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uncool's HNS Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): uncooI

SteamID: 76561198839834937


Admin that banned you: Booster

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Server Ban


Why should you be unbanned?

I think I should be unbanned because Booster said i was bhop scripting even though I told him how i was bhopping. Mousewheel. Then around 5 minutes later I'm banned. I wasn't the only person bhopping. There were many others who he didn't question. Such as Speedy.

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They have been playing on the server for awhile now and they sometimes miss some hops.

They also have been question about bhopping before this happened so don't say they've never been questioned.


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I don’t know who you are and what you did, so I’m going to stay out of this and let the people involved take control of this. I’m only posting this so that people know that I don’t have a valid opinion on this.



@FrankAL and @mbs has the job of handling this


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I was there in the server at the time, interacting with the two other staff members who this came up with. We noticed at multiple times, your bunny-hopping was too smooth and consistent, especially with the fact that you are new to the server to begin with... You also had another friend on the server with you which made things look even more suspicious... 


Seniors, feel free to message me for more information if needed. 


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I banned you for the fact that you were hitting perfect bhops with only 5 hours on the server. Also the fact that you maintained bhop speed after breaking your legs which I have seen even the best of bhoppers rarely do on this server. The fact being, with the awkward gravity and also the fact that you were using a jumppack is very screaming at me that you are scripting. If you are not scripting please show a video with evidence of you actually using your scrollwheel to hop (as that is what you claimed to use). The fact being, there is too much pointing to the fact that you are scripting (the playtime, the quick adaptation to weird grav and jump, the maintaining of speed even with broken legs, and the fact I saw you not screw up any hops by timing) to say that you aren't. Also to answer the statement of "There were many others who he didn't question. Such as Speedy." I have seen this and many more players improve on their skill overtime. I have played with them for a big chunk of their playtime and have seen them go from bad to good. Unless you have evidence showing otherwise, I believe you should stay banned.



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Regarding Boosters requirement, I don't really think him taking a video would help, because he could fake it with a video, scrolling whenever he hopped when really using scripts. I think it is likely that you were scripting if you were hitting perfect bhops with only 5 hours on the server. Point is, the evidence points in favor of scripting(even if you actually aren't), and from this basis at least right now, I don't think I can in good conscience unban. I need something that kinda shows to me that this judgement of the admins was wrong.

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