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This is why I'm not going apply for Admin. (My name was Praise the Sun)

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Posted  Edited by Twig

just...just gonna move this to off topic since it has absolutely nothing related to jb...don't hurt me.


plus, lantern seems a lot like @Shuruia imo.

Edited by Twig

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3 minutes ago, HackingPotato said:

Interesting. Why would you share this with us exactly?

because why not, silly

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I don't think you had bad intentions while posting this; in fact: I am sure you were only meaning to show the negative sides of our competitors and this has made you hesitant of applying for Server Admin.


I removed the link and locked the thread... because...  it still links people to one of our competitors whether or not they are pronounced or active.  I don't think our communities will be merging or absorbing one another, but I'm not ready to preemptively burn bridges even if it's just the slightest chance, and I don't want us to be a community critical of others but rather one that can learn from their mistakes and do well on our own (or maybe even pick up something good they may offer).


Sorry that you had a tough experience with them.  I decided that I wanted to read through and I don't think you would have been too happy with us either with an application like that.  Your language does sugges underlying interests that I wouldn't have been able to support, you used bribery, and you added silly pictures and phrases (referencing religion too) in that application.  I don't think we would have responded in the same way and more likely have simply locked the application, but it's something for you to think about as a learning experience (be glad you made the mistake with them instead of us)...  not to become afraid, and maybe you would have a chance with our team if you changed your mind in the future.


Anyhoo: Locked for the reasons above.


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