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Name Change History

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It would be nice when viewing profiles for there to be a tab which shows name history.

If this could be added that would be great tyvm.

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I actually like the idea cause its just like steams alias review cause if you dont log on or pay attention then when someone changes their name you have to stalk the persons profile to try and remember who they are


2 minutes ago, Boss_Panda1245 said:

Just saying this would be horrible cause you know why would we want people to carry something on their back say if they were a pedo and wanted to change their name then poeple would know


this is a new site with new ideas and new beginnings old alias would not follow onto here unless you used that name again 

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Just now, Boss_Panda1245 said:

This certain person Im in discussion about has done this more recently then to think

and what I am saying is if they messed up then they messed up dans idea could use a one month alias memory and after a month the alias tab would remove the old ones

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Posted  Edited by FloppyDisk - Edit Reason: Cause Dan is annoying.

No. Enough said. 


Some people rather not have others remember their old names cause they might be trollingcuckboysthatdeservetogetfisted and don't want others to know about their terrible history. It just doesn't feel that needed. Maybe have Admin+ to see previous names but that should be about it.

Edited by FloppyDisk
Cause Dan is annoying.


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Posted  Edited by rapperdan
30 minutes ago, FloppyDisk said:

No. Enough said.

I am seeing alot of no but may I ask you're reasoning behind saying no? because with just "no" i'm getting no input as to why it should not be added please don't bash my thread with a bunch of "no" with zero input as to why you say "no" ty.

Edited by rapperdan

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No point for anyone who can't do stuff on the forums (I.E., ban, etc.) to be able to see past names. Maybe Managers+ if anyone, and if I had to bet some higher ups already can do this



was good knowin you


























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I'm confused, is this about whose viewing your profile or your literal name changes history? Like some of you guys are talking about this and the other is talking about that.


credits to @Clavers

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1 hour ago, Bae said:

I'm confused, is this about whose viewing your profile or your literal name changes history? Like some of you guys are talking about this and the other is talking about that.


everyone is talking about the same thing. Viewing name change history on the persons profile


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No. If I change my name permanently(which I've touched with for the past couple of months), I do NOT want people to instantly know who I am. Pretty much the same reason people change their real names, to get away from people and become a new person.

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4 hours ago, Otter said:

No. If I change my name permanently(which I've touched with for the past couple of months), I do NOT want people to instantly know who I am. Pretty much the same reason people change their real names, to get away from people and become a new person.

Here is another reason if I where to say change my name to some one elses name using a little character difference that looks exactly the same one may think that you are talking to someone else. Say for example I pm someone with a name but minor changes to it containing a character that looks exactly the same and you can not see name change history most likely you will keep talking to said person and possibly spilling alot of info you don't want them to know. There are many other reasons i'm sure.

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5 hours ago, Hatty said:

If I change my name I probably don't want it to be connected to me anymore.

I don't see any reason why a person VIP and under needs to see someones past names. I'm alright with Higher ups being able to see my name change history because I can't really do anything about them.  Why would a non-admin need to see someones name change history? They don't, its pointless and its none of their business.

Don't like the idea, I have my reasons of wanting my old names to be forgotten and buried forever, yet people still call me them.

But no, I don't want to be remembered by certain names.


( also, I have my reasons of why I don't want to be remembered by those name, which I don't want to talk about )


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The way I see it, if we have the ability to change our name and basically vanish from prying eyes then people are more likely to abuse the ability and disappear, in reality its a good idea and it could be modded to have it set to a month of aliases and after a month the old ones are removed 

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10 minutes ago, Bouncing said:

The way I see it, if we have the ability to change our name and basically vanish from prying eyes then people are more likely to abuse the ability and disappear, in reality its a good idea and it could be modded to have it set to a month of aliases and after a month the old ones are removed 

Personaly I view it the same way it's almost like abusing a trust system think about the next person and then the next we will never know who we are dealing with or there history at any time. Personaly I feel people have the right to know who they are talking to it's like leaving all users open to a attack by being preyed on and having no idea who they are talking to. This is like letting a monster hide in you're house but he could be you're mother you're father or you're brother. It's like hiding a person who wants to attack others inside someone elses skin. it's not right and it like scamming a user out of there right to know who they are talking to.

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I like the idea of having the name stick around for a small time period, say a month. After a month the name would be completely gone from the site and would leave no traces. I understand why people are saying no however. People wanting to disappear instantly would have a hard time doing so with that type of feature. How about an on/off switch :S

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