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Special Round: SCOSPLAYER

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Because i like tossing these in on special round suggestions, another silly short story)




He was all alone. No amount of training could prepare him for this. The training covered almost anything anyone could think of. SCPs breaking out of their cells. Memetic hazards spreading throughout the facility. Assaults by external forces. Sabotage caused by spies or traitors within the personnel ranks. Hell, even the possibility of a reality bender sending a horde of pissed off sharks to go punch everyone to death. But not this.


As he rounded another corner, he was relieved to see the armory was still intact and wasn't looted. He quickly grabbed whatever he could, shutting the door behind him. He could hear them off in the distance, the sound of metal on metal. Shit, they were heading this way. 


Not even the Ethics committee thought much of it when it happened. Janitor forgot to clean out scp-173's cell one day. Not a big problem. Simple Stern telling off and cleaning up the mess. But somehow, this single incident exploded into something much, much worse.


The door slid open, revealing someone in a scp-173 costume holding a crowbar. It froze as he stared at him. "Goddamned Statue Right workers" he muttered as he gunned the lunatic down.



Okay probally kinda cringy short story aside, onto the actual suggestion.


Special Round name: SCosplayers



One person(Yes, ONE) spawns as a guard. Everyone else spawns as a SCP-173 cosplayer. The guard has all of the normal equipment a guard does(Random weapon, a lvl 3 keycard, etc), and spawns in the medical bay. The scp-173 cosplayers all spawn together in the d-class area. 


SCP-173 Cosplayers are armed with a crowbar and have 100 HP. They share scp-173's limitation of not being able to move while being looked at, but don't have access to any kind of blind ability. Their goal, obviously, is to kill the guard while the guard wants to kill all of them(or at least survive until the timer ends, I guess).


No reinforcements spawn on this round. Round time would be the same lenght as the TTT round(Aka, shorter than normal).


Model for SCP-173 Cosplayers: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644302916&searchtext=SCP-173 (Model is intentionally awful. XD)

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  • 2 months later...
Posted  Edited by Helium

SCP 173 Cosplayers:


-Cannot move while being looked at

-Armed with crowbars

-Only have 100hp

-No special ability


Add all of these together and you get this idea. 


Overall this is a great idea and i can't wait to see it implemented into the game. -1

Edited by Helium

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+1 I'm late, but it provides an interesting round for everyone.

Small addition could be that an ACTUAL 173 is mixed in,

but that's just an suggestion and it probably

shouldn't actually be put in.

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