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(Special Round) End of Death

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray

A special round based on the End of Death Canon hub(TL:DR< no one can die anymore no matter what, as brain activity can never be stopped).


Special Round Team spawns:

-Normal D-class spawn groups

-Normal Researcher spawn groups

-Normal Reinforcement spawn groups

-Normal SCP spawns EXCEPT for 049, 610, 378 or any other scp that 'transforms + kills" people(future proofing, essentially)

-Normal Guard spawns, except they get a guarateed 049 spawn that has the same equipment as a TFO medic


Special Round Mechanics:

Like the canon hub its based on, no one can truly die on this special round. Whenever someone would 'DIE', they instead get set to 1 hp and can no longer move, shoot, or use items. They are essentially frozen. They can still talk, however. Using a medkit(or any other healing effect that can be applied to another person, such as the tfo medic's medkit) on someone in this state would restore them to 100 Hp and let them move again. This 1 hp/frozen effect also applies to scps. Players can still escape as normal. In order to avoid statemates, people in the frozen state would count as dead for the round ending(Example: if everyone but foundation members are frozen, round ends). If this is not possible for some reason, simply having everyone on a team die when all members of their team hits 1 hp would also work(Albiet ruining the flavor a little). 


Misc Notes:

The reason 049 spawns as essentially a TFO medic has to do with a tale/article related to the canon hub(essentially a soft rewrite of his article to fit the setting, where hes been permitted to serve as a surgeon to combat his ever increasing depression and the fact he is essentially harmless). No infection scps allowed due to how weirdly they would work with the gamemode's intended gameplay/be broken as all hell(Imagine 610 infecting mutiple people stuck in the frozen state?).

Edited by Cpt.Haxray

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Favorite part of the foundation. +1

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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