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Inactive Battalions/Commanders

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Posted  Edited by limitedshake

I know the server is still slightly new but I think there should be rules established for inactive commanders of Battalions or maybe even players but that is up to the admins. This isn't a huge problem currently but I feel that it may become one in the future. The only example I could give currently is the 612th Battalion / Smith. I had tried to join the Battalion since day one but I only saw him online one time, I think he held tryouts but i haven't seen a 612th member other than him. Therefore I joined another Battalion for the meantime. Nothing wrong with Smith but he is just an example of a little less active player. Servers usually have some guide lines on this topic and I was hoping we could get some also. I'm not sure if this topic should be in suggestions or not but I made a new topic anyways.

Edited by limitedshake

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I totally agree with you on that, if I'm not mistaken we are talking about the special force battalion right? And I never saw any member from the aristan battalion 

And I use this to say I will inactive until 15th 8pm, so have fun with the try outs and the events 





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48 minutes ago, Hatty said:

I still play on an Imperial RP server, and the rule for inactive battalion/regiments is if you go inactive for 3 days or more WITHOUT warning you get removed from it. Maybe we can enforced the same for our server?

3 days seems too short, I'd say maybe about 5 days with warning



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I think one problem is that there are some battalion's/troopers that are a little underpowered and get literally NOTHING for joining (GM, 41st trooper (NOT GC), ETC). If we give each class something special, it'll encourage more people of that battalion to join.







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Posted  Edited by limitedshake

212th actually gets almost nothing... there are some battalions that actually have no point of being joined. Like if GC gets an op Gauss rifle and grappling knife while 212th gets only a grappling hook/knife no one is going to want to join 212th...?

Edited by limitedshake

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I'm in the 327th and we have no redeeming equipment, just a whore in our barracks :P


Just a standard blaster rifle (same one as regular clones I think) and SWEP climb...That's it...

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6 hours ago, limitedshake said:

212th actually gets almost nothing... there are some battalions that actually have no point of being joined. Like if GC gets an op Gauss rifle and grappling knife while 212th gets only a grappling hook/knife no one is going to want to join 212th...?

41st doesn't have anything special makes me sad


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612th still has no one in it and it has been two weeks. I request constantly for a tryout or for anyone to be put into the Battalion to get it rolling but recently it seems like admins actually dont care and are too busy building things like "Exotic Pet Rooms". Really want to be a part of the GFL Clone wars server but I am currently embarrassed to be a part of it.

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12 hours ago, limitedshake said:

612th still has no one in it and it has been two weeks. I request constantly for a tryout or for anyone to be put into the Battalion to get it rolling but recently it seems like admins actually dont care and are too busy building things like "Exotic Pet Rooms". Really want to be a part of the GFL Clone wars server but I am currently embarrassed to be a part of it.

I mean 612th does have someone in it who gets on and that "Exotic Pet Room" yea we did a event that took like 2 hours and someone won it so they won a pet to keep.


You just have to be patient maybe you should just pick another battalion because we all know why people want to become the 612th and that's just because they get a flamethrower. If you maybe look into Star Wars Lore you'd find that some Battalions have some amazing stories to it and should be picked for those reasons. For example the 501st are known as "Vader's Fists" and were the battalion that assaulted the Jedi Temple with Anakin Skywalker.


Maybe try talking to infantry or Happy and they might just gladly put you in the 612th

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Two quick things. 


1. This isn't a suggestion thread. Go post in the one I made if you want to give suggestions. It's much easier for me to consolidate ideas in one place rather than look for them all over. 


2. The original topic was a good idea, and one that will be implemented. 

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