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What was the first ever phone you owned? It could be any version of Samsung, Iphone, or any other type!

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What was the first ever phone you owned? And at what age did you receive one at? Let me know down below!

The first phone I received was a Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) at the age of 16. It lasted me about a year before I upgraded to the Samsung J6 Plus, and from that one to what I currently have, a Samsung Galaxy S10+.

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Sidekick 2 when I was 13 back in '05, but I'd used a crappy virgin mobile audiovox for a bit before that.

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My first phone was a Samsung Galaxy s7 or something like that. Then that phone broke. I went through like 2 other phones and now I got an LG Aristo 4
Most of my phones after my 1st one were just old ones my parents had lying around unused.


Made by @Clavers

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I got my first phone a Iphone 8 when I was 12 I believe



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I don't even remember the exact model, but it was some form of Sony Ericsson flip phone back in like 2009-2010, I believe? Maybe earlier. Must have been like 9 years old at the time, lol.


Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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I got an ipod touch in 2011 I believe, I had it for about 6 years before getting a 6S+ in 2017, which broke in 2019, and now I have an 8+.


Somehow the oldest device lasted the longest for me at the moment :)


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Posted  Edited by Daddy Issues

Samsung flip phone forgot which one tho but it was amazing


Edited by Daddy Issues


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Posted  Edited by Ben

First regular phone was a QWERTY flip phone, Kyocera Wild Card. My cellular was with Virgin Mobile. 

First smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Centura. That phone caused problems but it was good for its time back then. 

edit: got it 

Edited by Ben





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Posted  Edited by Rynn

I had some shitty flip phone and ipod touch when I was in elementary school until I went out and bought a nexus 5 in 2014 which I had until I  bought a oneplus 6T  in early 2019.

Edited by Rynn

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I remember getting a small black Motorola (I believe C113a) when I was 8 before eventually upgrading to a cheap pink trashy touch screen mobile made by my providers at the time.




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