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TTT Ban Appeals *Read Me*

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Steam ID:


Banned by:


Ban reason:


Why you should be unbanned:




Above is what the format is, please acquire the information needed and EDIT the post. DO NOT make a third ban appeal.

http://steamidfinder.com/  <---- Get your steam ID here.

Ex TTT 24/7 Minecraft Admin.

Is Pretty Classy Too.



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Rdm and Leave


I didn't even do anything I rdmed yea but waited a round or 2 then left also after the rdm I committed suicide and I dont even deserve this ban.



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2 minutes ago, Dorito said:

I dont even deserve this ban.


Most of the time, admins have a good enough reason + proof that you were doing something wrong, to ban you. Rarely does an admin give out a false ban.



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Alright, I was sleeping so sorry for the delay, the reason why I banned you is because :

I joined the server and it had a lot of unfinished reports, one being yours, so I banned you because of that, I'm willing to unban you if Violator haven't.





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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