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What was your first day like?

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What was your first day on a GFL server like?

Just another random question I thought would be cool to ask

My story: Going through the server browser of CS:GO I was looking for a jailbreak server (This was around August of last year), and I found a cool looking server with a decent population; not to many not to little. So I loaded up the server, waited for the maps to download and hopped on, It was a cool community. (This was before I really got to understand what the rules to JB were, I had only played about 1 other server without fully understanding it.) I joined ct, baited a few times like a dumbass, and did a great accidental MFK with a negev (Got rushed by a t and sprayed at him and killeld a shit ton of people) and got ct banned. It was a great first day on GFL

(Keep in mind this is before I really got into the server) 

P.S. "I know" @PaulaDeen


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@LegendaryFluff :( I was a minigame OG... I even was manager for a while :FeelsBadMan:



I became apart of GFL all from a friend that accidentally invited me to the CS:GO Deathrun server.  From there, I just kept on playing and met a lot of cool people there.  Which eventually lead me to playing CS:GO Minigames, Bhop and so on.


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Well for me 



2011: looked for dr server *Gmod*after one I was in shut down saw gfl and saw plenty of people were on I log on and it's just like booming with laughter, so i decided to stay for awhile Jake was manager at the time then we had gfl mom and glow stick for admins and they were cool then i almost got admin when I was 6 but Jake said I was to young otherwise I would of gotten admin LOL! when he got demoted I left. 


2015-2017: looked for dr server once again saw gfl and remembered it so logged on first admin I met was @CaVeSxxOfxxIcE then from then on I joined ts3 and everyone seemed chill, after awhile got admin on it then after 2 months I got head admin it shut down so I just stayed around TS logging on quite often now and a few days ago applied for csgo dr, hopefully to get it to help out sweg


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I'm really confused about all the legitimate GFL and gaming topics going to Off-Topic, and the converse as off-topic looking threads are going into General Discussion.  Anyhoo: The CS:S Zombie Escape server at the end of 2014 really caught my attention, and it was the first time I had seen anything like it before.


I was a part of another reputable group with a reputation for being strict and use to even ban people with reasons like "Have fun in GFL" as if it were a bad thing.  GFL had the "cancer" reputation.  I like to consider myself a pretty open-minded person and I typically explore any "competition", but I instead fell in love while visiting here.  The server was definitely cancerous, but it was also a ton of fun, and there was nothing too imposing neither degrading for the game.  People were loud, there were racial slurs and excessive cursing, and people would bhop and troll here and there, but it more often added to the fun instead of ruining the rounds as the other community had theoretical predicted.


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Back in late 2013/mid-2014 were the first times I started playing CS:GO surf RPG EU server, but never became a frequent player. I was under the name "- Rin -". People would catch me online every now and then but never constantly. I never really talked to anyone, since I was 12-13 and socially anxious. Then, in late 2014/early 2015, it's when I started to become more active and played it more often. Many of my great friends I met there no longer play on the server, but we all built a lot of memories together until early this year. @Octavia was the very first person I met and started to talk to, and later then it was @Johaw. I was known for being a tryhard and for nerding, because I had an objective of beating the ranked 1 player at the time. I was always on and played a lot every day for 2 whole years.

Then I got operator from the former manager and I built my way up to manager of the server. I tried to be a good leader for some good 5 months but stress got to me.

Now I'm where I'm at and I'm glad I got to meet all the great people I'm friends with here in GFL.




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Posted  Edited by positive
5 hours ago, _Eli said:

my first day was in 2013, but i think it was purge, and i mass rdmed. 

Purge didn't launch until 2014


I believe that my first general CSS play was back in 2010(or 2011? not sure) when I went on pF every once in a while, then stopped playing and came back a few years later to find this place, went on ZE mid-2013

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ahh It was Fall 2016, i was looking for top csgo ze so i can enjoy my ze life. And GFL hit me, truly i haven't tried other ze servers - gfl is my main. Except for css where i play before moving to csgo and now i only play csgo. Because of those gfl fags, now i stuck here forever :lenny:

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Played rpg us had no mic brand new pc so had no friends met @Nyarowa and then @PaulaDeena bit later got admin because my boi @Infantry asked if i wanted it and gave it to me and i got admin on more and more servers then eventually being demoted from being banned on gmod then unbanned and got admin on multiple servers again then manager and i resigned earlier this week

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I joined on July 2014, my first day was fun. It happened on TTT, I met Sugar, The Lama Farmer, Pasquali and his little minions, and those days of TTT was fun. I'm not saying TTT now isn't, but I don't play on it anymore or more so not as much as I used to. People were friendly and I don't know. I was mostly focused on TTT and the introduction forum :3


credits to @Clavers

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Back around 2012, I bought good and joined one of my friends without knowing what they were playing. They happened to be playing on TTT and I liked the server a lot despite the cancer and decided to live with it.







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