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Sup Nat I know we've talked on the GCC Discord and welcome to our Forums!








In b4 people start spamming: "Join our server at: "


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9 minutes ago, Z1galord said:

In b4 people start spamming: "Join our server at: "


Just now, rapperdan said:

That was fast...


In any event, welcome to our forums. Don't feed the ducks (@harry).


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Welcome to the forums, @nat! It is great to have you!


Unfortunately, you will not see me in-game for a while, as I do not have any computer other than a Chromebook that is operational and that could actually play any games. However, I am usually on the forums in the Chatbox, so feel free to go there and talk with me and the others! The more the merrier, I say!


May God guide you and keep you safe, and may you have a blessed night or day, depending on what time it is for you!

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1 hour ago, nat said:


Please don't kill us ;-;

Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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