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50 Shades of GFL

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Chapter 1: Can they be happy and sad?


The luminescent glow of the sun washed over the beautiful city of GFL as many people walked around going about their daily lives.


As the light creeped through the blinds of a rather messy apartment, a shadowed figure stretched to wake himself up and gather some composure. Throwing his sheets to the ground he lazily walked to the bathroom and began brushing his unkept jet black hair. He gargled some water and began brushing his teeth and going about making himself look presentable. He threw on a shirt and slapped on his nametag which read: "Hello, my name is Z1g Heil" and sighed as he locked his apartment door and headed outside. Rummaging through his pockets, he took out his cell phone to see he had 36 unread messages.

"Hey boo. Want to throw eggs at old people tonight? Get back to me! --DH." "Hey, it's been 5 minutes, y u no reply to me? We're best buddies. --DH" "Dude, if Myspace was still a thing, you wouldn't be on my top 10 anymore. -- DH"


Z1g sighed as he turned on Evanescence's Bring Me To Life and walked to his work. He always wanted more and thought his life was mundane and uneventful, but little did he know, everything in his life was about to change. Z1g looked up as he collided with a man and fell to the ground.

"I do say young man, are you uh, okay? I am most clumsy. Herbert's the name, selling soap is my game! You like soap, germs hate soap! I'mma make you smell like a new man!" he bragged.


"Sorry. Not interested." Z1g brushed off as he continued walking.

"You'll see young man! Soap is the way of the future!" Herbert bellowed as Z1g walked further and further away.

Z1g felt an arm latch around his neck and a wave of irritation permeate through his body.  "Z1g-sama!" Ms Shadow cooed. "Where've you been!? I've been looking all over for you! Shadow-chan was concerned!"


"Get the hell off me...I was just sleeping and you're irritating" He barked. He could see that she was visibly upset by this remark and got teary eyed.


But as Z1g sighed and looked up at the sky. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened. A missile was heading right for the city and it seemed like no one else saw it. He was frozen in fear as doom quickly

approached, and he could do nothing but stare.



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Chapter 2: A Bat in the Belfry is worth a Frisky in the shower.


Yeah, so while that other bullshit was happening, y'know, the missile? Frisky was showering. Because of course she was. And I bet she'd want me to detail the intricacies of her body and showering rituals, but NOPE. That's all you get, Frisk.


With no warning, and only a beam of light left in its wake, the missile collided with the city. Z1g awoke, somehow receiving nothing but third degree burns all over his body. However, all of his charred limbs were covered in My Little Pony wrapping paper. He looked around as he saw a man on a black cloud branding a nazi uniform. The man gestured at Z1g with a two finger salute and rode off.  Something was different. Something was off.


Z1g shuddered as he saw a bunch of lifeless corpses slowly coming towards him, moaning. He struggled to move through his wrapping paper bindings and serious burns as the corpses moved in. But before they could, a figure came and drop kicked one's head clean off. Her breasts jiggled as the figure was revealed to be Frisky, who used one arm to cover her breasts. "What kind of jackass blows up someone's house when they're showering!? I don't have any clothes to wear!"


Z1g smirked. Just went from a 9 to a 10. He thought to himself.


Frisk thought to herself thinking of the best outcome to get out of here alive. Of course, being butt naked didn't help her, but what can you do.


She dove down to the ground when a flurry of bullets came and ripped through the zombies. Within an instance, Z1g and Frisk were bound, gagged (and in Frisk's instance, had a cloth put around her) and thrown into the back of a truck. All they could feel was the bumpiness of the road and the blaring of a horn when the truck came to a stop.


They couldn't see anything as they were rushed into a room and heard two big metal doors slam shut. They had their blindfolds taken off as they winced, their eyes adjusting to the light of the room.

"Welcome you maggots. My name is Sgt. Eli. And welcome to Prison Break. You'll be callin' this place home for a bit while I figure shit out."




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17 minutes ago, Cypher said:

Prepubescence does that to kids. 

Do you need tickets to a Three Days Grace concert while you're at it? I can even get you better risers for that pedestal you have yourself on.

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Damn I must be lucky to come out of that with 3rd degree burns :lenny:.

Sieg Heil to my nazi protectors amirite.

And since when did Frisk become an anime character?


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2 hours ago, Z1galord said:

Damn I must be lucky to come out of that with 3rd degree burns :lenny:.

Sieg Heil to my nazi protectors amirite.

And since when did Frisk become an anime character?

I didn't know she wasn't one.

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