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SantosRP Server Idea?

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I would like to start off as me saying that this may/would bring in some profit for GFL. Now if you haven't read the title to this yet you might be confused. I am talking about a SantosRP server. I've been thinking about this for about a year but never really had the big boy balls to post it and IDK why. So here I am on a Tuesday writing this.


SantosRP, a world of actual Role Play. Some people may not like it, but it is a change and has a bunch of potential. Purge is doing okay, and idk about the rest but I "a soon" that they are doing fairly well. But, we need an actual serious Role Play. I've had this mapped out for a while now and wanted to share it.


1. We need a semi-big map to start off. From what I read in research, the biggest maps usually bring in the people like EVO City, Rockford, Paralake ect..

2. We need a good legit title, not no GFL SANTOSRP | NEW | 768k START | SERIOUS. That won't work, we need something like GFL Clan Santos RP.

3. We need a good, reliable, active manager, someone who is willing to put work into the server because it is not easy to bring up. But it may be worth it.

4. CUSTOM CONTENT, we would need developers like a mofo, from what I saw, custom content is a HUGE deal breaker between servers.

5. Respectful, non abusing staff, the staff teams need to be top of the line, and active.

6. The jobs, jobs are a big percentage of what makes a santosrp, an actual santosrp. All government jobs shall be whitelisted. Towtruck, Garbage man, mailman/ups, taxi, bus driver, ect.. should be jobs that you dont need to apply for.

7. Rules: They are important, I dont want to list off the whole rules but is thing actually becomes a thing, I will gladly make them. 


I think thats all, of course if these are just the building block stages. If we actually can agree on this server, we can get into detail but for now just tell me what you think!


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Rp never work with us especially when we have more than one. We tried with darkrp and cwrp (?). Eventually everyone either goes back to purge or stay in one rp. We're not much of an RP community.


credits to @Clavers

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@Bae I know where your coming from, but this isnt star wars, not military where you have to have a certain rank to move on, this is real life, drugs, drunkess, gas, cops. Every thing in darkrp, but more serious!

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  On 10/2/2017 at 6:56 PM, rapperdan said:

we have and it never works out. star wars rp did that ended horrible and in shambles the only possible way is if we consume another community and we separate bans from serious rp servers from regular servers. and we did consume another community for the star wars rp server but so much can go wrong when that delicate process is done it truely is so hard to pull off and all the strings need to be pulled in the exact right way or else it simply fucks up.

This point would/could be a possibility. I am looking and may have exchanged some casual messages with EU communities, as we plan to expand into EU and it could be a possibility. Obviously any information in regards to this will be discussed within the trusted group and at the moment there aren't any talks about absorbing any communities.


We can just use the built in ban system for this. The only issue with that is not tracking the bans by ip/steam id (honestly I haven't even looked at how normal bans work in GMod so correct me if wrong). Then for bans such as "mass RDM", "hacking" and other practically globally banned things we can have the admins use our sourcebans as those people are the ones we want to keep away from our servers.


This is obviously a major issue with absorbing another community. What rank should the people coming over get and how would the server handover actually happen are a couple of issues that we have already been discussing.


Ranks for people coming over- The only rank which we would want to give initially is server manager. This would obviously go to the current manager of the server and depending on the size that may include giving the owner of the community the same rank and counting them as co-managing the server(s).

The issue with giving them any higher rank initially is the permissions that those ranks hold, these ranks are promoted based on a mixture of skill/knowledge/trust. 


Server handover- If we are to absorb a community then we would only do this if the servers are transferred to GFLand only under the ownership of Roy and controlled by the trusted group. This is made easier if the community already uses NFO/OVH as they have transfer functions. They would have the same access to the servers as our current server managers.



To let you know this is only a representation of my opinion. It may be handled slightly differently if this were to ever happen. But this is the most likely way we would proceed.


We would discuss this only within trusted and most likely wouldn't announce anything until we had discussed and finalized everything completely. This would mean long discussions to ensure there are minimal issues and no misunderstanding between both communities.


I have colour coded my replies so that it is easier to tell what I am answering.


read a thing that most likely shows a few pointers of how we would need to approach this and it shows things where a person of no higher power can get an idea of how we need to aproach this.





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@1shot55 You're not understanding the part that we're not much of a RP community. It may work with communities that focused on RP servers; but GFL isn't that type of community.


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by TimCook

SantosRP would be an extreme deep dive into serious roleplay. It seems that GFLClan is focused more on quick and easy minigame servers.


With the exception of PurgeRP, I believe the current GMod servers do not have the serious roleplay element to them.


To fully function a SantosRP server, you need three important requirements:


1. A playerbase mature, active, and most importantly, capable for sustained serious roleplay.

2. Dedicated roleplay & culture development, e.g. Paralake Paramedic Department subforums

3. Overall community culture about serious roleplay.


SantosRP is an extremely hands-on gamemode. You need active players that will seriously roleplay as police force, with multiple aspects such as subforums for the police department, subbranches of the police department, and serious roleplay minded RP leaders and a well-established system of roleplay characters.


You need to have a active population active on TeamSpeak and/or Discord, currently, with the exemption of private channels, it seems GFL does not utilize the full power of Discord or TeamSpeak to coordinate and group together for roleplay purposes. This is not good to sustain a SantosRP server.


I believe, at the current moment, GFL does not have those things.

With time, and perhaps a less serious roleplay server such as DarkRP, GFLClan and slowly develop a playerbase that would be willing to actively and seriously roleplay. Without offense, but with true honesty in mind, a good majority of our playerbase seems to be very immature and fairly incapable of sustained /serious/ roleplay.


Indeed, SantosRP is a enticing, expandable, and most importantly, infinitely maluable gamemode. However, to utilize and sustain such a powerful gamemode concept, you need extremely capable, experienced, and active roleplayers, and GFL is simply not currently adept to playing with a serious roleplay mindset. As a passionate roleplayer myself, I have three years of serious roleplay experience, on CW: HL2, CW: Atomic, and obviously, SantosRP. In fact, I helped run a SantosRP myself on [REDACTED], and it was a huge success, due to the fact that we already had a alright playerbase of semi- to fully-serious roleplayers. It took days of work to establish single departments, where I was overwatch and director of the EMS department.


For the EMS department alone, we used around 15 different subforums with around 300 different threads, both for IC and OOC purposes. It is insane, how much work it requires, to make a successful and fruitful SantosRP server.


Obviously, you can just run things without the requirements I listed, but it will ultimately crumble and fail because the lack of roleplay interaction, serious roleplay, and leadership both IC and OOC.


Edited by TimCook

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