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If you're an atheist

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Not an atheist to start, also don't practice religion.  Just curious though because I've wanted to be more on the atheistic side.  The thing about atheists is they make portray themselves to be so right, and then look at people who are spritual as wrong.  I can see how looking at religion or believing in God can be perceived as childish and self serving.  I can see how religions have had terrible events in the name of it in history.  Personally my beef with spirituality is that there is an entity that has control of your end, being you're going to heaven or going to hell (if you don't believe, sucks to be you mentality).  Nowadays people have strayed away from what religion used to be, they've created their own terms on what god is.  It's all ridiculous I don't think you should have to worry about what happens when you die.  I think you should just be able to find peace and know that when you're dead you're dead and if there is an afterlife if you're not a complete shitbag you should have no issue being part of it.

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Sounds like someone needs to read/listen to some Sam Harris. Read "Waking Up" and all the questions should be answer. Or read Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion". That shit will blow your mind lol.

He puts things into extraordinary perspectives.

For example, all of are already atheist when it comes to believing in zeus, or the monkey god padama. The only difference between me and religious people is I take one step further.

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I'm an atheist simply because I don't think there's any proof that god exists. Of course there's no proof that a god doesn't exist and that's why people have faith in god. So really I think it's whatever anyone wants to believe.


I don't care what others believe so long as they aren't being pretentious or self-righteous about it. I've seen some Atheists be complete douchebags in insulting religious people and, of course, I've seen religious people being complete douchebags to people not practicing their religion. Ultimately, I just think people should believe what they want to believe so long as they're not shoving it down anyone's throats and so long as they realize that their beliefs are just that, beliefs. 

"Be good people"

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I don't care what people believe in and I don't care if they care what I believe in. I don't push what I believe and I don't like people who push what they believe (not saying you are or anything) just my thought on part of the topic.










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2 hours ago, -SL said:

Not an atheist to start, also don't practice religion.  Just curious though because I've wanted to be more on the atheistic side.  The thing about atheists is they make portray themselves to be so right, and then look at people who are spritual as wrong.  I can see how looking at religion or believing in God can be perceived as childish and self serving.  I can see how religions have had terrible events in the name of it in history.  Personally my beef with spirituality is that there is an entity that has control of your end, being you're going to heaven or going to hell (if you don't believe, sucks to be you mentality).  Nowadays people have strayed away from what religion used to be, they've created their own terms on what god is.  It's all ridiculous I don't think you should have to worry about what happens when you die.  I think you should just be able to find peace and know that when you're dead you're dead and if there is an afterlife if you're not a complete shitbag you should have no issue being part of it.

Not sure what made you think this would be a good conversation topic, but you should have stopped when it became an idea in your head. Just because you think of it, doesn't mean you need to say something. Some people believe, others don't. I have yet to hear of an athiest committing genocide to please an idea. In the same respect, religion gives many people a light in their life they would have snuffed out years ago if it weren't for it. Just don't, please.

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People can believe in what they want.

I'm Christian, and so I do believe in god, and I could care less what anyone thinks or says about it.


Like, who gives a damn on what I believe in like, mind your own business 


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48 minutes ago, DeathTheKid said:


should be locked or hidden.

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic

Huh?Ok first of all, spirituality doesn't contradict Atheism.

2nd of all religion has been the same for thousands of years, actually today its in some of them better than what they were used to be in the past.

Religion on the main part of its idea is holding us back, religion is not any ally or friend of scientific advance( unless of course you contradict the religion and decide to go with science while trying to call yourself religious),atheists including myself see it like that because IT IS like that.Do you go out and believe everything blindly without evidence?I think not, I actually don't need any arguments about anything from the bible or today concerning logical and scientific points and routes, the only thing I need is clear evidence of any god existing which is something we don't have and never had.


Afterlife is meh eh, depends on what religion really, if its the immoral of the Abrahamic ones then no thanks( also no reason for you to be sorry for any religious person from the 3 religions, as they all believe that their ways are correct and that they will enter heaven, and all of them are plausible from a faith/belief point).


I don't care about religious people, they can believe whatever they want, just not get involved with the educational systems or try to cause damage to society with denial..(which I must say not only some religious people do).



Edited by CheapTactic






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If you want to believe in a fairytale to help you sleep at night, then that's fine. Just keep it from influencing matters that should be strictly secular (cougheducationcough) and everything is sunshine and rainbows.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic
2 minutes ago, Hatty said:

Hey, whats bad about the calming thought of faith into a person who may or may not be real protecting you?

U w0t mate?I don't see why you need magical beings to protect you when you have your family, friends, school and a few other places that can help and 'protect' you in any way...

You can have it though only in some conditions like, the faith itself not being taught in schools as facts and etc...

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Just now, Hatty said:

Hey, whats bad about the calming thought of faith into a person who may or may not be real protecting you?

When did anyone imply that this is a bad thing? If you somehow take comfort in the umpteenth personification of a supposedly omnibenevolent deity, then by all means continue to do so.


As long as your faith does not influence matters where it does not belong, then everything is dandy.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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1 hour ago, Shuruia said:

If you want to believe in a fairytale to help you sleep at night, then that's fine. Just keep it from influencing matters that should be strictly secular (cougheducationcough) and everything is sunshine and rainbows.

My sister used to have a science teacher who refused to teach them anything about evolution, and just told them about "God".


he was later fired 



was good knowin you


























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Posted  Edited by Rcool64

Overall, believe in what you believe in and respect what other people believe in. Not doing this kinda stuff can literally cause wars. Let's respect other people and MAYBE we can have peace :D

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I like it how in religion our minds and thoughts aren't limited but in every other type of social discorse it would seem ridiculous.

For example, if I say praying to harambe for dying for our sins and saving our children (child) would be crazy.

But if I say praying to god for dying for our sins and saving our children would be just as sane. Despite the fact that both have the exact same level of authenticity lol.

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Posted  Edited by -SL

My intent for making this post was to see if someone could elaborate on being so sure that what they believe is right, whether it be atheistic or spiritual.  In terms of why I posted this it was because I was testing the waters to see if the forum could be treated like an open minded discussion board.  

Edited by -SL

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