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Petition to remove PP Bizon, P90, Nova, XM1014, Sawed-off, and Mag-7

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: edit test.

It has been months of since the rpg reset, I have come to request a petition to removal of most unbalanced guns from the gun menu of CSS:DM.


The reason behind this request is that high-leveled people on the server just run-n-gun with PP Bizon and P90 in a tight space like jail, this gets worse when the upgrade "impulse" comes into play. For example, on surf_ski_2_go people just drop themselves into jail and sit there with bizon and other unbalanced weapon for the rest of round, by the time the map ends, the population of the server already dropped more then 50%, that's alot of players dropped out of server during 40 minutes of map time. Of course people tried to counter this "meta" by doing the same or get good, but this only gets worse because everyone will start to do the same, but this time with side strafe included.


Imagine someone with a bizon running side strafing toward while you have an awp equiped atm, the only way to kill him is to shoot him in the head, you know it is not possible to scope into someone side strafing into you with a bizon so you take out your pistol and in an attempt to kill him, then you remember that that person also has maxed impulse so shooting him only made it worse, so you decided to run away, but you realized that you are in a tight spot like the jail from surf_ski_2_go, before you know it you are already dead from lack of armor and helmet. This whole process takes around 2 second to occur.


Some of us actually use this server to practice headshots, and not come and try to rng your way through the bizon-ers. This issue has made some of our fellow players leave the server in rage because some people think using bizon here is fun and it makes them good in mm.


So this is why, this is why we, as a community, need to get rid of these unbalanced weapons as soon as possible before any more damages are made.



Mad Father

Edited by Mad_Father
edit test.


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Posted  Edited by harry

these guns are necessary for newer, low-level players to be able to compete with the higher level players

they are op, but they need to be to give new players a chance

Edited by harry


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A lot of people complain about SMGs all the time. On CS:GO RPG the mag-7 with "Extended Mag" upgrade has 25 shots per clip, which is a bit, extreme, especially with the quick reload trick. P90 is op as well, but it's like that in the base game anyway. Sure they're annoying as hell to get killed by at high level. But it's something for new players to use to take down the regulars.

There doesn't really need to be anymore weapon changed imo.

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Posted  Edited by MrManslayerX

I can see the point in removing a weapon. For example, in the CS:S RPG DM Surf, we had the P90 removed, (The Autosnipers and LMG were already out.) Back before the P90 was removed, literally half or more of the server was using it. Now that it's gone, now we see people actually using what they like, there's a LOT more variation in what weapons people are picking. There really is no gravitation towards any particular weapon, besides the AWP, but still, it's the AWP. It is what it is.

Edited by MrManslayerX


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I don't think its  the guns that are the issue, but more so the fast movement speed that is a given part of any server similar to this one. I don't think there is a way around high levels being op because that is just the way it is with high leveled rpg buffs. The solutions I can see for this is 'Hazing' them until they switch guns, or hope the low leveled players use their heads and Awp from vantage points. I'm a high level on this server and really love it here. I've probably spend a hundred plus hours on the server and because im such a higher rank and believe in a more evenly matched fight, I've been switching from the Awp to the Scout because its fun, and is the right thing to do when it comes to being fair and supportive of the server. I think the issue is one for high leveled players to solve for themselves (and a little bit of hazing).

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13 hours ago, Jwild said:

I agree with Mad Father, we should ban/get rid of all shotguns and smg because they are uinfair and make a toxic gaming community

I can't say I agree with removing ALL of the shotguns and SMGs. If anything, maybe the Bizon and/or the P90, and maybe the auto shotty. There's enough variety and skill curve in CS:GO that any weapon can be used to kill anybody just as effectively as the next weapon.

All said and done, I don't agree in removing any weapons.

If anything, add the R8, Thomas. Gawsh. :P


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Just now, Mad_Father said:

Maybe we can play with the damage value in weapon_*.txt in the scripts folder of the game and find the value we need there from trial-and-error.


sv_pure 0;

Still, not even necessary.


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Would not be a good idea imo, when I was the manager of the server, removing multiple guns resulted in players leaving.

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You'd say these guns would be used for lower levels but the higher levels want to ruin the lower levels days (rip) so they use p90 + tec 9 with max everything and end up moving across the screen faster then your sensitivity.


e.g you're fucked if a higher level is on the other team unless you can manage to get a upper hand on them.


I'd say just to remove the p90 and tec 9 maybe.

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the guns are not really that OP, every gun is OP if you know how to use it... I already made it easy to level up so I don't see it being that much of a big deal.



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