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SCP-990: "Dream Man" {SPECTATOR SCP}

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack

"I wouldn't want to wake up, but unfortunately, you must."






npc_create npc_doomnack

Can't use cheat command npc_create in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.


Agh, double post. Let's just get this out of the way.


SCP-990 isn't a regular SCP, nor is it a regular suggestion anyways. See this as a subtle way to cheer up the lives of spectators out there, while giving living players a slight edge.





 You are a mysterious entity, also known as the "Dream Man".

You have been given another chance to interact with any living players.

Let them know what is to come.



Spawn Location(s):

Site-19: Random (Human) Player Location



Ingame Mechanics:


LMB (Primary)Teleport to crosshair

RMB (Special): Host selected player



Health: ∞

Primary Cool Down: 1 sec

Special Cool Down: 10 sec

Speed: Normal Human Movement (can sprint or walk)


 SCP-990 is incapable of achieving points.




SCP-990 purely functions for the exchange of information and warning.

(Though I guess if you want to hang out with a person after death go for it)


SCP-990's teleportational abilities allow it to move swiftly accross the site.

SCP-990 cannot interact with the environment (like spec dm), but can phase through doors and other entities.

(As such he can't really go through the elevator without following a person)


SCP-990 can view and hear all players around him as if he were alive, but is only capable of speaking to his HOST.

SCP-990 can select a new HOST using special.

SCP-990's HOST gain the ability to see SCP-990, and as such can also hear SCP-990 speak.


SCP-990 is highly encouraged to make use of its movement to alert its host whether danger is present or not.

Feel free to give the Class-Ds a headsup whether MTF are coming or not, or letting people know that the SCP has stopped camping them in SCP-1162 or 914's room.




Throughout each round SCP-990 has a small chance to spawn every 2 minutes.

This chance slowly goes up each interval until SCP-990 actually spawns.


When SCP-990 actually spawns, a random active spectator will be selected and presented a small GUI saying if they wish to spawn as SCP-990.


If accepted, they spawn with a random HOST.

If declined, the offer is given to another spectator and so on.

SCP-990 can be exited at any time with a special ulx command (!exit990 or something like that).


SCP-990 is spectable, and appears under the leaderboard as RESEARCHER class.

(you don't need to make another subsection for 990 anyways)




SCP-990: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=474029314



Well I think we all know how it feels like to wait 12 minutes to spawn when you've unfortunately died at the start of the round, so here's another thing spectators can look forward to, other then the really rare chance that somebody drinks the soup, which is usually used for sending memes and not actual warnings to players.


"Time, Doctor Freeman?"

Edited by Doomnack

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray

I mean, the only issue is scp-990 visits people in their sleep.


Granted theres' another possible SCP for it, but that SCP also only appeared once and that was during 911.(4911 is the name).


So idk why i posted this. I have no issue with it.

Edited by Cpt.Haxray

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So pretty much meta gaming? Sign me in.




We all have that moment as SCPS were we flip out on the players stupidity. This time we can actually do something about it. But there can be problems. Like if the person using 990 is a troll or someone toxic.

Also I don't think it would be fair if only the host knows about the SCP. There should be scps knowing that the person is being Hosted by 990.

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5 minutes ago, Maximino007 said:

Wait a minute! Is that SCP-914 in the map your currently working on?


yep, highly inspired by the 914 from SCP:CB Unity

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1 minute ago, Mr Z said:

We already got one ghosting SCP, the Bathroom Soup.

Oh I definitely had the bathroom soup in mind while I was making this. Unfortunately, nobody really uses it for any good, just for messing around really. The text limit also handicaps any useful messages being translated, and most of the time the message is useless.


For example, I got



"I'm gonna say the—" (text limit reached)

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