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Random maps?

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What I've noticed is that the same few maps keep getting picked, when there are some that (in the time I've been playing) have never been gone on once. With that in mind, what do people think about possibly every once in a while having a random map?



- Former HNS Manager

- Former CWRP admin



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I get really sick of the people choosing the same map as well. Making some kind of wheel would be nice so we could play the maps that are never chosen. What's the point of so many maps if the only a few are ever chosen? We should do something about this.


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Not apart of the GMod division but I will leave my opinion:
Perhaps, like we do have on Jailbreak, cross out maps that were recently picked, allowing other maps to take place.
(Correct me if I am misinterpreting the issue)


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Posted  Edited by PaxPlay

Just exclude a map for x times after it has been voted. (Increment x in this case if same maps are getting voted too often)

Edited by PaxPlay

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Something needs to be done about the new map 64tress because as cool as that map is, literally every other map for the 4 hours I was on today was 64tress. I'm not even joking. Every. Other. Map.



- Former HNS Manager

- Former CWRP admin



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