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Kettermin in a Nutshell

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Honestly Ketter, I'm really proud of you. Not many people are able to acknowledge and take responsibility for their toxicity, and actually work to improve on it. You've grown a lot as a person during your time here and it's awesome. I respect the heck out of how much you care about the server and I'm happy for you man. It's good that you recognize your burn out and that you've passed on the torch, I relate to a lot of the things you said. Your words show responsibility and maturity, and I'm really happy to see the growth you've made. Thank you for all you've done to help rotato ❤️



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I remember when I first started playing a lot and you just being a member at the time, and getting to know you more and more the many months I played. I remember joking about how we'd be joint admins, not realizing you actually applied, so it was quite surprising to me when you did, and made me happy cause I had good faith in you. I wasn't present for anything past March of this year, but I feel like you approached your role as admin very seriously to make sure you didn't make any errors along the way, and I feel you did a good job. Thanks for all your hard work Ketter, and I guess I'll see you back on the prop-killing battleground.

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Hey, just wanted to let you know that a comment is hidden in the thread and so were the responses to it.  It wasn't against the rules we're not handing out warnings just that they were seemingly provoking (without context) and kind of spammy.


Really appreciate heartfelt threads like this sharing your perspective and reasons.  It's very valuable for the community and also prospective admins- a lot of people risk taking bigger bites than they can chew, and often choke.  Being able to step down is usually a very good gesture... great to pass on the torch and share you story, and we all just want to have fun.  Thanks a lot!


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This is bitter sweet for me to be frankly honest, i know you aren't leaving our community but as i have previously mentioned after the news, while i am happy you are sticking around to still play with us, its just all still weird to me that you're stepping down while you brought me on lol. Not to mention i learned a majority of my staffing from you. However i totally understand this in every way, as things like this simply will not last forever, that much i am aware of. In which i accept, in any case i sincerely do thank you for the time you put into the server and the community alike. Its a blast with you and i intend on upholding your placed trust within me. Once more, thank you for everything, lets continue to make some more good memories my smol friend!


P.S we deffo will still prop kill each other (;



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Ketter! I remember when we first interacted. I was new to the server, and I killed you for... something. Don't remember the exact details. But you thought it was RDM and I didn't. Mario slayed me for it, and I did argue with him why I thought I shouldn't have been slain for it. It was at that moment that my first impression of you was born, and it wasn't a great one. 


But as time went on and things changed, so did you and my impression of you. It's been so long that I can't honestly pull up any specifics. But I can tell you that when you got banned for hacking, I didn't believe it. Even if I didn't like you, I really didn't think you'd go so far as to hack. The only reason I didn't like you was because you were defending what you thought was RDM, even if at the time you were being rude about it. So someone who was attempting to uphold the rules in their own way wouldn't have gone so far as to start hacking... just because. 


It did take me a while to think that you'd be fit for staff again, though I can tell you for sure that I did reach the point that I would have accepted you before I left. I had a lot on my plate at the time, lot of people to deal with so I never really talked to you about it. But I want to personally thank you for your service towards GFL and it's servers, Rot or otherwise, and I hope you stick around and have a good time as a member of the community. We had a poor meeting, and I don't think we ever really made up from it. I don't know how you felt about me, but I do regret never reaching out to talk to you after a while. But I greatly respect your commitment to the community, despite being denied, and even banned for hacking. 


See you around!

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