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fidget spinners

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So browsing the internet leads to weird things (if u know what I mean :lenny:)

but I have found the most disturbing.


most, mind boggling.


most waste of time 






ok continue on with your day






thanks @Violator

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7 hours ago, EJ. said:

Can we just make a subforum named "Astro's Shitposts". It'll save all of us the cancer.

This is needed.


߷ spinner of fidgets ߷


thanks @Violator

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Posted  Edited by Tomas - Edit Reason: more spinners


Edited by Tomas
more spinners

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They have fidget spinner apps too :toxic:

- Triggered -

Creative Team (GFX) 

Former Hide and Seek Manager 

Former Purge Admin

PM me for personal requests

Idk like it kinda sucks 2 suck unless you like sucking :B|:

Fᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤ

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