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Hello everyone!

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Posted  Edited by Jcfraven

While I am aware of a thread that was apparently designed for introductions, judging by the lack of backlash from another user doing a separate thread, I ended up determining that it ultimately did not matter if I were to do a separate thread for introductions, so I opted to do so. Hopefully I do not get yelled at for it.


In any case, who am I? Instead of going on a deep philosophical discussion in response to that question, I will opt for the boring, concise, and actually informative approach to it.


The name you will either come to love or hate is that of Raven, a former moderator of three years for a since-dead organization that hosted Garry's Mod servers. The list of gamemodes I have moderated for are at the bottom, due to not knowing how to do a hidden contents/spoiler tag properly, apparently.


Regarding any other specifics, I am afraid that I will not relay too much in the way of detail, for privacy and security purposes, which I hope you guys understand. It is nothing against you lot, but those two things matter immensely to me.


However, what I am willing to divulge is that I am a Conservative Christian Apologist, who enjoys interacting with other people and helping them out the best I can. Wherever I end up online or in real life, I try my best to do what I can for those around me, and Games For Life will be another place where I hope to do so. We may disagree at times, and that is fine, but regardless of disagreements, I do hope we can get along alright.


Beyond that, I am a very studious individual, who tries to learn as much as I can about a plethora of topics, the first and foremost being, of course, Christianity and the Bible, but also other topics that go hand-in-hand with the art of Apologetics. I am also open and honest, and will not hesitate to tell you my thoughts on various matters and be direct with you if you ask for my opinion or the situation demands it.


If you wonder how I arrived here, I was told of this community by your Creative Team member and Trial Admin "Rose," a former partner so-to-speak back where we used to help keep servers in check with moderation(as "EVIPs," as detailed below). She appears to enjoy this place, so I decided to see how it was for myself, and I am happy she mentioned it to me.


Other than that, unless you have any specific questions for me, that is who I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance, and may the future of Games For Life be prosperous, and serve the gaming community for years to come.


God Bless!

-Raven(I wish I still had an old signature of mine, I need to get a new one made at some point)

  • Forums - "Crisis Admin," as I like to put it, but primarily just a Moderator
  • Jailbreak - Mentor
  • Dark Roleplay - Moderator
  • Sandbox - Trial Moderator
  • Deathrun - Trial Moderator

In terms of Games For Life, Moderators would be Admins, and I guess "Crisis Admin," in that list would be the equivalent of a "Crisis Server Manager," on here. Basically, I was promoted to push back against a split that happened that resulted in a completely different "organization," splintering off from organization prime. If that makes sense, great, and if not, I apologize for being sparse with details(cannot exactly advertise other communities, so detailing it is out of the question, even though they have all since died off, to my knowledge, and are non-existent now).

I also served as a rank known as EVIP(pretty much a Trial Admin) doing similar to the above for Jailbreak.

Edited by Jcfraven

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Posted  Edited by DoctorDJ

Welcome to GFL i hope you enjoy your stay and i get to know you more   looks like we have another brony @Xy_ :lenny:

Edited by DoctorDJ

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1 hour ago, DoctorDJ said:

Welcome to GFL i hope you enjoy your stay and i get to know you more   looks like we have another brony @Xy_ :lenny:

Hopefully so, and thank you for the welcome.


23 minutes ago, Rose said:

Welcome to my homeland, Raven. :)


(And maybe I will make you a new signature) c:

Thank you for telling me about it, and if you are serious, I would love for you to do so, and I could send you some particular details for it. Just message me if you get the time to do so and are willing to.

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Welcome to GFL!


Your vocabulary is immense, I like it. I to am a studious individual but probably not as much as you are, or even the same subjects.


If you need a signature I wouldn't mind making a non animated one for you for free. Just DM me some specifics of what you want and I'll do my best to get around to making it.


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 Bedlam Buddy
/// come with me /// come with me /// come with me /// come with me ///
❝ ⋯⋯ \\ I'll devour you \\\ I'll eat you up real good }} ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ▊█

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ // ❝Welcome to GFL // ▬▬▬

Welcome to GFL, Jcfraven. Uh, I got to say... This is a bit different introduction

than the ones I've been reading for this year. But I truly hope you enjoy your 

stay as long as you can. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We aren't

that rude but I can be rude sometimes, just don't get on my bad side, that's


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ // ❝ Important Information❞ // ▬▬▬
▶If you haven't already done so, apply for membership at:http://gflclan.com/memberapplication

▶If you wish to be a supporter/vip, go to: http://gflclan.com/donate

▶ If you have problems or concerns regarding the server you play on, check the forum game section to see if any of your related concerns are answered. If not, go ahead and ask.

▶ Have a problem with a player or an admin? Record and report on the forums. If it's an admin report, keep it in Private Message to the appropriate manager of the server.

▶ Want to know what servers we have? Click on each game forum section. They'll have a Gametracker IP attached to it.

▶ Good at GFX Design or making Videos? Join the Creative Team! There is currently no leader, but I'm co-leader. You may https://gflclan.com/forms/2-creative-application/




credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Jcfraven
2 hours ago, AnimaVestra said:

Welcome to GFL!


Your vocabulary is immense, I like it. I to am a studious individual but probably not as much as you are, or even the same subjects.


If you need a signature I wouldn't mind making a non animated one for you for free. Just DM me some specifics of what you want and I'll do my best to get around to making it.


1 hour ago, Bae said:


Thank you both for your welcomes!

To @AnimaVestra - I appreciate your offer, and I may end up messaging you as well regarding a signature. I always love seeing the various designs people do!

To @Bae - I appreciate the wealth of information, even though a lot of it will not apply to me for a while yet, due to not actually going in-game, and my lack of creativity. Also, I am no stranger to both banter and genuine anger, mayhaps we shall one day engage in a sparring of words(hopefully as the former, not the latter).


Have a blessed one both of you!

Edited by Jcfraven

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4 hours ago, AnimaVestra said:

I to am a studious individual

Really? :lenny:



Anyway, hi there @Jcfraven. You can call me Winter. I'm the Manager of Garry's Mod Murder, and an admin for Garry's Mod Deathrun and Ragdoll Combat (once RC gets released, lol). I do play other various server however so if you need anything don't hesitate to add me :)


I'll put my Steam profile below in case you would like to add me.



Cheers, and welcome.



Aspiring OWL Player

Official Fat Cunt of GFL


  • Former GFL Council Member
  • Former Deathrun Server Manager
  • Former Murder Server Manager (2x)
  • Former Forum/Discord/TS Moderator
  • Former Member Acceptor
  • Former Prop Hunt Admin
  • Former Breach Admin
  • Former Ragdoll Combat Admin
  • Former Hide and Seek Admin



















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1 hour ago, Flooooooooooooooooooooooof said:

Hey dude, welcome to GFL!

Come stop by CSGO Jailbreak or teamspeak sometime, as you will find myself and many others there! 

See you soon and enjoy your stay at GFL!




36 minutes ago, Winter said:

Really? :lenny:



Anyway, hi there @Jcfraven. You can call me Winter. I'm the Manager of Garry's Mod Murder, and an admin for Garry's Mod Deathrun and Ragdoll Combat (once RC gets released, lol). I do play other various server however so if you need anything don't hesitate to add me :)


I'll put my Steam profile below in case you would like to add me.



Cheers, and welcome.

Thank you for the kind welcomes, and Ragdoll Combat sounds interesting @Winter. Whenever I get a proper computer, I will happily check it out!

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Hey my dude... Welcome to GFL. I'm not well known, but have been here for a while and I can honestly say it's a very impressive and upbeat community. I hope you are treated well, soar to great heights.:)





 Made by THE amazingly talented @Rose

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1 hour ago, CheesyFishBitz said:

Hey my dude... Welcome to GFL. I'm not well known, but have been here for a while and I can honestly say it's a very impressive and upbeat community. I hope you are treated well, soar to great heights.:)



Thank you for the welcome, and it definitely appears to be a wonderful community. I appreciate the kind words, and may God guide your path!

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12 minutes ago, Xy_ said:

Whale cum to gfl

We got som servers, they purdy gud.

Scoots, did you and Applebloom break into the cider cellar?


In all seriousness, thank you for the welcome!

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I don't normally post in these topics but I get the vibes that you seem like a pretty chill and cool guy.


Hop on our servers and apply for member for some pretty cool perks on your favourite servers. Other then That, have a good time in GFL!



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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6 hours ago, Snoopy said:

I don't normally post in these topics but I get the vibes that you seem like a pretty chill and cool guy.


Hop on our servers and apply for member for some pretty cool perks on your favourite servers. Other then That, have a good time in GFL!

I am happy to be the rare occasion you reply Snoopy(funnily enough, I had just looked into wiki page for Snoopy out of curiosity yesterday)! Thank you for the welcome, and hopefully we will talk on the Chatbox, since I cannot actually go onto the servers. 

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