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Non-Gaming free time

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99% of my time is spent gaming, so I really don't do much. When I'm not, I'm usually drawing.




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So I have little free time as it is due to my work schedule.  But when I'm not working or gaming, im typically watching TV, running, [ice] skating, or doing one of my many extracurricular activities.


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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I usually play piano, read, or chat with family members when I'm not gaming.

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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sleep, eating,  work

rest is games



Former Manager On Hide and Seek

Former Admin  on prop hunt

Former trail admin on breach 

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7 hours ago, Nap14hockey said:

So I have little free time as it is due to my work schedule.  But when I'm not working or gaming, im typically watching TV, running, [ice] skating, or doing one of my many extracurricular activities.


You ice skate?  My younger brother is VERY well-known in the ice skating world.  Apparently, he's one of... 4 people?...  who can do a back flip while on ice skates.


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I'm a weight lifter, a body builder, and a kickboxer.

Not to show off but, I can lift most of you here, no homo just let me hold you by the anus. :lenny:

I've been lifting for more than a year now, and here are my max reps as of now:

Deadlift: 130kg

Bench Press: 80kg

Clean/Jerk: 120kg 

Squat: 120kg

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1 minute ago, FrankAL said:

I legit don't do anything except game in my free time cuz I don't have many outside friends Dl. Cri someoar me....

i love you frank <3



Former Manager On Hide and Seek

Former Admin  on prop hunt

Former trail admin on breach 

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Just now, FrankAL said:

Love is the devils food D:<

no one accept my love i cri ever time



Former Manager On Hide and Seek

Former Admin  on prop hunt

Former trail admin on breach 

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