level 0 and again unlocking the normal guns but because you have 1 reset you can obtain a SPECIAL gun or grenade. Normally there are around 40-50 resets with special guns and other stuff in this kind of system.

If yes - do you upgrade these levels with experience by escaping with the vehicle?


4. If some servers have this system is it connected to the records system? In some servers in 1.6 each month records of top5 times are reset and the top5 players per map are rewarded with experience with WHICH you UPGRADE your levels. This is not the same experience as to escape each round. If you gain like 100 experience by escaping the experience from the records its like 5000 per record on map (depending on your place as well)


5. Are there any classes of zombies and humans? Personally I dont like this because it goes too much with the zombie plague mod and thus changing the point but still?


6. Where I can find the rules? XD I mean i hope that basic rules as "dont break anything, teamplay, dont close, dont camp zombies on the spawn, dont call too early and escape alone¨ and etc?


7. Do water strafing (holding space and then spamming a/d + mouse movement left to right) works here? In 1.6 that was a good way to gain speed (limited tho) on maps with a lot of water.


8. And finally if there isnt anything like this in cs;go servers, do you - cs go ze players consider worth making a detailed suggestion of them explaining how each system works?


Thats all for now.

Im pretty sure the answers of these questions are all over the place but thats the thing... I wanted to know the answer of these exact same questions becuase It would take me much more time to search them 1 by 1 not knowing if in the end ill like the mode in CS;GO or no. This way some skilled cs;go ze players can instantly answer and save all the trouble. Its also a good way to know the gameplay style of both games which one might give something to the other. :)




Edited by poker

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Posted  Edited by Vauff

1. The ZE server is actually 16 tick due to the high resource usage of a 64 player ZE server, however when it comes to bhopping/strafing we use a plugin called CS:GO Movement Unlocker which changes the movement mechanics of the game. It's primarily there for zombie knockback functions but it changes the way bhopping and general movement works in game. It's hard to describe it in text so the best thing I can say is to come in game and try it out for yourself.


2. No, we don't have this system. It might be something we'd be willing to try out though if you have any link to a plugin that does this.


3. We don't have anything like this.


4. Similar to #2, we don't have any map time record system in the server.


5. We have a !zclass system, but it only effects your actual cosmetic skin, not any attributes such as how fast you walk, jump or anything.


6. https://gflclan.com/forums/topic/9-zombie-escape-motd/


7. I've never heard of water strafing even, so no it is not in the server.


8. I'm confused as to what you're asking here, can you rephrase?


Edited by Vauff

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Hm I see so it´s nothing alike.


Regarding question 2 - No I dont have any plugin like that. As I said there are such on 1.6 and thats why I simply asked if there was anything like that on CSGO ZE servers. In any case it seems  that such plugin has to be made by your own scripters.


7 - Its basically this, im little shocked that there isnt such thing because even in CS;S works (its 1.6 video hope you understand how it works, similar to normal bhop, but instead of scrolling you just hold on space, much easier)


Check it out again you might not know the termin -



8. That was a question regarding the previous things I mentioned (records.level/reset systems)

I wanted to know the experienced players/pros in the ZE server that if its worth making a detailed suggestion for these systems in order to be implemented later on in the ZE server. Its because experienced players have an established view of what potentionally could be added so thats why I want to know if there is any possibility for this to be included on server. Its all about if its worth taking my time to write it.

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Posted  Edited by kikofly

I suggest you actually come play on the server to see for yourself.


others play because of the "cancer"

some play for hard maps for Challenge. we usually coined the term "tryhards"

and then there is those guy that play for fun.


we do have a ranking system, but no one really cares about that entirely. 

ALL the players get the same systems, the same amount of nades...etc everything is equalized player to player. 

but what really counts was is the skills you can contribute to the team (Leading in the mic, usage of Special items exists within maps, listening to the call out of leaders)


I would recommend watching axonek3 or SoadY1991 on Youtube just so u can get the grasp of the zombie escape mod concept

Edited by kikofly

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Thanks for the YT channels this will help out.


But as I said I made this thread to made up my mind instantly. Not having that 'race' movement based competition kinda sets it for me.


Maybe in the future if something like this is added id might join and play it more seriously all the while learning the mod from the CS;GO prespective.


Thank you both for the answers! Now I think ill have to make another thread but this time in the bhop section because I did try that server and something really didnt fit.


See you around.

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Hey poker, i played with you a few times on source. I doubt you remember me though 


As far as whats mentioned above is correct, I'll make a few notes. First we do have a ranking system, but it is not for shopping or a timer for getting through the map. It's based on points for winning maps, killing ct/am, etc. Because csgo has a velocity cap of 350, bhop is limited so we cant really do speed good through maps, but it does give you a slight advantage in terms of getting items or ahead of other players. I'm sure some bhop servers have the timer you're looking for


Water strafing IS a thing on csgo, but again with the velocity cap it is quite limited. You can still get a decent boost on maps like ze_predator with the proper bhop, as well as some other old maps, but other than that it's not as much of a gain.


I know you said you wouldn't try it without the race timer, but i suggest giving it a shot. I think the difficulty may interest you as its harder than source and 1.6.

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Thats actually the type of velocity cap that I want. I really dont like these speedrun servers. On the other hand having just a slight advantage but doing it would require a lot of practice and skill (similar to 1.6, regular speed is 250 with bhop limit is 300, but if a pro manages to constantly use it with time the gap between players gets bigger and bigger)


Lowest difficutly is in 1.6. Kinda becomes meaningless once you learn some of the basic stuff in 1.6 so I stopped worrying about wether I win the round or no years ago because I already started to develop some jump techniques. Thats why I was more interested in freerunning the maps because I just really liked doing that and on top of it we were able to race with other players. Ill still try it but if its too 'shooting' based I doubt ill be there for too long. Still I like that there is such speed limit and you can maintain it constantly if enough skill.


And also judging from the videos I saw some players were bhopping as if racing. The ranking system you talk about is a little bit boring for such mod (such rankings are better off for regular shooting servers) but time ranking would affect peoples mindest differently. Im pretty positive that they would even upload and edit videos of some map getting done in xx.xx.xx time just to show how impressive the run was.  It would be just another + to the server.

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Posted  Edited by kikofly

then this wouldn't be a fit mod for you.


this mod is team based, no one would really care if u happen to be the first person to reach an area until it opens another path. like block said, players bhop to trigger areas faster than normaly running or get special items. 


then again even if we consider this time-based-first-place-rank implemented, it would be hard to find/code a sort of plugin.


this video is probably the best description of your ideal mod. 


Edited by kikofly

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The default velocity when you're in water is 200 if you're just holding W and looking straight ahead. You cannot water strafe to increase your velocity. However, you can water strafe to maintain your higher velocity for a longer duration. An example would be if you were somehow boosted into water at a velocity above 200, you can start water strafing so that you can maintain your boosted velocity for a longer time than if you did not strafe at all. Unlike KZ, if you strafe too quickly you actually start to lose speed. 


Just like you, I enjoy playing both KZ and ZE. Unfortunately, as the others mentioned above, there isn't really a timer mod or anything of that sort. The only advantages that you gain from higher-skilled movement are reaching the trigger areas quicker, getting special items in certain maps that have them, and being able to safely run away from zombies if you are in the backline defending. So there isn't really much mechanical skill involved, since this ZE mod is team-oriented. I'm not a part of the admin team, but honestly I don't think they are ever gonna implement timers for being the fastest player or anything of that sort. Doing so will encourage players to try and outpace the others, hence reducing the number of people defending against the zombies. If you are ever interested in joining the server, I'm sure people will start to recognize you if you are consistently one of the faster bhoppers around, reaching trigger areas before the others is an effective way of boosting your e-peen :lenny:



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Posted  Edited by wessaw
3 hours ago, Elch said:

reading for me like pro doorhugger :)


first time i hear of a ze player care about a time or race^^


today its all about lasers baby :happytree:




solowin +100 lasers  or  beating  hard maps(like ze  diddle , aesthetic...) are better than  this  race thing







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Posted  Edited by poker

@mjong99As a fellow kz player, thank you for taking your time to explain this from the movement based view. It really helps out to understand it more and in my opinion it´s still better than CS;S because of the speed limit.


In any case don't be so sure that people would start to do records all the time. Thats one of the biggest mistakes people think when they are told about something like this. Ive played in such servers and I know that there are those who race and go as fast as possible to enter in top5 and there are those (normally more than half of players) who still defend due to two reasons - they still prefer defending/shooting and etc plus they know that they lack the movement based skill so its pointless to even try for them to compete until they learn some basic skills.


Even without records the mod gave us the opportunity to be racing and to team play at the same time, which is what probably saved it in 1.6 as it is not as complex in CS:S nor CS:GO. I mean there were those few guys that were the fastest ones, few of them go to certain checkpoints waiting there on door and fastest one goes to escape zone, calling the vehicle and holding it until rest of team comes. Meanwhile slower players (majority) try to defend like a regular team orientated mod and thats how it wasnt just team orientated in terms of shooting and defending but also you needed to count on the fast guys that they would call soon enough. This  gave the depth im talking about to the mod which is why it was able to attract people from both sides (shooting and jumping) and why I still play it even today.


In any case i'd like to contact with you to ask you about the other problem I mentioned that I have here with the bhop server as I think its differences are even bigger than the ones from zombie escape.

Edited by poker

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Hello my comrad! 

I wont tell you about server engine, stuff, features e.t.c. Because already a lot of people told it before. I just want to tell you how to play on it. :^_^:

   First of all i want to tell you about community. You must understand  that people on this server are trieng to have fun. Server is not full of tryhard players and it is not focused on beating any tryhard maps. A lot of people playing on it only for relax and taking fun. But sometimes when server is full and people are trieng to lead i reccomend you to listen them. There is a lot of zombie escape clans ( i think you heared about them already). Which are connecting specially for beat any tryhard map (aeshtetic,predator,mako,wanderers e.t.c). Dont panic if people will vote for it. When server is voting for any tryhard map you are free to dont choose it. But if you are already on these tryhard maps i really reccomend you to listen the leader, on gfl not allowed to troll so trust these people free.

   Secondly. About weapons. The best weapons for CS GO zombie escape it is bizon. This SMG has 2 sec cooldown and 64 bullets (very not bad knockback) which makes this weapon the best one. Also if you are playing on close map (defense3003, jurassicpark, icecap, rooftop_runaway e.t.c) i reccomend you to buy negev. This one has 5 sec cooldown and 150 bullets but remember that with this weapon you will move really slow so dont forget to change your weapaon to knife when you are running.  But to be honest you always can buy gun, whatever you want so i just reccomend you the best weapons for this mode. Moreover you can buy 2 nades for this mode (HE grenades). First nade you can buy if you will just press E and choose it. For the second nade you need to type !zmarket and turn auto-buy to OFF.  (rifle, snipers, pistols, shotguns) are free. If you want to buy any gun just type !bizon !negev in chat for quick buy or just use !zmarket. Dont forget to buy kevlar. Some maps dont have it so just type !kev !armor !kevlar in chat to buy it quick. 

   Thirdly. About BHOP. Legit bhop is allowed on gfl (it is very usefull thing) more over on some maps it will be really helpfull if you are running away from zombies. But remember auto-bhop, macros and another hacks are not allowed so you can get ban from admins if you will use it. Max server speed is 325 (your standart is 250) so to farm some speed just strafe. To see your speed type cl_showpos 1 in console.

Fourthly. About maps. Server has 50+ maps which can be tryhard or non-tryhard. Tryhard maps (such as Mako, Predator, Wanderers, Gris) have a lot of levels and bossfights. Dont panic if you are dieng on it. Its fine you will learn i believe in you my comrad :). Also these maps have "lasers" light beems who will kill you if you are staying close to them. If you see that people are trieng to lead and tell in voice chat something important, do not miss it or you can die. About tryhard maps you can find a lot of guides in youtube so if you really want to be "pro" player in zombie escape i reccomend you to watch it. Non-tryhard maps it is maps when you just suppose to escape from some places. Sometimes on these maps some surf parts (yes zombie escape have surf maps) and traps. Non-tryhard maps community on server usually voting if online on server low or medium (Just for have some fun and relax from tryharding). On these maps you will enjoy really zombie escape fun. :9_9:

 So that is all what i wanted to say. Good luck and have fun my comrad! 


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If anyone already wrote this im sorry i cba to read walls of text like these lol.
Well... Water strafing is a thing as well as wall strafing and prestrafing and all that shit.

Based on the engine, it works exactly the same way as air strafing, just with other stuff calculated in (i.e. friction when on ground). You can read this, if you really wanna...

The thing with csgo is, that it intentionally blocks a lot of this stuff, however, you can enable it via the server using movement unlocker.

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Posted  Edited by Vauff
On 2017-5-30 at 0:12 PM, P2ss said:


Is that not correct? I see 16, 32 and 64 values in the net graph and since I've seen other people say the server is 16 tick I just went with that.

Edited by Vauff

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2 hours ago, xZephire said:

hahahahaha p2ss youre the best lmao

@Vauff :uboa:


@Flops shutup

Here you can see Hisoka, the average degenerate weeaboo blowing off a superior in hopes of achieving relevancy. Sadly, his plan failed as he was exposed.

Image result for trihard

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13 hours ago, Vauff said:

Is that not correct? I see 16, 32 and 64 values in the net graph and since I see other people say the server is 16 tick I just went with that.


Looks like 64 to me :benthinking:

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