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KaitoKiriyama’s Voicing stuff

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So basically, this is just a thread on what things I should, could, and might voice. I was thinking about giving Serpents Hand Radio Voices similar to the MTF lines

”Hey man, what if you give some 420-j to that freaky statue thing?”

They’d be more serious with a little comedy in the Random Voice line selection. Feel free to reply some good ideas, or hit me up on like Discord or Steam. We can work out scripts and ways to make it sound good.

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So stuff I got basically
Serpant's Hand:
Random Voice Clips:
"Remember, the humans are disposable."
"They'll write stories about this for sure!"
"Remember why we're here. The computer knows a lot more than we give it credit for."
"You all know the plan right? We shut off the door controls and book it for the computer. Everything else is secondary."
"Ever thought is was kinda weird how all the SCPs ignore us?"

Target Sighted:
"Human Contact!"
"Ah shit, Contacts!"
"Fuck, It's the guards!"
"Forget it, we need to book it. This place is crazy as hell as it already is."
"Где ты, черт возьми?" (Where the hell are you?)
Escorting 079 Successfully:
"Alright, teleporting him out... *Stock SFX of warping sounds* Holy shit! It worked! Alright! Now we can show this foundation what they're messing with."
"Hey you! Jackass! Yeah, I'm talkin' to you!"
"Hold on! My guns empty! *Obvious Jackass whistling*"
"Oh you're so fucking dead! Get back here!"
"Я нашел тебя!" (I found you!)

I intend the voices to have very russian influence because I want the idea of rushing implanted in the SH's head. I'm playing by a stereotype yes, but it does get some people in the mood. Also, theres gonna be a bit of distortion/vocoder filters. They're gonna sound a little robotic as the helmet could either be filtering their voices, or thats what they actually sound like. Robots sent by 079's direct call hacked by the computer.

Chaos Insurgency: (Super WIP and probably will be abandoned due to gameplay reasons.)
"Hey, it been a while since we've been here... Let's give em' a reminder."
"The D's got intel, We need them alive."

Still writing up some more, will come out with a Voice Set soon!

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1 hour ago, KaitoKiriyama said:

In lore SH can be human or not. The suits can theoretically be robots and or anomalous humans.

In lore they're mostly human.




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