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iOS or Android?

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Hello! So the new iPhone 12, Max, Mini, Pro, and Pro Max have all recently come out a month or two ago. I didn't pay much attention the launch then, but I now am because I'm looking to update my iPhone 8 (😢) very soon hopefully. So far the phones look pretty cool. I don't know why they needed to release 4 different versions of the iPhone 12. They probably have reasons of being different, but to me they all seem the same. Anyway the biggest problem I've had with my phone was that it would say I am using 5G but move terribly slow to the point where I'd be waiting a minute to pull up a web page. The speed upgrade gained by the addition of 5G, looks like one of the biggest selling points of the iPhone 12. 


My questions I wanted to ask you all today is, what kind of phone do you have? What phone do you want to get next if you could get any and do you prefer iOS or Android more?


Thanks for reading! ♥

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I have an iPhone 11 currently. The exclusive items like iMessage and FaceTime are huge bonuses with iPhones, especially where I am from, FaceTime gets used all the time. The smooth bluetooth experience with AirPods and the Apple Watch is also a huge plus. 


People make points like "Android is more customizable", ok, but I don't want that many custom features on my phone. With phones I like a nice wallpaper, certain apps in certain folders, and custom notification settings. That's all I like to do, I don't even mess around with the new widgets too much. If you want to make your iPhone super customizable just jailbreak it. I did that to my 11, but removed it after a week because it drained my battery really fast and there was so much stuff I liked, I didn't know which feature to pick. 


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Posted  Edited by Serenity
7 minutes ago, TheJitFace said:

I have an iPhone 11 currently. The exclusive items like iMessage and FaceTime are huge bonuses with iPhones, especially where I am from, FaceTime gets used all the time. The smooth bluetooth experience with AirPods and the Apple Watch is also a huge plus. 


People make points like "Android is more customizable", ok, but I don't want that many custom features on my phone. With phones I like a nice wallpaper, certain apps in certain folders, and custom notification settings. That's all I like to do, I don't even mess around with the new widgets too much. If you want to make your iPhone super customizable just jailbreak it. I did that to my 11, but removed it after a week because it drained my battery really fast and there was so much stuff I liked, I didn't know which feature to pick. 


I feel like FaceTime, iMessage, and Airpods alone make the iPhone such a good buy. Personally I feel Android is a little too complicated. 

Edited by Serenity

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32 minutes ago, Serenity said:


I feel like FaceTime, iMessage, and Airpods alone make the iPhone such a good buy. Personally I feel Android is a little too complicated. 


Yea theres so much good stuff you get with the iPhone. 


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Functionally, my phone is just another device to google stuff on / use Discord with, so I typically go with android devices simply because they tend to run a little cheaper. Depending on the phone, I'm also able to squeeze a bit more life out of them than I was able to the last time I owned an iPhone (apple stopped updating it) as custom ROMs (like lineage) make it easier to get software updates after the manufacturer drops it.


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Posted  Edited by Joshy

I just got my first smartphone at the end of December last year (2019).  It was an iPhone 11.  I like it so far.  I've seen friends and family struggle with both phones I would say iPhone and Note always rank high.


I chose the iPhone because of Facetime.  My girlfriend wanted me to Facetime while I'm taking breaks at work prior to the pandemic, and we used it often; sometimes we still use it when I go out to pick up food or drinks.


I personally like it and my battery lasts a long time.  iPhone 11 doesn't support 5G, but I do live in an area where there are a few 5G spots.  My twin downloaded 4 entire movies in seconds on 5G, and so it's insanely fast.


I feel like Android is not as good lasting quality, but you can be more capable/flexible with it and it's a low cost alternative.  I don't come across as many people with old android phones, but I do see a lot of people with older iPhones.  People upgrading... seems to me they are just Apple fans, but nothing wrong with their old phone forcing them upgrade.  I personally think from technical perspectives, that the older iPhones are better quality.  The reason for this is because the addition of features come at a price they are willing to pay (such as reducing the size of the battery and so iPhone 12 users will notice their battery doesn't last as long as the 11).  I think with Android it is more often the case some problem that requires upgrading, but no complaints because it was cheap and so is the new phone.  I also agree I feel like in terms of features Apple is usually late or advertises features that have already been around for a while.


I witnessed something a few weeks ago when I went hiking.  My friend's girlfriend she just got an iPhone 12 days before the hike.  While she was trying to hike up some of the rocks her tiny pocket decided it didn't want to hold her phone anymore.  It slid down the rocks and right into the creek that was near the end of a (bigger) waterfall.  Seeing an iPhone submerged in clear water even wedged a little bit of dirt because the fall was so far was really just something...  Oh no?!!  I thought that phone was a goner.  They were like "Gosh I hope the screen didn't crack!"  Are you kidding me?  It's in the water.  Anyhoo her boyfriend went in the water a little bit and grabbed the phone.  They shook it off and the screen was fine... so was the phone.  No big deal.  🤪  I was very impressed.


Something about the angle or the perspective of these pictures don't make it look that impressive, but she dropped it on the way up to this small waterfall thing





On the way up to this





Edited by Joshy


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IPHONES FOR THE WIN. I've had one my whole life, but of course upgrading overtime. With my experience of borrowing androids, they tend to crash more often and/or just get really slow. Though, I haven't had a lot of experience enough to develop a full opinion, nor have I done a lot of research ............... IPhones for the win regardless 😌


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I’ve used both iPhone and Android in my life time, and I personally prefer the iPhone since I’ve had it longer. I know that iPhone and Androids(Depending on the phone) Androids have the better photo quality, but with iPhones they have the better video quality. I currently have  an iPhone 7, with IOS 14.2, here are some photos I took awhile back on this iPhone.




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I'm to irresponsible with my money to have a good phone so i have a 2013 android.

1801993179_hqdefault(1).jpg.9db1f7da41e10a538ee70fdbb1786a4a.jpg Prepare to die 

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