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No Players on Clone Wars RP

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I see people making topics about nobody playing on the server.


I have seen nobody on the server in the past couple of days and not even staff bother trying to come on the server?

The staff in my eyes need to be more committed in making the server popular and living up to the GFL name. GFL Is one of the biggest GMOD groups on gmod and other games and nobody seems to try to get it populated.

Sorry if I am offending anyone I know the managers have worked hard on creating it but people need to make an effort in getting players on.

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Just now, Cypher said:

I have my own theories about CWRP

As for me also.  It was just a lot more enjoyable with Infantry do to the fact the also played on another Clone Wars server before.


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Just now, Cypher said:

Good luck with that. Infantry left, and unfortunately the soul of the server went out with him. I have my own theories about CWRP that I'll keep to myself, but it all boils down to Infantry not hosting events with soul.


Then higher new staff to the server I am not a GM myself, but you can look into players who can be good at the position and know the lore.

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25 minutes ago, LogicX said:


Then higher new staff to the server I am not a GM myself, but you can look into players who can be good at the position and know the lore.


Honestly, the server is pretty ass currently. There are a bugs, broken maps, and horrible "staff". The manager(s) pretty much know nothing about the server(not blaming it on them, but I am). The server has absolutely no soul(like Cypher said above). 


John has server power and takes himself as an admin.

Happy and Nunti pretty much don't know what they're doing. 

Actual admins don't play. 

In order to get GM, just go talk to one of the managers. They need anyone they can get. 


Honestly, the server is/will be dead within the next month. Give up.

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1 minute ago, Otter said:


Honestly, the server is pretty ass currently. There are a bugs, broken maps, and horrible "staff". The manager(s) pretty much know nothing about the server(not blaming it on them, but I am). The server has absolutely no soul(like Cypher said above). 


John has server power and takes himself as an admin.

Happy and Nunti pretty much don't know what they're doing. 

Actual admins don't play. 

In order to get GM, just go talk to one of the managers. They need anyone they can get. 


Honestly, the server is/will be dead within the next month. Give up.


Why havent the managers been demoted?

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1 minute ago, Hatty said:

Yeah, the server kind sucks. Its broken and no one will fix it. People can just delete doors which is completely annoying.


And you got idiots in power (I shall not name them)


tl:dr fix the server and give people who deserve power, power.


Who can I contact to talk about manager or staff situation?

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Posted  Edited by Faex

CWRP had lots of potential to be a good server, I'm upset that only little was done to increase the population. The only thing you can do is advertise whenever an event was gonna happen on the Group or shoutbox, and 98% of the time, shoutbox makes it worse. Really wanted this to be a good server. I was also told that the whole server was supposed to be revamped, I don't know if it's taking time or the managers arent doing anything, and I'm leaning more towards the 2nd scenario. Either hire different staff or shut it down. 

Another thing, I was gonna make a topic about the lack of population after my event was cancelled the 2nd time in a row, but I wanted to wait to see if this continues.

Edited by Faex



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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Posted  Edited by TheKingOfPyros
22 minutes ago, Otter said:


This is Garry's Mod we're talking about.

Not all Garry's Mod admins are/were bad, just take a look at @Jermsquad

Edited by TheKingOfPyros





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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Posted  Edited by Otter
9 minutes ago, Hatty said:

i get more pleasure out of a dollar night hooker than this server


i thought amelie was $3


so no one thinks im being mean or rude


here is a kappa face



Edited by Otter

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Posted  Edited by OGMartin



Take me down the server. 


Fix it the server. 


Find people who know what they are doing. 


Build up hype for the new server. 


Release server. 


Chicken fingers. 

Edited by OGMartin

I may give you stage 7 cancer 

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Posted  Edited by RickGrimesTM

The fact that there is literally only 1 admin and thats me is not really a team just a one man army. yes the gamemasters have the power to ban people most of them literally just asked I remember having to write out a entire page full of information explaining why I wanted to be a admin. for a server that had so much potential currently im pissed that we was promised a revamp and it was meant to be done that night but nothing has been done. Players can still remove doors which is incredibly annoying and it gets on my nerves seeing trolls just remove doors forcing me to do a map restart.


As for the rest of it the fact that people only get on during events/sims is ridiculous there is literally no roleplay aspect in this and that is a core reason why it's dying.


Clone Wars RP needs fixing and thing that have been said and agreed on must be done and not just put to the side.


People want change and right now nothing is being done about top issues that people have suggested.

I love the gamemode itself to bits and I really am hating seeing it die all because people are being a bit lazy in my eyes Happy and Nunti are really nice guys but things must be done.


What really got me to high spirit was when Snoopy asked me if we wanted the Server to be Announced on the actual steam group I said yes and we ended up getting 10+ new recruits coming on within the next day everyone had got off and was not coming on untill a event. whats the point of doing events and ranking up if your not going to roleplay outside of events/sims yea you get people saluting to you but really? is that it?


Thats my input.

Edited by RickGrimesTM

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