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John Jeez Man

"Black Life Matters".

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What do you guys think of this? Do you think this is a joke or not? Do you believe that this should be happening or people are just stupid and making a big deal about this causing a bunch of people to be killed but this. (I was going to making a rant about this but i didnt want to)

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic

Its a propagandist joke, if you take looks into different statistics you would see their entire 'ideal'  of victim hood crumbles.



Edited by CheapTactic






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Posted  Edited by SashaGrey



Also it is "Black Lives Matter" not "Black Life Matter"

Edited by SashaGrey

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4 hours ago, SashaGrey said:

One particular individual life matters 

( ͠°ᗜ °)


credits to @Clavers

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7 minutes ago, Bae said:

One particular individual life matters 

( ͠°ᗜ °)

Yes but the organization is talking about black lives as a whole not just one single butt hurt black person. So it would be "Black Lives Matter" not Life as John said in the topic title.










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4 hours ago, SashaGrey said:



And people are saying that BLM people are complaining over non issues. Jesus christ people are hypocrites.


Anyway, my thought on the matter is that all lives matter and that a lot of this has to do with the media trying to get more viewers.


The main problem with all of this is that people are making it into an Us vs Them thing. Ultimately, those who think that the police suck are going to see any video and interpret it as though the police suck. Those who think that the police are doing nothing wrong will already think that the police are doing nothing wrong regardless of the video. To get solutions, both "sides" should work together.



Also, side rant, I do find it humorous when people are like "Alton Sterling was a criminal!". Like the fuck does that have to do with anything? The argument is about whether or not he should have been shot. The cops didn't know before hand that he was a violent criminal. lmao




Pretty much, I think that this is just the media trying to get more views by painting it as an Us vs Them thing. 



Edit: I still think that the solution would be to just make police wear body cameras and hold police accountable for using them. Footage would help with almost every single one of these cases. 

"Be good people"

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In my opinion, black life matter is pretty dumb, all lives matter. It's similar to "white-washing", everybody thinks its a big deal if a white person casts as someone that's suppose to be a different race. When the fact that someone cares so much about it just seems racist. All lives matter and shouldn't be limited down to one race mattering. 

Just my opinion, sorry if I offended people. 


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This is so dumb, just because recent event have had happened, they don't need to disrespect officer and deputies. I've seen a lot of local news about people involving in BLM giving hates to the officer, and being racist to opposite race when it is supposed to end all racial and stuff. 


This world is so crazy, sometimes I wish there's a way to invent lightyear speed to get out of this planet.





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16 minutes ago, Benroyjam said:

This is so dumb, just because recent event have had happened, they don't need to disrespect officer and deputies. I've seen a lot of local news about people involving in BLM giving hates to the officer, and being racist to opposite race when it is supposed to end all racial and stuff. 


This world is so crazy, sometimes I wish there's a way to invent lightyear speed to get out of this planet.

Join the club.


I still think that we should colonize mars and create a utopia using technology. Hate is quite a plague on the human race. Hate just leads to more hate and it never goes away.


If we go to somewhere like Mars then we could keep it free from the pointless hatred that plagues our society. But inb4 we ruin it with greed.

"Be good people"

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic
4 hours ago, Major_Push said:



And people are saying that BLM people are complaining over non issues. Jesus christ people are hypocrites.


Anyway, my thought on the matter is that all lives matter and that a lot of this has to do with the media trying to get more viewers.


The main problem with all of this is that people are making it into an Us vs Them thing. Ultimately, those who think that the police suck are going to see any video and interpret it as though the police suck. Those who think that the police are doing nothing wrong will already think that the police are doing nothing wrong regardless of the video. To get solutions, both "sides" should work together.



Also, side rant, I do find it humorous when people are like "Alton Sterling was a criminal!". Like the fuck does that have to do with anything? The argument is about whether or not he should have been shot. The cops didn't know before hand that he was a violent criminal. lmao




Pretty much, I think that this is just the media trying to get more views by painting it as an Us vs Them thing. 



Edit: I still think that the solution would be to just make police wear body cameras and hold police accountable for using them. Footage would help with almost every single one of these cases. 

While to me not all live matters, this is basically us versus them like in almost any other scenario, its a fact that a lot of cases were just pulled from the ass and the wrong doings of the 'victims' caused them to get shot.

I don't think there are people who actually think that the police do NOTHING wrong as I haven't seen any, I did see edge comments about "fek di polis" or about pigs and etc...That are almost the majority that are against the police whenever I go to police related things.



And on the point of cops maybe sometimes pulling the trigger too fast, can you really sometimes blame them?Yeah sure, maybe in some cases its due to the American cop mentality to blaze people, but in other cases it might be the guns that are allowed to be in the country?Many civilians can have a pistol under their shirt and this is becomes even worse when you're patrolling in black neighborhoods or "ghettos" when they commit more crime, I would guess the fact that a cop feels that he can get shot dead in any moment makes him pull his a gun a bit faster.

I already saw statistics that a police officer has greater risk at getting killed by a Black than an unarmed black getting killed by an officer.

So I wonder when a #Copslivesmatter movement will start up. 



Hate isn't that bad too, depends where you move it, if an enemy wants to wipe you out, you are forced to exterminate him, is it hate?I don't see it as hate but as something natural.


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1 minute ago, CheapTactic said:

While to me not all live matters, this is basically us versus them like in almost any other scenario, its a fact that a lot of cases were just pulled from the ass and the wrong doings of the 'victims' caused them to get shot.

I don't think there are people who actually think that the police do NOTHING wrong as I haven't seen any, I did see edge comments about "fek di polis" or about pigs and etc...That are almost the majority that are against the police.



And on the point of cops maybe sometimes pulling the trigger too fast, can you really sometimes blame them?Yeah sure, maybe in some cases its due to the American cop mentality to blaze people, but in other cases it might be the guns that are allowed to be in the country?Many civilians can have a pistol under their shirt and this is becomes even worse when you're patrolling in black neighborhoods or "ghettos" when they commit more crime, I would guess the fact that a cop feels that he can get shot dead in any moment makes him pull his a gun a bit faster.

I already saw statistics that a police officer has greater risk at getting killed by a Black than an unarmed black getting killed by an officer.

So I wonder when a #Copslivesmatter movement will start up. 


Like I said, the solution to almost all of these cases is to just have the police wear body cameras. Saves them from people falsely claiming abuse and also keeps the actually abusive police officers in line.

"Be good people"

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic
2 minutes ago, Major_Push said:


Like I said, the solution to almost all of these cases is to just have the police wear body cameras. Saves them from people falsely claiming abuse and also keeps the actually abusive police officers in line.

Sure, I agree.

Maybe we will have more action videos from those cams too.

Edited by CheapTactic






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4 minutes ago, CheapTactic said:

So I wonder when a #Copslivesmatter movement will start up. 

They chose the jobs to protect the civilians, and stuff. Of course, they'd end up getting their life more risker. They just know the risk they'd get which means either permanently damaged from gunshot wound, KIA, or something like that.





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Just now, Benroyjam said:

They chose the jobs to protect the civilians, and stuff. Of course, they'd end up getting their life more risker. They just know the risk they'd get which means either permanently damaged from gunshot wound, KIA, or something like that.

Yeah I have no doubt, I just said that sarcastically.






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I understand some people's point of view, cause of all the events that look like Black people have the worst part of it, but does everyone realize how much shit happens that ISN'T in the news? Rapes, murders, etc.

The media manipulates scenarios to make it look bad for a certain group of people, and ruins that group of people's image. I'll admit, there's some people in said group that ARE certainly bad, but the other 90% are good and deserve a good image.


Either way, the "Black Lives Matter" thing is just a stupid movement that'll probably die off within a few weeks.



was good knowin you


























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"Black Lives Matter" is a dumb movement considering the fact that every life matters. Media targets the events of black people more however, everyone is dealing with the problem of murder/rape/etc. They just aren't covered enough. 

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 I think all lives matter, but as the world currently stands, no lives matter.. Why? because we are ready to kill each other in a instant over the most silly things. If any form of "lives" mattered , we would have no wars, there would be food for everyone. and we would not live in a world where money  says what happens. 






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