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SCP-2019 "Gelatinous Brain Cube"

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Posted  Edited by Maximino007

SCP-2019's wiki: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2019



SCP-2019 is a 5m x 5m x 5m sapient cubical organism composed of a green gelatinous substance held in place by a thick transparent membrane. SCP-2019's membrane is highly resistant to most forms of damage, and any parts that are removed from it grow back in a matter of seconds. On the lateral faces of SCP-2019 are 37 eyes. SCP-2019 is capable of moving these eyes around its membrane to see in all directions simultaneously. SCP-2019 is also capable of creating multiple tentacular appendages to allow mobility.

The interior of SCP-2019 grows brains at a rate that depends on available nutrients. At current feeding levels, SCP-2019 grows one brain every two months. When awake, SCP-2019 displays the ability to cause physical objects and living beings to manifest. It is only capable of creating objects and living beings within its line of sight, and all these creations disappear once SCP-2019 can no longer perceive them.





Team: SCP Team

Health: 2800

Attack Damage: 50

Attack Speed: Half a second (Edited)

Movement Speed: SCP-106's Speed

Spawn: SCP-2845's Spawn (SCP-2019 and SCP-2845 cannot spawn in the same round)



LMB: Attack

RMB: Chain Trap (Ranged) (15 second cooldown)

Reload: Create a human (60 second cooldown)



SCP-2019's RMB can set a trap that has the range of 2845's attack and if someone steps over it, it will stun them for 10 seconds and it cannot be triggered until 3 seconds. (Edited)

SCP-2019's RMB has the same hitbox as SCP-2845's explosion

SCP-2019's RMB is visible and it looks like 2845's hexagon but with a green outline instead of red. (Edited)

SCP-2019's RMB lasts 1 minute. If it has passed a minute then the trap will disappear.

This makes up for SCP-2019's slow speed and it can let SCP-2019 attack it's enemy.

SCP-2019's special spawns a human next to it from the spectator team.

The created humans looks and is disguised as a researcher.

The created humans purpose is the same as Serpent's Hand without SCP-079, they support the SCP team like how SCP-035 helps the Class-D team. (Edited)

If the created human is hurt, it reveals them and if you hover over them with your mouse it will say that their hostile.

The humans have the same health and speed as a normal human and they can pick up items as well.

The created human will die after 2 minutes.


Playermodel: Android Robot?? (Should Resize it to make it bigger to fit it's description and so it actually has a reason for alot of health)


Edited by Maximino007

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what would be the point of the human?


And i feel like the combination of 106's speed and only a 10 second stun would mean 2019 would barely get the chance to attack. 


Is the trap visible to humans? if not, how large is its hitbox? 


What team are the humans on?


Until these questions are answered, im gonna have to give this a -1 because it seems a bit too vague and not really fleshed out enough to be implemented. Like you could implement this suggestion in so many ways, from overbalanced to underbalanced.


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Posted  Edited by Maximino007
21 minutes ago, Boomer said:

what would be the point of the human?


And i feel like the combination of 106's speed and only a 10 second stun would mean 2019 would barely get the chance to attack. 


Is the trap visible to humans? if not, how large is its hitbox? 


What team are the humans on?


Until these questions are answered, im gonna have to give this a -1 because it seems a bit too vague and not really fleshed out enough to be implemented. Like you could implement this suggestion in so many ways, from overbalanced to underbalanced.

Sorry about that, I forgot typing in those details so here are your answers. I will also edit my suggestion so this won't happen again.


-The created humans have the same purpose as Serpent's Hand without SCP-079, to support the SCP team like how SCP-035 helps the Class-D team.



-The Trap is visible to humans and it looks like 2845's hexagon and it has the hitbox of 2845's explosion.


-The created humans are on the SCP Team.


-Edited the 10 second stun to 20 seconds so it will be more punishing for walking into the trap.


-Edited attack speed from 1 second to half a second.


I hope this answers your questions and thank you.

Edited by Maximino007

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one more question: can there be multiple traps at once?


also, thanks. and +2 (to reverse the effect of my -1)

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Posted  Edited by Maximino007
5 minutes ago, Boomer said:

one more question: can there be multiple traps at once?

There can be multiple traps. Since the traps have a 15 second cooldown it will take 30 seconds to make 2 traps. And it takes 45 seconds to make 3 traps.


And your welcome.

Edited by Maximino007

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I wouldn't make it 50 damage half a second fast maybe 5. Altogether +1 



Also nice scp to use in 2019... Lol

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13 hours ago, Boomer said:

one more question: can there be multiple traps at once?


also, thanks. and +2 (to reverse the effect of my -1)





Ex-Breach Admin






























Hey Mandy @RaeTheGay







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1 hour ago, Cpt.Haxray said:

Dear lord, a 20 second stun is ludirious. 




Remember, SCP-2019 is slow and it's traps can be avoided too. At least this gives SCP-2019 some chance of getting close to an enemy. And 2845's attack 1 shots but that doesn't mean it's overpowered.

It can easily be avoided if your paying attention the ground.

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57 minutes ago, Maximino007 said:


Remember, SCP-2019 is slow and it's traps can be avoided too. At least this gives SCP-2019 some chance of getting close to an enemy. And 2845's attack 1 shots but that doesn't mean it's overpowered.

It can easily be avoided if your paying attention the ground.


This statement is forgetting so many different things:

A. 2845s attack is slow and dodgable, and already serves as area denial(ableit bad)

B. You are horribly forgetting the fact that 2019 isnt the only scp on their team and a 20 second stun is  a literal death sentence no matter how slow 2019 is

C. Yes, it is avoidable. No, that doesnt mean a trap that lasts a minute and is effectively instant death is balanced. 

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Posted  Edited by Maximino007
19 minutes ago, Cpt.Haxray said:


This statement is forgetting so many different things:

A. 2845s attack is slow and dodgable, and already serves as area denial(ableit bad)

B. You are horribly forgetting the fact that 2019 isnt the only scp on their team and a 20 second stun is  a literal death sentence no matter how slow 2019 is

C. Yes, it is avoidable. No, that doesnt mean a trap that lasts a minute and is effectively instant death is balanced. 


Alright, you do have a point there.

I'll edit it's RMB to 10 and it cannot be triggered until 3 seconds after activating.

Edited by Maximino007

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