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Hello there,


This topic is strictly for helping the zombie escape players who want to know the map, beat the boss, completing the round, and etc.


So feel free to put a guide in this thread and share it to everyone!!111!!!!!



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Posted  Edited by Aurelien


Wanderers lvl 2 Boss, Electro: Move to the right box!

Heavens Fall: Move as far away from the Box falling and when it falls, you move to it.

Cauterize: Move where the red/black boxes is not placed.


Wanderers lvl 3 Boss, split up and defend, do not stand on the black platform and item users needs to use items when needed.


Wanderers lvl 4 and 5 Boss, Akh Morn: Wait for someone to heal.

Earth Shaker: Move where the earth platforms isn't headed to.

ADS Attack: Shoot the zombies or the moving ADS platforms.

Heavens Fall: Read lvl 2 boss.

Flare: Get away from the red thingy.

Tempest Wing: Get to the end of the platform, and press S when it drags you.


Lvl 2 lasers: Dodge the incoming lasers

Lvl 3 lasers: Jump or crouch.

Lvl 4 and 5 lasers: Dodge the incoming lasers by jumping or crouching, last part too.


ITEMS: Flare(lvl, 3 and 4): Basically creates an area of fire and burns zombies for 5 seconds.

Bird Armys Paeon(lvl3, 4 and 5): Unlimited Ammo for a couple of seconds.

Mount Night Mare(lvl3, 4 and 5): Creates a wall that blocks individuals for 5 seconds.

White Mage Benediction(lvl4 and 5): Heals everyone near you(ONLY USE AT START OF LVL 4 AND 5 BOSS)!

Shadow Flare(lvl 3 and 4): Creates an area of electricity that slows and damages zombies for 5 seconds.

Paladin Shield Oath(lvl 3, 4 and 5): Creates an area that freezes zombies.


Edited by Aurelien



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Posted  Edited by PB-n-J - Edit Reason: Cause.

Beginners Guide to ZE: Pirates Port Royal




I figure I can take a crack at one of the most commonly played maps in ZE, giving you, the "noob" some ideas or tips for this map and a better understanding.


Step 1: If Whim(AKA "Glorious Leader") is on and providing instructions, you FOLLOW THEM. Don't try to be a hero, don't try to run away from the group or do anything if you DO NOT KNOW THE MAP. Whim is your god here. Follow him without question.


Step 2: If, for whatever reason, Whim is not on, then some steps are necessary to understanding this map. First, the map recently changed, and some of the older players will have gotten used to the new layout. With luck, you'll have someone on voice to do callouts.


Step 3: Profit!


Explanation on ITEMS:


Sword - Available on all levels, the sword serves as a push to hold the zombies at bay for a few seconds. A tip for the sword is to use it in prime places while standing still, otherwise you may fall subject to the swords side-effect. Side-effect for this item is pretty easy to understand, that it being a push item is if you run forward it will fling zombies around, resulting in potential team-killing. (Trust me when I say that this has happened many, many times before. And likely will continue to happen.)


Bubbles - Available on all levels, bubbles is a slowing motion which drastically slows down the zombies. To date, I have not heard of any negative side-effects for this item. Recommendation: a good starter item for newer players wanting to try out items.


Wall - Available on all levels, the wall serves as a temporary blockade to keep the zombies at bay, if for a few seconds. A tip for this item is that it comes in VERY handy on the final level in the boss fight against the Kraken. Pro players are recommended for this item on the final level. Side-effect of this item is cutting off fellow players in crucial places, i.e. "trimming". Please understand "trimming" may be necessary on the final level to out the Krakens health.


Barrel - Available on all levels, the barrel serves as a deterrant, slowing down the zombies in a somewhat modified version of the grenade, but lasting a few seconds longer. A personal favorite, the barrels only real side-effect I can think of off hand is view-blocking in certain areas. Other than that, I'd also recommend this as a good starter item for new players.


Heal - Available on levels 4 & 5, the heal is exactly as it implies, helping to keep the health of the team up due to large attacks from the level bosses, i.e. Barbossa for level 4 or the Kraken for level 5. 


Medallion - Available on levels 4 & 5, the medallion is a good nuke attack that can kill many zombies at once, if used in the right time/place. Side-effects for this item are that it can only be used ONCE in the round. Once it is used, you can toss it away. Second, is that the nuke will take a few seconds to build up, so timing is crucial, however I would recommend doing it away from the team due to the amount of light it gives off(i.e., when fighting Kraken, use it on the FRONT RIGHT side of the ship so view isn't obstructed).


Explanation on BOSSES:


Level 1 - No boss. Run like hell.


Level 2 - Cannon. Shoot it before it reaches the gate.


Level 3 - Pirate. He has a few basic attacks, but keep moving or keeping him on the opposite side of the room usually works to keep yourself and others alive.


Level 4 - Barbossa. More or less the same as the pirate boss, but take into account that the area you fight Barbossa in WILL be smaller. So you WILL see players die. His two attacks are a cannonball that causes some damage to all players in a small area, AND an instant kill slice attack. If backed into a corner and Barbossa is coming for you, well...


Level 5 - Kraken. Arguably, a fun but tough boss as its health is determined by the number of players alive that reach it. Has multiple attacks. When first facing the Kraken, players and admins most times will call out two of its more common attacks since these two can(and have) killed many, many players in just one shot. Instead of actually listing attacks, I'm going to avoid doing so, so you as a new player can see and learn what to do.


Overall, I hope this is helpful to some.













Wilford brimley: You may want to explain the boss attacks lol
Wilford brimley: It's a guide so people can come to learn how to play against it
Wilford brimley: Not the opposite lol




I lost everything I was typing in detail cause the website hates me.






LEVEL 2: Cannon


SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER UNTIL IT BREAKS! (Side-note: watch the small hole on the left. Recommend 2-3 players to keep watch to keep zombies out. Everyone else: read above.)


LEVEL 3: Pirate


SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER UNTIL IT STAYS DEAD! (Has one running slash attack which is insta-kill on your part, and a dagger-like thing throwing attack which hurts but may not kill if you have high enough health. Recommend to keep moving, keep him on the OTHER side of the room.)


LEVEL 4: Barbossa


SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER UNTIL HE RUNS LIKE A LITTLE BITCH! (Mostly the same as the pirate boss, but a little faster. Throws a cannonball out in a random direction every so often which explodes. STAY AWAY FROM IT. Other than that, keep moving and shoot, and try to keep him on the opposite side of the room.)


LEVEL 5: Kraken




Vortex - Very little warning given, hold 'S' and DO NOT LET GO, JUMP, OR CROUCH. You will just get sent flying into the water. (Instant death)

Wave - Hold 'W' and run forward. A shorter attack than the vortex, but it can be just as devastating if combo'ed with the previous attack. (And the Kraken WILL do that every so often.)

Barrel - Launches a barrel onto the center of the platform. Stay off to the left side. (Tip: One of two attacks that break the back wall.)

Splash - Pushes players inward to the center of the platform, and removes a small amount of health. (Tip: One of two attacks that breaks the back wall.)

Bubbles - Launches ALL living players into the air. DO NOT MOVE. You can fall off into the water. STAY STILL. Also removes a small amount of health.

Surprise attack(new): Zombie launch - Launches a random zombie onto the platform. This zombie is equipped with a lit cannonball, so basically it's as jihad. SHOOT THIS ZOMBIE OFF IMMEDIATELY.



There's more for afterward, but I'm not inclined to expand on it right now.

Edited by PB-n-J













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Posted  Edited by whim4life



Map by Luffaren


Stage 3 (part 2)


The first consideration is that the map is buttfucking long as shit, stage 2 being extremely fuckbutting long. Thus just like frostdrake, leaders and helpers should say as many notes as you possibly can to ensure that no one dies to their stupidity. Thus there will be a lot of things to point out.


Here's the link for this guide since its 11 pages long: -


https://www.dropbox.com/s/cuuxkf3gmnkjt5k/ZE SANTASSINATION NOTES 2.2.docx?dl=0

Edited by whim4life

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Ze_interception guide:

- There are 2 spawn points, 1 at the lower mountain pathway, and 1 at the upper sewer. Lower mountain folks need to BTFO really quick to the sewer drop point, meanwhile sewer guys have to hold zombies for about 10 seconds after the sewer cage break to let the lower folks get pass the drop point safely ( recommended since there are non-bhoppers ).

- Defend behind the broken fence till the 1st gate opens, fall back to trigger the 2nd gate while defenders fall back to 1st gate. DO NOT HUG THE 2ND GATE AS IT KILLS. When 2nd gate opens, there is a 15 seconds delay until zombie teleport to the gate, make sure to time it right. At this part there are 4 holding points: left-right side and 2 vents in the middle; preferably shoot all the vents and stand on the box at the other end to defend, side defenders have to alert the others when zombie gains ground on them to fall back.

- When the 3rd gate opens, defend the narrow red corridor for 10 seconds, fall back to the doorway and defend till 4rd gate open as there is a vent that becomes breakable after 10 seconds and zombie can flank humans.

- When the 4rd gate opens, DO NOT GO TO THE RIGHT SIDE, you will read on it later, EVERYONE FUCKING GO LEFT SIDE. Hold the corners and fall back if zombie gains ground too quickly, cage door opens after 15 seconds. When it breaks, jump off it as there is a ladder. Defend each narrow corner till the elevator arrives, get inside and prefire zombies ( recommended to set voice_enable 1 to listen to others at this point ).

- Jump off the elevator, follow the line and defend the next door, when it opens 1 nade to zombies that are pursuing you, 1 nade to the right side when you made it out of the door ( to stall the zombie there a bit ). Keep following the line until you see a room with boxes, this is the hardest part. There is a vent in the room that zombie in the right side can get in and flank, need 4 defenders there ( preferably 3 Negevs and 1 Nova ); meanwhile others defend behind the boxes till you see Console says "Dual-doors are opening", fall back immediately, Negevs shoot at the back, 1 nade to human's 1 hr o'clock facing the door as zombie is behind that door ( do not worry since the door on the right side always open slower than the left side ). Get out, push all zombies off and turn right, heading to the final elevator, defend OUTSIDE the elevator till you see Console says "10 seconds" then get inside immediately and prefire. Hard part is over.

- Get off the elevator, trigger doors and defend each corner when you are waiting for the door to open. When you hear the music changes, this is the final hold. Everyone defend at the middle of the bridge for 30 seconds, then get inside and prefire. GGWP

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Posted  Edited by TriAsian


10 hours ago, whim4life said:



Map by Luffaren


Stage 3 (part 2)


The first consideration is that the map is buttfucking long as shit, stage 2 being extremely fuckbutting long. Thus just like frostdrake, leaders and helpers should say as many notes as you possibly can to ensure that no one dies to their stupidity. Thus there will be a lot of things to point out.


Here's the link for this guide since its 11 pages long: -


https://www.dropbox.com/s/cuuxkf3gmnkjt5k/ZE SANTASSINATION NOTES 2.2.docx?dl=0

11 Pages for ONLY Stage 2. GOD DAMN

Edited by TriAsian

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frostdrake tips from a pro

1) don't die. 

2) don't act like a cool kid and jump the gaps because you will die.

3) if you don't know how to strafeclimb ladders (look all the way up with your left or right side touching the ladder, then hold W while strafing against it) you will die. 

4) never do the parkour part because you will die. just trust the defense then immediately strafe climb the zombie ladder once it appears

5) on the final 60 second hold before the boss get behind the stacks of boxes and prefire an angle above the box you jumped over. don't try the box jump if you don't know how

6) the boss is easy once you know the pattern. All callouts are with respect to your back facing the gate and front facing the zombies. It goes LRRLLRRLLRRLLRRL and so on. Don't stay in the middle as you will get hit by the dives and the ice crystals.

7) defend the zombies then jump off the perch gg ez. 


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Posted  Edited by PB-n-J - Edit Reason: Good callout by Shiki

@Deltacommander  Is it possible to pin this? And maybe remove comments that are non-tryhard related?



Next up: Platformer!


Just kidding, just kidding. Only real rules to that map are to completely ignore Fidler, and hope the map doesn't break/spawn a safehouse at spawn.


Next up for real: Biohazard 2 - RPD


(NOTE: This guide is based on the assumption that you, the 'noob', have played and are familiar with the Raccoon Police Department from Resident Evil 2.)


A somewhat commonly played map. It is fun, but please understand there are a LOT of turns, so knowing where you're going is KEY to getting through this map. Fair amount of time there are some tryhards who already know, but just in case....


From the beginning, the map will start out in the subway. Immediately run forward and up the stairs at the end of the long pathway. You will forward forward, using a short path through a bus, run forward again to be in front of the iconic police station, and after taking the long way around the gate and coming back will finally be able to enter. Please note that the main doors will close soon so don't bother much with defending unless you are already inside. If inside, it is recommended to start pre-firing to cover any teammates that have fallen behind.


The doors will eventually close and you will be in the RPD lobby. There is a nearby secretary desk which will need to be used (simply press 'E' on it if no one else has) and then the first set of double doors on the left will open. Simply run, following the crowd if need be. You will enter a waiting room, go to the back wall and there is a door next to a window. Go through the door and you will come to a winding hallway, which you will follow, passing a set of double doors in the middle (nothing is there and they will not open) before eventually reaching the end of the hallway. Go through the lone door to see a staircase on the left, which is your current destination. Do not linger here as the zombies will be hot on your asses. Ignore going right for now, instead taking the staircase to the second floor where you'll go down a long hallway. You will pass by a broken door (You do not want to be here when those doors eventually break.) , and a statue. Behind the status is another door which will take you to a short, blue hallway. Immediately take the first door on the left. The team will need to get in quickly and DEFEND. There is no exit for this room, it is a hold point, SO. HOLD. Once enough time has passed and if zombies have been kept out, the door will close and teleport the zombies elsewhere.


When the door opens, immediately backtrack your way all the way to the lobby, meaning back past the status, back down the staircase, through the first door on the right, past the set of useless double doors in the hallway with (now broken) windows and through the reception area. Voila! Back in the lobby! Here, if you had taken a quick glance around after entering for the first time, you may have seen a single lone door to the right of the entrance doors. Ignore it, for now and go LEFT. There is a hidden ladder that will extend once you shoot it, and once it drops down you GET UP IMMEDIATELY. Unless there were a few to slow the zombies down they will be on you. Get up the ladder and go RIGHT. Go all the way down the exterior pathway to the single door on the left, and pass through the secretary's office. Once in this short hallway, turn right and get through that door opposite the hall. You will come to another winding hallway (I think the original creators had a thing for winding hallways...?) and will need to run all the way to the end. Pass by the silver door you come across, as it serves no purpose here. Once you reach the end of the hallway and exit, you will be on the roof!


Ignore the crashed helicopter, and go right, eventually coming to a long staircase which you need to get down, then do an immediate one-eighty and run down the pathway, taking a left to see a small shack. Get inside, cause this is your second hold point. Same as with the previous, keep the zombies out till the door closes. (Note: there is a valve handle in the back on a table, make sure someone grabs it to be able to proceed.) 


Once the doors re-open and the zombies are TP'ed out, it is CRITICAL to go back out THE WAY YOU CAME. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go out the back door. Simply trust me on this one. Go back the way you came, all the way up the stairs and back through the door. (Special note: If you happen to be leading the pack, skip the door for a moment and run through the gate, then right and over to the wall. Press 'E' to use the valve handle to burst the water tank.) And again, some backtracking is needed. Go back through the hallway, again skipping the silver door and out into the short hallway. Skip going to the secretary's room and go right. The flames should now be gone and you can pass safely to the door in the small hallway. Get inside. 


You will need to hold for a bit here, and the compressed can be both good and bad in terms of keeping the zombies out or letting them in. Obviously, keep them out. There should be a keycard on the edge of the desk, so grab it. Once the door closes, a small section of wall will lift up, allowing passage out through a broken section of wall. Here, you will be back on the second floor with the exterior hallway. Get moving by going down past the ladder to the first set of double doors you entered at the very beginning. Retracing your steps, go all the way back to the hall with the staircase, only this time ignore the staircase on the left, and go RIGHT. Press 'E' to use the keycard and the door will open. Run forward and through the door on the left. Immediately note the flipped tables, and actually make a point to do another hold here. Same as with the others, keep the zombies out. (Special note: If leading the pack, keep running forward to see a wooden door. Break it open and snag the key off of the desk then run back.)


Once sufficient time has passed, exit through the door on the OPPOSITE side of the room. It is the only other door in the door, and there is a small staircase (5 steps...really?) leading up to it. Once through it is time to go to the lone, ignored door to the right of the entrance doors. After entering, run forward PAST the double doors on the right (You'll come back to these soon enough, trust me.) and head right, past the vending machines and down the hall. Take the single door into a new hallway then jump over the crates where you need to hold again. It is by far easier to hold them here at this point than letting them in the hallway. (Special note: If leading the pack, keep running, ignoring the interrogation rooms on the right and enter the last door on the left to enter the briefing room. You should see a faintly lit key. Grab that.)


The zombies will disappear into one of the interrogation rooms, and one section of the back wall will break. Go through it to be back into the waiting area you -just- passed through, and then right. You should see the double doors from earlier, now on the left. Go through them. Without pausing, go through the detectives room to the other side, past the captains room on the left. Just after passing the back entrance take a left and go through. Keep running, past the windows, and you will see some descending stairs, of which you should immediately start descending to the basement. Follow the path to some crates and DEFEND at these crates. (Special note: In order to proceed, one player will need to find the key item for this area, which is located to the left on a shelf at the end of the hall. Once you grab that, double back an enter the generator room, and on the right side of the room is the missing slot. 'E' here and run back to defend. Also, please remember that going all the way down to the right is a locked door, and to press 'E' here if it has not already been done.)


Once you've defended for long enough, you'll hear a loud beep, which is the door with the keycard finally opening. Quickly run through the basement parking garage, ignoring the vehicles, and get through the door on the opposite side. Once through, go forward and then right. Shoot the grate then take the ladder down into the sewer, taking two quick rights before reaching some stairs. Get in and defend, as this is your next hold point. (Special note: On the table just inside the entrance is another key. Grab it.) Like before, defend until the door closes and the zombies are TP'ed away.


Now, for the final stretch. Once the doors open, backtrack to the sewer entrance. Once out, GO TO YOUR LEFT to the LAST dog kennel. The wall will break and you will be back in the underground parking garage. Time to run full stop cause this is the last leg. Get back through the door you came in, go back to and over the crates you previously held, back up the basement stairs. Keep running, back into and through the detectives office, back into the hallway/reception area and then go BACK through the lone door on the left to be back in the main lobby. Don't stop! Keep running on to the ladder and once up, GO LEFT. There are some double doors which lead into a library. Keep going, up the stairs on the far end against the wall, where you should see a vent. Shoot the grate to get outside, and once on the catwalk (...on the catwalk, yeah, the catwalk) get to the main area of the rook. 


Please note: This is the FINAL HOLD. You're almost to the end! Now, hold the zombies off, and it will be a bit tricky since there are TWO different ways, whether around the catwalk or underneath the AC. The good part is that there is still enough room to maneuver so the zombies can be held off. With enough time passing, the exit helicopter will approach. Some players will need to stay long enough to make sure the other can get on the ladder for the helicopter. Hold a bit more and congratulations!


I skipped the part about the rocket launcher since not many players know where the button is. I do know that it is one use ONLY, so if you DO get it please use it at a critical point, ONLY.





STOP 1: MAIN LOBBY - Don't die.


STOP 2: S.T.A.R.S. OFFICE - Defend. Don't die.


STOP 3: POLICE SHACK - Do NOT run out the back. You WILL die.


STOP 4: CHIEFS OFFICE: Defend. Don't die.


STOP 5: POLICE ROOM - Marvin Branaugh ain't here to defend yo ass, so defend and don't die.


STOP 6: BRIEFING ROOM - No time for photos. Don't die.


STOP 7: BASEMENT CRATES: Does it even need to be said by now? Defend, or die.


STOP 8: SEWER: Keep those filthy undead bastards out. Nothing worse than dying in wet gear.


STOP 9: LIBRARY - Well, it's more of just running through but you get the idea. Don't lag behind and die.


STOP 10: ROOFTOP - Defend until the helicopter arrives. Dying means you suck. So don't.

Edited by PB-n-J
Good callout by Shiki













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Posted  Edited by Shiki - Edit Reason: Grammar nazi
On 8/16/2016 at 1:56 AM, PB-n-J said:

Next up for real: Biohazard 2

Put RPD in the name, many ppl recognize it as RPD, since there is also Sewer

Edited by Shiki
Grammar nazi

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Posted  Edited by Shiki

Ze_Halloween_House guide ( special thanks to Silas "SoadY1991"'s walkthrough video and nub Whim's leadership in the same video )

- Step 1: Initial spawn: Do not get on top of the cockcroach if you see one, it kills. Shoot the doorbell to the upper right of the door, 5 seconds to door opening. No need to defend here.


- Step 2: Dead end windows: After door opens, there is a 20 seconds delay until it closes, zombie teleport to the far right ( the ghost fence ). Get on top of the books or stay at the candle to defend. 30 seconds delay between the moment a human triggers and the windows to break. Do not stay in the middle of the windows as you can be knocked off to the cockcroaches below leading to instant kill ( 1 million HP damage, not even your Delta can save yo ass ).


- Step 3: Cage siege: Jump over the windows, follow the line and make your way up top the paper box then onto the hamster cage ( initial trim spot due to many people can't jump correctly. fall off and get teleported to the paper box and git knifed, or got rekt by cockcroaches ) and split into three teams: first team consists of 5 people, ideally 3 Bizons/Negevs and 2 Novas stand on the picture frames to delay the zombies rushing; second team consists of 2 people, get inside the hamster wheel and hold W inside to trigger the top ladder; third team consists of everyone else, defend either inside the cage or stand on the carpet before the cage door and shoot off any zombies that rush through the table. Alert each other when zombies gain ground too quickly on either first or third team. Zombie teleports after second team trigger the hamster wheel. 35 seconds between the hamster wheel trigger and the top ladder open ( second trim spot due to doorhuggers got crushed by the ladder ).


- Step 4: Alphabet for dummies: Get up top of the hamster cage, fall down onto the giant dead body's left leg ( do not jump onto its crotch, I don't think you can climb back ) follow the line up to the dinner table. Zombie teleports right after door closes. One get up top the table to trigger, the rest split up on both left-right chairs and defend, ideally stand on the middle chair to defend. The alphabet board will spell "HALLOWEEN" ( duh ). 50 seconds delay between the H letter and the N letter, fall back immediately on the alphabet board and prefire both sides of the table, 5 seconds after the N letter to the alphabet board rising up.


- Step 5: Choo choo mother-rattata: Jump off the alphabet board ( it falls down after 5 seconds of maintaining the highest altitude possible ) onto the lamp, take your time to climb up top ( third trim spot due to strafers doing it wrong and fall down, so don't strafe if you aren't too sure about it ). Split up, one guy trigger the train, the rest finds a pipe with "STARLINE" name on it and defend, zombies teleport at the end of the pipe. Defend for 10 seconds and fall back immediately to the train ( the first platform - nearest to the lever for ez survive, fourth trim spot - massive one if some douchebags shoot the platform to team grief, or if someone decides to be a hero and stay on the last platform ) and SHOOT THE FUCKING RAT. It slows down with every bullets you land on it, and sometimes it halts for 1 second to catch a breath. Meanwhile position yourself in the middle of the platform everytime the train turns in order not to get pushed off the train, it can be a pain in the ass to catch the train without getting rekt by the rat or zombies knife you. When you see the light at the front, immediately jump off the train to the left, the rat will catch you. Defend the left hole to the train ( recommended to, the rat will break the barricade and aim straight for the escape hole, instant kill if you are hit or you will be cornered by the zombies ). One human to signal the exit ( if he saw the rat coming in the escape hole, immediately tell the defenders to fall back ), fall down the ceiling.


- Step 6: Zombie "Yummy" Toast: After falling down, immediately get up top the table connected by a water pool. Press E on the pumpkin to place C4 on it. Defend the water pool and a chair in the opposite direction of the water pool defend point. 30 seconds for the C4 to explode. Cross the chairs onto the table with bread, split into two teams: first team stand on the cereal box and defend the chairs; second teams shoot the gas counter ( right behind the candle, has 4 lights ). Zombies teleport right after the gas counter is destroyed. One human get to the toaster to trigger, the rest overdefend the cereal box and the blood-filled pools a bit, as it is the last full 60 seconds hold to win, fall back if zombies gain ground too quickly. GGWP

The winner in the video that I recognize so far: Silas, Whim, Cold, Crusty, Zoom, Pull, Luigi

Edited by Shiki

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Posted  Edited by Shiki - Edit Reason: Grammar nazi
On 8/16/2016 at 1:56 AM, PB-n-J said:

There is a hidden ladder that will extend once you shoot it, and once it drops down

Wrong, there is a statue in the middle of the room with the silver coin on the left, press E on the statue to put the gold coin in, ladder will break in 3 seconds.

Edited by Shiki
Grammar nazi

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Posted  Edited by Vinz


my video training for ze_gris_b2f for boss lv 2 . i will made for boss lv 3 and lv 4 too soon .

-00:25 cube go to middle platform you must ready to jump and crouch or crouch
-00:38 you see cube still in middle ready to jump and crouch and timing you jump
-00:51 you see cube go right . ready to jump and crouch .
-00:59 you see cube go left , go edge left to more easy to dodge like me to do
-1:13 you see cube go behind us ready to disco ball. you must crouch and move slowy to edge like me to do
- 2:18 cube go behind but in left side so you must crouch in left side too and go to slowly edge 
- 2:50 same like 2:18 but in right side so you must crouch in right side and go to slowly edge.

Edited by Vinz

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Since most of the maps I know are already picked, I will give a guild for Bathroom.

If not considered try hard map, please delete.


1/ Do not pick the item when you don't know how to use it properly. [Applies to all maps, you can learn by asking or spectating players]


2/ Items:

   -Trap: Kills zombos when come into contact.

   -Sponge: Scrubs your butts..... I mean stops zombos for some secs.


3/ Drop items when in a boss fight or it will target you first.


4/ Levels:

   -Level 1: Run toward the sewer, drop down, climb up. You will see 1 item right before entering the toilet above the water, the 2nd item will be seen as soon as you get out of the toilet water. Get on the toilet paper roll to roll it down, Do not jump down when it's not rolled all the way down or you will be teleported back to the zombos. defend the choke points butt don't over defend cuz zombos will tp, boss fight.

   -Level 2: There are 2 items on each side when you get out of the bathtub. Wait for path to be opened then go up and press E to push the soap so humans can climb up the comb. Once it has opened, go up defend the tooth brush until console says fall back. Press the hair dryer and wait a few secs, it will blow you to the other side [Becareful cuz you might fall off trying to bhop and look cool. Don't need to look cool]. Shoot the shelve to break it down. Do not stay directly under it or you will die. Dont stand in the toilet roll's way cuz you will also be dead. Defend while waiting for the BIG DOOR to open and fall back or help defending your teamates. Dont stay too long cuz zombos will climb up on the door edge. Jump into the boiler to get to boss fight.


5/ Boss fights:

   -Level 1: Doesnt like other bosses, Duck will kill you instantly. Drop item if you picked one up earlier. When it stop moving, you should stop moving too.

   -Level 2: Like the Duck, Sponge will also kill you in 1 hit. Drop the items as number 3. Stay diagonally with it and you have good chance to survive. When it comes near you, pull out knife and run, it will target other players. When it stop moving, stop moving also. Pick up the items after killing it. Stay defend the bathroom for a bit while ONE person go trigger. Fall back slowly and defend the closet entrance.


6/ Take a screenshot and show it to your family.



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Posted  Edited by DarkHeroz

ze_fapescape_rote_v1_3 (with picture, click the yellow text for picture)
- Pipe bombs 5 uses: blow up when zombie is near and set them on fire
- Ammo Box unlimited uses: Give unlimited ammo, no reload required
- Heal 1 uses: Heal player to 220 HP max (recommend save for boss)
- Lego maker 10 uses: Put a wall to block zombie
- EyeTech Launcher 10 uses: I don't know what do it do because i haven't try it
- Push gun unlimited uses: Push zombie away
- Electro gun 10 seconds use: Just shoot lazer beam, i don't know what it do to zombie
- EyeTech cannon unlimited uses: Shoot block

- Flamethrower 10 uses: Set zombie on fire and slow them down
General guide for first part:

When round begin, spread out and try to take all the items. Heal is important for boss fight and also try to hold zombie back because you need some time to get all the items. Stay behind the box, defend for 35 seconds for the door to open. Don't stand on the box, a lot of time we fail because some people stand on the box and zombie kill them. When door open get inside quick because zombie teleport.
Stage 1:

When door open just run back, turn right. Be careful the floor, red means blow up and u will lose some HP; green means safe. Defend at the top, there are 2 ways 1 is the box: u can jump up so when u at the top just defend there; 2 is the stair: the person has Lego maker use it to block the zombies from getting up. You have to defend for 30 seconds, when bridge ready, 1 nade and fall back. Just don't stand on the middle, the red triangle will break and u gonna die. Also when u get into the tunnel, don't rush, stay in there and defend. When u pass it, the block on top may break and kill u. After the door open, watch your left for the fan, it will push u into the lava. When u cross the fan, try to hold the zombie as much as possible because the door takes 25 seconds to open and don't step on the orange floor (it's a trap). When the door open, hold the zombie back and also more trap. It take a lot of time for the teleport to activate so hold them hard. When the screen flash white it mean the teleport is ready, 1 nade and fall back. The next 2 defend place u just need to cross the bridge and hold it, but for the 2nd one i recommend u stand on the top to defend so when they fall back, u don't lose too much time to jump. And it's boss fight time, just spread out, if you have heal u gonna be fine (last time i play with 7 people without heal and we get the boss HP to 2 left). After the boss fall back, it have 2 ways left/right they are both fine but watch for the blue wall, it can pop out and push u off. After that just all the way back and defend. It's the last defend, the blue floor gonna break so u just need to hold 2 bridge for the win.

P/s: I will do stage 2 soon.

Edited by DarkHeroz

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Posted  Edited by Vinz

my video training for ze_gris_b2f lv 3 boss and last def

first don;t move until you can see the boss
- 00:13 you must look up and you must go to gap like me do
- 00:21 for this part you must timing you crouch then jump. you can timing you jump see when you can look the laser top then you must ready to jump 
- 00:31 for this part you must go to no laser or no light 
- 00:40 zombie will TP shoot them off
- 00:53 you can see top 4 cube go right so you must ready to go right too. if 4 cube go left you must go left too
- 2:38 you must go edge center 
after boss die don;t move until you can see
-2:48 you can see bottom there a light . stay in that light to dodge laser

Edited by Vinz

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Posted  Edited by DUSTY
On 8/17/2016 at 10:45 AM, Shiki said:

- Step 5: Choo choo mother-rattata: Jump off the alphabet board ( it falls down after 5 seconds of maintaining the highest altitude possible ) onto the lamp, take your time to climb up top ( third trim spot due to strafers doing it wrong and fall down, so don't strafe if you aren't too sure about it ). Split up, one guy trigger the train, the rest finds a pipe with "STARLINE" name on it and defend, zombies teleport at the end of the pipe. Defend for 10 seconds and fall back immediately to the train ( the first platform - nearest to the lever for ez survive, fourth trim spot - massive one if some douchebags shoot the platform to team grief, or if someone decides to be a hero and stay on the last platform ) and SHOOT THE FUCKING RAT. It slows down with every bullets you land on it, and sometimes it halts for 1 second to catch a breath. Meanwhile position yourself in the middle of the platform everytime the train turns in order not to get pushed off the train, it can be a pain in the ass to catch the train without getting rekt by the rat or zombies knife you. When you see the light at the front, immediately jump off the train to the left, the rat will catch you. Defend the left hole to the train ( recommended to, the rat will break the barricade and aim straight for the escape hole, instant kill if you are hit or you will be cornered by the zombies ). One human to signal the exit ( if he saw the rat coming in the escape hole, immediately tell the defenders to fall back ), fall down the ceiling.


This is about as far as a random team can get. The key we discovered to beating it is to camp the zombie teleport after everyone jumps off the train. When you reach the part where the carts and rat run parallel to each other and you have to shoot behind and to the right to slow the rat down, a few people need to jump off and keep the zombies that are chasing you back. Let the rat pass you by on it's side path, and then backpedal until the double gates towards the end and hold. DO NOT let the zombies get past this closing gate or the teleport hold will not work.


Meanwhile, the rest of the team who remained on the cart should jump off to the left at the first opening before the milkcrate that traps the rat. Let the rat go by and on the other side of the tracks there is a vent where the zombies teleport to as long as they dont make it past the closing gate that was mentioned above.. We need EVERYONE defending this vent or you will not be able to hold it. Go inside the vent opening and to your right is where you should aim awaiting the teleport. If things go smoothly you can easily hold here until the rat is released in which case you follow behind it immediately. (Don't worry about trying to leave early so you can make the jumps up to the crawlspace quickly. A section of the wood breaks so you dont have to worry about parkour. But only AFTER the rat has broken free)


Once the rat it released throw a nade for retreat and follow behind it to the fan. Jump down and take one of the 3 ways up (cooler, 2 stools in the back) Hopefully the doorhuggers can provide some cover here while everyone can get into position. At this point defend all 3 ways up and it's ez pz after jumping across the stools. (Note, there's a little ledge around the counter in which the zombies can jump up and get around your 3 hold points so be wary of that and dont let them get close to the countertop.)



5:26 You see us jumping off the cart to hold back zombies.

5:55 The gate that closes that no zombie should get through

6:00 Zombie teleport hold



edit: Even before all this, the person that it pulling the lever to start the train must pull it 7 times to get it started. Spam E and after 7 jump on and start shooting the rat.

Edited by DUSTY

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Posted  Edited by Vinz

csgo ze_gris_b2f boss lv 4 training video .

first don;t move until you can see the boss
for first boss there 2 ways you can. stay at center or edge foward.
00:23 - 00:56 for edge foward. 
00:26 for this method (edge foward) you must back to center then press w or s little bit to dodge the laser. then you must go back to center again.
00:37 same if you edge foward hurry back to center. jump and crouch or crouch . then back to edge foward. 
00:53 this is show you why method edge foward more easy. when screen go black . all you need just stay edge foward just keep shoot the boss you will automatic jump over.
so for this method all you need just back to center then back to edge foward . 
0:57 zombie will TP  there just def for 10 sec zombie will TP back .
1:11 for this other method you must press s or backward.


boss 2nd 1:30
1:33 you can see 4 cube in middle. now you must go edge left side. first you must do  first is jump and crouch 2 times. second crouch 2 time. after that run to center and jump and crouch 1 time then crouch 2 time then jump and crouch 2 time. (sorry me take some damage because me playing always 300 ping ++ so i must jump ealry, for perfect no damage for this method  at 3:00 ) there a reason why me go center because me always not get damage. sometime me can get damage if stay edge left.
2:01 just get off the circle.
2:14 all you need press w or move foward but must from back if you want full foward.


final boss 3:29
for this method me always go left side when TP and stay there because there a reason. but when zombie come just get out the spot then wait for perfect timing to back that spot.
3:31 all you need just go back and right side when you see laser front of you just push foward.
3:44 for this all you need go little back then move left and right little bit for this part you need good eye when must move left or right.
4:23 when screen go black all you need just press S or backward. at 4:28 you can see cube like push us you need press w or foward.
4:30 that why i choose go left side because all you need edge back center all you need timing you jump(if you want no get damage) after that just crouch. even if failed you only just get 1 hit - 3 hit if you go this spot.
4:45 just do it like in this video.


EDIT just forget about this video training because in ze_gris_v1 lv 4 too many change

Edited by Vinz

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I figured that words aren't enough, we need more live action. Noobs still won't learn Hidden Temple, so I might as well make a video guide about it. here's the 1st level


2nd level in progress ( although it's a fail, it still serves as a video guide quite well considering the timing is good )

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