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SCP-2953 suggestion(item scp)

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Due to a post made by duc on another thread, i've decided to post a few 'item' scps. Scps that aren't alive or anything like that, simply useful items that can be picked up and used in some way. This is the first one as I can reuse most of my original suggestion for it


Fragments of a rock with ties to japanese mythology. Had fragments of the rock turned into bullets in order to be weaponized. Individuals who touch the rock(or get shot by the bullets) transform into an ordinary fox(Albeit still with their intelligence.


Ingame: A special pistol loaded with a single scp-2953 fragment would spawn somewhere on the map. Upon shooting a non-scp(would be way too overpowered if it affected scps), the person shot gets transformed into a fox. They gain increased movement speed, but lose all access to items(Items they had on them should either drop or disappear, whatever is easier), and have a melee attack that does 50 damage. The shot itself does no damage, and the transformed player keeps their original team. They can be returned to normal by using a scp-500 on them(same way you cure a scp-049-2 zombie).


Model: Could use an existing pistol model already for the weapon. If it needs to stand out the hl2 pistol would be an okay choice.(It doesnt really matter what the actual weapon looks like, but it might be better if it stood out).


Sadly there is a current lack of proper fox models on the workshop. Potential alternatives include using an eevee model like 334 uses, or the 023 model despite it being a wolf instead of a fox.

Link to 023 model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1368927958&searchtext=SCP-023

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack

wait, is this a furry transfor—


seems like a fun thing to mess around with; could especially piss off MTF by using it against them so heres a really big +1

Edited by Doomnack

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On 1/14/2019 at 6:21 PM, Cpt.Haxray said:


Sadly there is a current lack of proper fox models on the workshop. Potential alternatives include using an eevee model like 334 uses, or the 023 model despite it being a wolf instead of a fox.

Link to 023 model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1368927958&searchtext=SCP-023


Its ok, xy will just use the Eevee model again

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