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What do you want to be when you're older

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I'm planning on becoming a 3D Computer Animator. I know you don't need a degree for that, you just need a pretty good demo reel, which is a compilation of all the animations you have made so far.

However, I don't know if I want to do animations for video games or movies. Video games would be easier, but you wouldn't get as much credit in big budget movies. The downside to animation in movies is (From what I've heard) exhausting and painful, and you barely see your family.



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

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I think it would be really cool to become a twitch streamer or youtuber, but I'm honestly not that funny or motivated so rip .  Anyways in reality, I would like to do something with Law Enforcement. I've always found it enjoyable putting clue together to solve a "mystery".


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Posted  Edited by rapperdan

when I grew up I want to go to the mines with a shovel and pick axe and mine all the bitcoins at the bitcoin mines.

Edited by rapperdan

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I've honestly wanted to become a YouTuber. I believe I have the motivation and the time, but I don't have any ideas or friends to do anything with. Ideas would be great. 


But as for now, I want to do something that involves programming. Developing games is an idea I've had, but I don't want to design websites or anything. 

I know the broad genre of jobs I want, I just don't know which one yet.

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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I honestly wanted to be a merchant marine but life changed and 6 years later ended up being a professional Television producer. But i am about to do something really big with the NFL team Jacksonville jags so imma get paid.....


I got into that field of work by a church member (im black so i went to a all black church) it was apart of my so-called ministry and he want me to try it and i already knew mostly about camera's so i said why the hell not and he was very happy and now he is very well off directing big time movies. So imma ride this till the wheels fall off.


And if i ever get tired of doing that i have my CDL so truck driving is next.

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An attack helicopter as it is my dream to be flying over the battle grounds being piloted... Etc you get it

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I've always wanted to be in the medical field when I was younger.


When I was born my dad was diagnosed with leukemia, he was always in hospitals and died 4 times over 10 years. (They were able to get a heartbeat back)

He would always need to be taken to the hospital via paramedics / ambulances.


I grew fond over the medical field over the span of 10 years, and in a few months I hope to go to college for Basic RN & EMT. 

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1 hour ago, iPro said:

I've always wanted to be in the medical field when I was younger.


When I was born my dad was diagnosed with leukemia, he was always in hospitals and died 4 times over 10 years. (They were able to get a heartbeat back)

He would always need to be taken to the hospital via paramedics / ambulances.


I grew fond over the medical field over the span of 10 years, and in a few months I hope to go to college for Basic RN & EMT. 


My sister is a paramedic.  Great stuff!  Hard and tolling work though.


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I've honestly always dreamt of following nursery field, but I won't be able to reach it.

Something else I always wanted to be as a child was a to be in police. I hope to reach one of them.




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I want to be a human when I get older.



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13 hours ago, iPro said:

I've always wanted to be in the medical field when I was younger.


When I was born my dad was diagnosed with leukemia, he was always in hospitals and died 4 times over 10 years. (They were able to get a heartbeat back)

He would always need to be taken to the hospital via paramedics / ambulances.


I grew fond over the medical field over the span of 10 years, and in a few months I hope to go to college for Basic RN & EMT. 


(Sorry if this is a bit rude, just had to say this.)

Technically, If your heart stops beating, it doesn't mean you're dead.

Once your brain stops functioning AT ALL you're dead.

Sorry about your dad... Poor thang... :(

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5 hours ago, The_Teddy_Bear_Muffin said:

(Sorry if this is a bit rude, just had to say this.)

Technically, If your heart stops beating, it doesn't mean you're dead.

Once your brain stops functioning AT ALL you're dead.

Sorry about your dad... Poor thang... :(

I know this, I didn't want to go into full detail since there is no reason why and it's a touchy subject. :^_^:

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When I grow up I want to sit in front of a camera and say,"Yesterday I Asked You", and not have real friends.

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Interesting how I found this on SourceBans..









360 turn one deag. Thanks Valve.(New application for Faze.)



You know what they say, the more orange juice you drink, the less percent you are to become a zombie. -Baked 2017




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In all seriousness I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up because I started coding when I was about 11 and it's always interested me and it's very challenging which I like. 



   Add me on steam if you have something to talk about or if you know me from in game.

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Posted  Edited by Joshy

I really like engineering and science.  A cherry on top if I could run a side mom and pop cafe that serves breakfast, or simply be a chef or barista there if I couldn't handle the managing.

Edited by Joshy


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