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my new subs :D

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Posted  Edited by SouRD

ok 2 days ago, i was innactive... i bought subs... i drove allllll the way to vacaville, 3 hour drive to pick up 2 12" kicker cvr's [dual coil] and a 2000 watt amp, omg i wired them down to 1 ohm on both and rigged em up to the sub... jesus do they knock.. i had 3 10's on 1600 watts on 2 ohms... no these ^ these hit so muuuuuuuch  harder, they ran me 150$ and i spent roughly 35 on gas.... all in all screamin deal :D 


Edited by SouRD

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23 minutes ago, LittleRing said:


Hi Grammar Nazi. Just so you know, not everyone knows a thing about correction or whatnot. So don't be rude about our spellings and grammar


credits to @Clavers

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15 minutes ago, Bae said:


Hi Grammar Nazi. Just so you know, not everyone knows a thing about correction or whatnot. So don't be rude about our spellings and grammar


Salty. I can be rude if I want to, don't tell me what to do either.


I am criticising his post, If you and/or him can't stand that, I'm sorry for you two.

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9 minutes ago, LittleRing said:


Salty. I can be rude if I want to, don't tell me what to do either.


I am criticising his post, If you and/or him can't stand that, I'm sorry for you two.

I dare you to say that to someone who doesn't know english very much.

I can't use english properly, mainly because I grew up being deaf, but that doesn't stop me using English.


However, this is the internet. Do what you wish to do anyway.





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Posted  Edited by LittleRing
58 minutes ago, Benroyjam said:

I dare you to say that to someone who doesn't know english very much.

I can't use english properly, mainly because I grew up being deaf, but that doesn't stop me using English.


However, this is the internet. Do what you wish to do anyway.


You say you don't know English very well, but you used almost perfect grammar. 


Maybe I'm retarded, but I've seen SouRD use perfect grammar before. Before being prior to the shutdown.

Edited by LittleRing

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1 minute ago, LittleRing said:

You say you don't know English very well, but you used perfect grammar. 

That's because few years back I didn't. Sometimes I don't use perfect grammar, sometimes I do.

I've never seen SouRD used perfect grammar, though.





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Posted  Edited by LittleRing
48 minutes ago, Benroyjam said:

That's because few years back I didn't. Sometimes I don't use perfect grammar, sometimes I do.

I've never seen SouRD used perfect grammar, though.


That was meant to be a compliment, sorry.


Then I'm retarded, even so, you stated that you don't know English very well, but you still grasp the basic concept of proper grammar and know when to use it.

Edited by LittleRing

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20 minutes ago, LittleRing said:


That was meant to be a compliment, sorry.


Them I'm retarded, even so, so stated that you don't know English very well, but you still grasp the basic concept of proper grammar and know when to use it.

 You complain about grammar yet you have bad grammar yourself. 


Let's keep this on topic plis


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30 minutes ago, LittleRing said:


You say you don't know English very well, but you used perfect grammar. 

"English" is a proper noun and thus must be capitalised; Ben failed to do so.


I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Posted  Edited by LittleRing
22 minutes ago, HackingPotato said:

 You complain about grammar yet you have bad grammar yourself. 


Let's keep this on topic plis

I reread the post I made and made adjustments, sorry.

Why did you add your input if you want this to stay on topic?

Edited by LittleRing

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4 hours ago, Thomasdavid097 said:

guys girls please keep this on topic.

Where the girls?


OT: I did not understand a single thing on your post, sour, but from the picture of it... It looks tight/badass/awesome 


credits to @Clavers

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