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Minor Buffs of Major Objects of Anomalous Interest

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack

This is the part where I ramble on to make this suggestion seem long. Don't really need to though.


This is also the part where I introduce that this is just a collection of tweaks that could potentially be added to affect gameplay as and against SCPs. having one of these suggestions alone will probably be an understatement, but there aren't that many to include so don't worry, this isn't like my novelties suggestions where you'll be reading off lists.


Anyways, here some of the tweaked SCPs.



  • No longer passively uncloaks.
  • When disguised, jumping repeatingly will uncloak SCP-372. (Each jump has a 10 second cooldown while disguised) (When not disguised, feel free to spam all you like.)
  • Slight health buff. (just 100 more health, not that much)
  • Note, SCP-372's "name" is still visible with the crosshair. You can still see this whether he's cloaked or not!

I'm pretty sure we all had times when we were inconvienced by 372's uncloak passive at one point or another. It's unfair that RNG basically decides when you uncloak. This allows 372 users to be more stealthy, but also makes sure cloaked 372s can't just jump all the way to the exit, especially on the surface, making so its actually challenging for 372 to escape, allowing players an actual chance to stop a breaching 372.


Keep in mind, the fact that one may catch "glimpses" of 372 is still present, in the way that his name can be seen with the crosshair. Unlike passive redisguise, he doesn't stick out like a sore thumb when he uncloaks in the most awkward area. Glimpses of 372's name are a lot more common than you would expect, especially inside the facility, still giving players an edge of 372's presence.



  • Model change: uses a poison zombie playermodel.
  • Slight speed upgrade for all every 610-related class. (not as fast as a running player, but faster than walking players)
  • Screen gets a red vignette effect that progressively get darks as time continues.

This change may seem pointless, but it makes 610 stand out more from the crowd, while still retaining the "fleshy" feeling that 610 instances present themselves with. It also helps players differentiate the true 610 from a horde of other 610 instances, allowing them to take note for the real vector of the infection.


Due to 610 being a bit disliked on the server, upping their speed makes them a challenge to encounter, creating a real outbreak when 610 is present. The vignette is a fun way to show how deep the player is into the transformation process.


SCP-795(oh boy)

  • Significant health buff: 1300 HP. (see explanation pls)
  • Cat Scratch!: Deals bleed. (It's a cat afterall)
  • Mice speed is reduced, for compensation of small hitbox.
  • Chance to turn into mice is changed slightly, now 15%.

It's kinda' scary thinking that 795 has notoriously lower health than your average SCP-372, and has nearly as much base health as a zombie. While yes, difficulty plays a part, and even regarding 795's passive when attacked, you need to consider 795's gameplay compared to other SCPs.


SCP-795 is an offensive SCP, also known as the "type that runs right into your face". This includes SCPs like 106, 457, 096, 049, and even 1048 (though due to its small hitbox it has lower health). SCPs in that category are decked with health, because their playstyle expects mass resistance on the part of players; they will likely be experiencing gunfire at them all round.


Because of this, 795 is well deserving of a health buff. Even considering that people that damage it may turn into mice, in an event where it's utterly surrounded by numerous armed MTF and whatnot, it will lose a majority of its health, which isn't that much to begin with anyways. It's not like 795 has any real means to play stealthily or anything. It cannot cloak like 372, or drive people away from it like 066, or teleport away like 1471. In order to play as 795, you usually have to be chasing people around, which is not the type of gameplay that 795's health is suited for.



  • Slight health buff, nothing too special. (probably 250 more)
  • Infected can be seen through walls. (see explanation pls)
  • Your best friend!: Infected can hear 1471 speak (using vc and chat) through every radio channel.

SCP-1471 is honestly a fairly good class, though some other people may disagree. A slight amp in health may be appreciated, though 1471 has teleportation to cover for it. You're not meant to run straight at gunfire as 1471.


In all honesty, the fact that 1471 only can hunt infected people feels more like of restriction on gameplay than any real use. To provoke the feeling of stealth and support that 1471 could have had, and to let players know that there is an entity eerily stalking them, SCP-1471 can see infected only through walls. Instead of relying purely on its teleportation to hunt down victims, 1471 can utilize this to navigate to their victim.


The last tweak is purely a fun way that 1471 can toy with its victims, and to give the impression that 1471 is truly a really weird friend they found on an app. Though, pressing R will disable 1471's radio speak if it wants to privately converse with other SCPs.



  • Envy of the Saturn Prophet!: SCP-2845's attacks get faster each he "misses" (doesn't kill a person with his attack). When he kills someone, his attack speed resets. Attack speed has a max obviously, which is 1. This represents the time it takes for his attack to "explode". SCP-2845 could technically "charge" his attack when he encounter someone by targetting nobody, especially when the round begins.

OR (alternate choice)

  • Wrath of the Saturn Prophet!: SCP-2845 can use his attack, twice. This meaning, he can have a max of two of his attacks active at the same time, allowing him to target large crowds of people more efficiently, making him the godly menace that he was meant to be,

It is arguable whether 2845 is OP or not. Though, SCP-2845's attacks are meant to be used against unsuspecting people, which mean typing people, unsuspecting campers, and people opening doors, it's becomes apparent that it's incredibly hard to predict where a person goes to properly time your events.


You can pick one of the two different attack improvements I suggested. I personally love the Wrath one better, due to being easier to code, and makes being near 2845 more unpredictable and chaotic, which brings amps the fear of encountering him. Both attacks though, make SCP-2845 a more competent SCP to deal with.



  • Slight health buff, that's really it (just 250 more HP)

SCP-066 is slightly lacking in the health department, but you know, unlike what a lot of people may say, 066 is powerful when utilized correctly. SCP-066 is an ambush-type class, meant to surprise players who least expect it, which is why its health is signifcantly lower, giving players the impression that they aren't exactly meant to rush at people.



  • Blah blah blah, another slight health buff. (just 100 more HP)

SCP-939 is as fine as it is. A small health buff could compensate for its large hitbox, and 939 does have an aggressive playstyle when not disguised, so a small health tweak is welcomed. Not much needs to be changed about 939, the fact that it now redisguises and that killing other people makes it redisguise faster is amazing.



  • ROAR!: image.png.f7bca7e5f9a4bf867ee52e7682407c13.pngimage.png.40053da39d0a8cc62600e8c3a58f1b95.png 

You probably get the point, so I'll be quick. 682's only real sound is the soft thudding of bodies when it kills a swarm of TRO and whatnot. Other than that, it's completely mute. A roar could add depth to 682's class, just simply making it seem more, well, like 682. Though, it could also be used to telegraph 682's presence, and whether the player might be screwed if it happen to be charging behind them.



  • I hope you are aware of this, but fix the healing item bug. (SCP-378 cannot use healing items)

Currently, 378's bug with health kits and SCP-500 completely breaks gameplay, regarding classes playing against SCP-378. You probably know what it is because you've seen it in-game.


Look, if you wanted to keep this, you could at least make medkits and 500 heal 100 HP and not simply revert them to their max health. In turn, if you were to tweak medkits for that you would need to dial down SCP-378's health.


Agh, ok I'm done here. Some of these might be implemented, because there's is no need to implement every single thing on this list, unless you really want to. And of course, not every thing on the list may be viewed to the same standard of each other. If you have any comments or concerns, leave it below.

Edited by Doomnack

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Posted  Edited by Supreme leader 049

+1 on all the different buffs except 372, I think his abilitys and health are fine along with being able to see his name tag when he's invisable because it makes him different from 966. Also I have to agree with you on the 2845 wrath being the better of the two.


Edited by Supreme leader 049

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I like the idea of 610 having the poison headcrab zombie playermodel.

I think the original 610 should have that playermodel so players can distinguish the two.

This will also let 610 lose health more since the hurtbox will be bigger and have a better reason to have more health than fucking 682.

If this is ever implemented, I would want it to have the poison headcrab zombie's animations.


066 definitely needs more health since it's vulnerable from far away or when it's attack is still on cooldown. 066 also dies pretty early.


682 definitely needs a roar to fit 682's destructive capabilities.




It would be nice if 2845 were to have 2 attacks.


795 definitely needs a health buff.


I agree with 372 uncloaking after spamming multiple leaps. I've seen 372 past by MTF outside with just leaping by them while cloaked.


C O U G H    C O U G H     3 7 8     W I T H      T R O      M E D I C      M E D K I T    C A N     H E A L    O T H E R     S C P S       C O U G H.


Overall: +1

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+1 to all of 372.


+1 to all of 1471.


-1 to the first 2845, easily explotiable and he can just charge it super often.


+1 to second 2845, but i think that should have a cooldown.


0 to 066. seems pretty pointless to me, as ive never had problems with health as 066.


0 to 939. Its range and disguise abilities compensate for the hitbox just fine. If i were to tweak him at all, i'd remove his collisions and allow him to sprint.


+100 to 682 i didnt know how much i wanted this but i want this.


+1 to 378. i wasnt aware of this bug but this is just researcher cat 2.0.

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