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10,000 GFL Breach PointShop Points

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Posted  Edited by AnimaVestra

10,000 Points:

     I'm giving away 10,000 Points that can be used in the GFL Breach PointShop. Proof of item is at the bottom of this post. You can enter in by posting your display name in this thread. I will be using Random.Org to pick the winner when I think enough people have entered to make it "interesting" to me. Don't want it to be a thing with like only 4 people.


Why am I Giving Away Free Points?:

     Although I can't receive reputation points for it (since that is against the rules) I want to give my points away to make my overall reputation with the community a more positive one. Although I can't ask for the rep points I'm bound to get a few more anyways because who wouldn't like a post that is giving free points? The main point of giving away these points isn't to get more reputation points (but I'll gladly take some). What the main point really is I want to make someones day a little better.


Proof of Item:


Edited by AnimaVestra


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Do be careful because there is also a player with the display name "Winter :|" so yeah


This is my steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ImWinter



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3 minutes ago, Flooooooooooooooooooooooof said:

This post does really sound like you want rep though.

Yes I want rep. However I'm not rep boosting since no one is obligated to like this post considering it will not affect your chances of winning. I want both kinds of rep. I want the points and the general respect of people as I give to them.  


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Just now, Flooooooooooooooooooooooof said:

You don't buy respect, you earn it.

Its called patronage.


I'm earning your respect by being extraordinarily friendly and giving out free points. Who doesn't like someone who gives free points?


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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades

Я| AceOfSpades


I'm afraid of different players having the same name also so...




Edit: How much credits do you get in a hour? 

Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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I had no idea you could give away your points, nice. 



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


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3 hours ago, Faex said:



I had no idea you could give away your points, nice. 

Did you not realise I gave you like 5k points?



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Posted  Edited by DoctorDJ

Am i the only one who has under 100 points T_T 


DoctorDJ there are alot of me but i am the og :lenny:


Edited by DoctorDJ

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1 hour ago, Darkling said:

Did you not realise I gave you like 5k points?

No I did not



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


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