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[11-15-16] CS:GO Rebuilding

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I have moved this to the CS:GO section since I feel all of our Members and players should know about this.


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Posted  Edited by Darkling - Edit Reason: Added my color and center alignment · Hidden

I would also suggest while your deep scanning to open up a message with all admins/ops of the server.


I include ops for a good reason as in my time on the CSGO surf timer, I have seen ops who have been on much more then the admins.


Not saying this to call anyone out but just that they may have a better idea of what is and isn't wrong with their server 


(I know that we can message our server managers but it's also a good idea to let them know what is actually happening whilst your scanning it)

Edited by Darkling
Added my color and center alignment



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2 hours ago, Bae said:

Poor climb timer, going to be cut-off again. 


Temporary cut off until proper management assumes position. All these servers have a huge amount of potential, Jailbreak was once on the cutting block. The community should look for good leadership within our administrative teams and not be afraid to utilise the already good staff members. If a good manager is willing to take another server, they should be given the chance. 




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On 15/11/2016 at 4:14 PM, Darkling said:


I include ops for a good reason as in my time on the CSGO surf timer, I have seen ops who have been on much more then the admins.


OPs are not just there to look pretty :) we actually do the job :P


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