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jumping a sinking ship

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most of you newer folk wont renember me (hence why people thinking they are big saying "who the fuck are you/don't believe anyone is begging for your presence" in a thread i was in) 


im alex , i played ze/dr/mg back in the day (2013/14) i took a break throughout 2015 and came back september 2015-current. 

css was the main game i played at gfl , couldnt stand the daycare of gmod. it was a lovely community back then.

unfortunatly it suddenly died for some reason not long after i came back. and when there was players, they were random people just joining for the gamemode.


why dont you go to csgo?

the game itself is terrible (i can go into detail if you want as to why/how),csgo community as a whole is mess, half the maps in gamemodes are source ports anyway and workshop is just dev texture aim map ebola so there isnt much actual content for it. the shift of focus of gfl to csgo now means the community now has the toxic tendencies that come with it. 


why dont you go gmod?

i tried the game for 350, cant stand it, community is just as bad if not worse than csgo


so goodbye, gonna find a new place to call home for a while, just gonna lurk incase there is hope.

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Sorry, what's up with CS:GO? Admittedly, some of the community is toxic, but the EU Surf RPG is fine for me.


Never personally knew you, but see ya. 


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In all seriousness, what is and isn't "toxic" is rather subjective even though there's a general idea of what it is.


So, I disagree with you in saying that GFL is more toxic than before. I'd argue that it's at the same level or maybe a little less toxic because this is the internet. If you scoop some water out of the sea, that water will most likely be similar to the sea water. There might be some variation, but it's going to be generally the same.


With that said, bye.

"Be good people"

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To the people who are extremely disrespectful on this post


You're cool 











- Triggered -

Creative Team (GFX) 

Former Hide and Seek Manager 

Former Purge Admin

PM me for personal requests

Idk like it kinda sucks 2 suck unless you like sucking :B|:

Fᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤ

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  • 4 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Korowa said:

Who are you?

Why would you even post this? This guy is long gone. Besides, this guy was here before you were so that's probably why you won't really know who he is.


credits to @Clavers

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14 hours ago, Bae said:

Why would you even post this? This guy is long gone. Besides, this guy was here before you were so that's probably why you won't really know who he is.

It was just a question..




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Posted  Edited by Joshy - Edit Reason: Corrected odd typo

@alexw200, don't worry about these other guys giving you a tough time for leaving... it just seems they don't understand our culture, but I am a part of it with you too.


You're a fan of CS:S?  I've seen you around in the forums, but not so much in game; it's not to be critical of your activity, but this infers that you haven't tried our CS:S Surf RPG DM server.  I and many other friends have shared the exact feelings you describe, and this was especially in the Zombie Escape culture (I loved that game so much)...  I was beginning to lose hope until I found this RPG server, and I'd love for you to give us a chance and see if you may change your mind.  You can add me on Steam.  I'm Joshy.


Even after recent events with the ZE server, RPG has mostly been revived and shows a very promising trend as we propagate upward.  I think you can join us and ride that wave.  I can tell from your message that leaving wasn't the first option and that you feel this is the best way to go: Just cut your losses and move on.  I totally respect that and thank you for your considerations; however, I feel like not all the good options have been explored.


@MrManslayerX is effectively a Server Manager there (in title a trial one) but he shows a lot of promise.  He's a really fun and great guy.  Our servers have activity even at odd hours of the day... like 2 am... which is where I'd expect a solid zero.  We're not like that cut throat environment dragging down the community.  It's very casual on the microphone, we have a diverse set of players and different skill levels, and it's just a lot of fun.  I'd describe it as an MG server with surf, and you can level up your character and increase certain stats such as gravity and damage.  Here's a sample from last night:



I hope you could give us another chance, and again, I'd love to see you around.  Contact myself or any of the Surf team members because I am certain you'd fit right in.

Edited by Joshy
Corrected odd typo


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3 hours ago, Joshy said:

@MrManslayerX is effectively a Server Manager there (in title a trial one) but he shows a lot of promise.  He's a really fun and great guy.  Our servers have activity even at odd hours of the like 2 am... which is where I'd expect a solid zero.  We're not like that.  It's very casual on the microphone, we have a diverse set of players and different skill levels, and it's just a lot of fun.  I'd describe it as an MG server with surf, and you can level up your character and increase certain stats such as gravity and damage.

Actually, our server is in the top 100 for server rankings (96th ATM). We're definitely on an upward trend. Last month we were in the upper 120s.



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20 hours ago, Korowa said:

It was just a question..

If I sound bitchy, I'm always like that. Because I can be blunt and bitchy.


credits to @Clavers

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On 6/7/2016 at 11:49 AM, alexw200 said:


which is exactly why we are going downhill..

dumbass shitstick. we're not going downhill, if anything, the community is getting bigger and better as you spew your bullshit. What is your evidence of us going down?

Image result for dank memes

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45 minutes ago, Hatty said:

We were going downhill, this was posted close to when the forums came up. People were leaving and the website got hacked. We're doing better now thanks to recovering.

I think it was more of:
people are freaking out because we're going downhill so we're going downhill.


People were just scared. But yeah, we're recovering.

"Be good people"

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