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Why do you play Gmod (if you do)?

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Some people find different things fun in gmod for different reasons. People find fun in different things. Why do you play this amazing sandbox?

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The unlimited possibilities.


So much can happen in GMod, and weird shit does happen all the time.

Just today I saw a hobo begging for money from a Black Market millionaire while standing on top of his head holding a baby doll.

And in the past, people have thrown mugs at me, saying I was being mugged.

Anything can happen, like being sacrificed to a vagina god made of stone in some guys back room.

You know, normal stuff.

Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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I've made so many friend that i still play with since 2014. Gmod was the first game I really dedicated myself too. (other than minecraft and TF2)





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On 6/16/2017 at 1:55 AM, Unknown said:

The unlimited possibilities.


So much can happen in GMod, and weird shit does happen all the time.

Just today I saw a hobo begging for money from a Black Market millionaire while standing on top of his head holding a baby doll.

And in the past, people have thrown mugs at me, saying I was being mugged.

Anything can happen, like being sacrificed to a vagina god made of stone in some guys back room.

You know, normal stuff.


I second this. Couldn't have said it any better.


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Posted  Edited by Jcfraven

This question is more of "Why did I play Garry's Mod," for me, though my response is still the same.


I actually got Garry's Mod originally for the purposes of the single player mode, as I felt as though it was really cool from the videos I watched on the Steam Page and the pictures I viewed thereon. When I loaded it up..I got bored rather quickly. It soon came to pass that I loaded up the multiplayer, hopped on a random server, and the rest was history(as I detailed somewhat in my introduction thread).


What kept me playing for the 2200 hours that I spent therein? Well, the reason was stated rather plainly by @Unknown earlier in the thread, the unlimited possibilities that Garry's Mod presents to both the player and the creator by virtue of its design.


From roleplays, to shoot-em-ups, to exploding barrels, to runs of death, to mazes, and to everything in-between and much more, you will never run out of things to do and servers to play on. The only limit is your imagination, time, and ability to click your mouse or touchpad. Garry's Mod, while not perfect, is the holy grail of creativity in the gaming industry, and I highly doubt that it will go anywhere anytime soon, if ever, no matter the advances in gaming technology(honestly, those advances will probably end up in Garry's Mod eventually getting a revamp and becoming even more popular).


If you cannot find fun in Garry's Mod, you are doing something wrong.


That is all.

Edited by Jcfraven

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play Gmod because TF2 isn't in a good state right now.

If you catch my drift. *wink*

Also I would play CS:GO but I don't find it "Enjoyable and Interesting"

֍ Trigger ֍




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When I first started playing all the different servers and game modes to chose from had me entertained for hours. Then GFL's purge sucked me in. :ninja:

- Triggered -

Creative Team (GFX) 

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Idk like it kinda sucks 2 suck unless you like sucking :B|:

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24 minutes ago, Beanie said:

rip their hearts out

I don't know what type of servers you play, but I'm interested.

Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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Pretty much the only reason I play now is because the people who play hns are (for the most part) really chill. The initial reason I got it was for the tardis rewrite mod.



- Former HNS Manager

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