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Gettin GFL Involved in eSports?

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Posted  Edited by Blah

I know i've suggested something like this in the past with Call of Duty, I noticed we're not involved in CS:GO comp anymore, eSports is one of this biggest, growing money making platforms as of right now. I feel like we should get GFL involved in some more eSports games and maybe start some teams. The idea would be to start from scratch, try to earn, then focus on funding the teams after the earnings start to come in. This is a crazy but good idea due to the fact that GFL is a community and the players would already have a following to represent. There's many people in the GFL community with talent that involve being good at eSports involved games. Maybe we could create an eSport manager role, and get managers for every different game involved. Some good games would be...



-Call of Duty

-League of Legends

-Apex Legends


-RL ( Rocket League )



I would love to be a part of the eSports aspect if this is implemented into GFL. This would be a huge step and a great way to get GFL a bigger following.


-Blah ❤️ 

Edited by Blah

-Blah ❤️

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Just now, JGuary551 said:

I really like this idea we should add rocket league to I really like that game I’m somewhat good. But it could be fun getting good teams and putting our name out there and try and win 

Completely forgot about RL! Good idea!

-Blah ❤️

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We used to have a team for CSGO, like one year and a half ago? Not so sure of what happened to it, as for having an eSport team, it's quite an investment imo





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28 minutes ago, Blah said:


if this happens i'm literally coming back solely for that



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This would be cool. I’m not a pro gamer but I’d like to see it be a thing.

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The only reason why esports csgo team shut down was because two of the main leaders decided to quit and join another team since they thought we were dead. Mainly since we didn't do much planning to help them out. Or at least that's what one of the leaders said when I asked.


So for this to work out again, you have to get a good eSport team, sponsor, and willing to work the task. I don't mind having this back but it's more of will you work with it. Will you be able to work and help them plan things out? Keep them up to date or us up to date? Is it going to be dead again if we decided to stop for a month, two months, a year...?


credits to @Clavers

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1 hour ago, Roy said:

I do certainly feel getting involved with eSports in the future will be beneficial to us. Though, I do think we need to ensure we have a more stable structure once we do so again. I don't think our structure was stable last time we attempted an eSports division which is why we don't have it now.


I don't see this being a thing any time soon due to the big projects we're working on now which should be getting rolled out in the next couple weeks or so (exciting news will come soon). But meh, who knows.



But If we had stable good enough managers that are dedicted it could be really beneficial.

-Blah ❤️

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I feel like people sign up for things but don’t ever think, about if they have time or if this is something they really wanna do. We have very very talented people in this community and honestly we could have great teams we just need dedication we need a good coach people who have time people who wanna actually get good and prove soemthing and show what GFL is made of 


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this would work if we still had calvin, nick027nd, and pr1zm in the community 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally believe that an eSport team would only work if it is started up by people who actually wants to represent GFL in eSports. Therefore, I do not believe that we can simply say that we want an eSports team now for a particular game or games.


I'll close this suggestions because of the above and that GFL's focus is elsewhere at the moment. I highly recommend that if you want to make an eSport team for any game, you should get in contact with staff, and then we'll see what we can do! (By this I mean a more concrete suggestion, e.g. "who wants to help me start an eSport team for CS:GO".) Thanks for your suggestion, @Blah!

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