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Posted  Edited by Mary
48 minutes ago, Shuruia said:



I also went to strict catholic school for elementary and middle. Sadly, I don't have many stories for that era considering I was too pussy to do anything crazy and the only thing I really achieved was perfect attendance. 

BUT,  When high school came around. I could no longer continue my catholic school journey and I had to go to a public school in one of the worst parts of Baltimore.  This is when the devil took my soul. I would of had to go to an even worse school if I didn't take advantage of my artistic abilities and get myself into the visual arts magnet school.

But even though I loved my art/honors classes and I was dedicated to always doing fantastic in those classes, I was still a horrible teenager. I went through a lot of things in my personal life. And this led to me getting into fist fights, pulling pranks, talking back to teachers, arguing with everyone, getting detentions, drugs, etc. 

I was listed under "the bad kids," I guess. At home, my mother pushed me to do things right, hand things in on time, but I wouldn't listen. I don't know why. I was just "that kid." 


Eventually, my wrong doings started to catch up to me. I was failing in A LOT of classes. I was almost not a loud to go to certain high school events. I also was almost kicked out of my art magnet. Which means I would of gotten kicked out of the school and sent somewhere else. I didn't want this to happen. I also didn't want to be left behind. I had friends that I wanted to catch up to and stay next to. I didn't want to stress my family out with them thinking I would drop out and just never graduate. 


I eventually met a kind Greek boy name Michael. One year older then me. He didn't go to my school, but he did live in Baltimore. He lived in the more, neat/clean area of Baltimore. We met online. And we talked for a very long time until we decided to meet up. We got to know each other some more and we continued to meet up with each other. We eventually started a relationship and this boy completely changed my life. He has his own problems. Mainly with marijuana use, but what we did was we helped each other realize that we both have a future ahead of us. We need to finish high school. We need to get jobs. We need to GROW UP, basically. He showed me a lot of things that I didn't know. As did I with him. After all the countless nagging and pushing from him and my family. I grew up. By junior year, I brought my grades up, I completed all of my art pieces, I apologized to those that I did wrong to. And I stayed clear of drama, fighting, and drugs. Me and Michael did it together. 

Sadly, Michael had to drop out. The fault was on the schools part. Its not because he was a rebel and he Did not want to do the work, but I'm not going to put his ENTIRE business out there. BUT, he did get his high school diploma and completed his GED. I also got my high school diploma and I walked across the stage with all of my class mates as my family, friends, and Michael watched me. 


Me and Michael are still together and we both have jobs. He has his license and I am currently working on getting mine. We both plan to go to college as soon as we can. We have many things planned for the future together and on July 11, 2016, We will have been together for a total of four years. That's my baby and I appreciate everything he does and has done for me.


The point of my story here is that I honestly hope to teach people and my kids that there is a time and place to be serious. Education and school is exactly it! Your future depends on what you do in your life. And if you think you have already messed up so far, Its not too late to fix it and be successful.



Thanks for reading. ::x:

Edited by Mary




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Posted  Edited by Finnick

Well in the 9th grade, my Teacher *which I forgot her name* Was in her like, mid 30's or late 30's but whatever,

When it would be someone's birthday, she would dedicate herself to make a cover song for that person's birthday (for fun)

The person's birthday got to choose the song of what our teacher was supposed to connect the person into the song.


I sadly didn't get to have my birthday cover song, since this semesters class wasn't in my birthday month. But I however, did get to record the teacher doing it to a student.


The kid's name was Adam P. and the song he chose was "Timber - Kesha ft. Pitbull [or Pitbull ft.Kesha] I didn't bother to check"

So she spent like 1 whole week making the song, and I do have it recorded on my facebook that I can try uploading here, but I'm too lazy for that right now so I'll do that later,


anyways as a teacher would normally be total cringe on the thought of her idea, she was surprisingly funny and good at singing.

Edited by Finnick

Adonie Had To Do It To Em by InvalidQuestionBeanie Pup Finnick YCH by InvalidQuestion

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Posted  Edited by ManBearPig - Edit Reason: My OCD triggered me

This was during a party a year ago, I still remember almost all of it because it was so golden.


Basically, I was having fun, and probably high or something. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man and a woman talking, they were both drunk.


The woman left the man for a minute and I noticed that the man put something in the woman's drink. It looked like one of those medicine tablets.


While the man wasn't looking, I switched the drinks. The cups had the same design, it was one of those party cups, so he didn't notice. He was too drunk to notice anyway.


He took a sip from the "cup" to refresh himself, and he just fell face flat on the floor. I had to leave for about a minute after laughing hysterically. I feel like lives were saved.

Edited by ManBearPig
My OCD triggered me

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55 minutes ago, ManBearPig said:

The woman left the man for a minute and I noticed that the man put something in the woman's drink. It looked like one of those medicine tablets.

It's good that you gave him a taste of his own medicine (both literally and metaphorically), but shouldn't you have informed the police?


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Just now, Shuruia said:

It's good that you gave him a taste of his own medicine (both literally and metaphorically), but shouldn't you have informed the police?

Eventually, I did mention the whole ordeal to the dude that invited us to the party. We hid all the weeds and beer so the police can come over and arrest the dude. If you are wondering, yes, the person who did try to cause some problems did get arrested.

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My freshmen year first semester I was such a good student. Went to every class and kept good grades. when second semester hit I had met some new people who influenced me greatly. Started skipping, smoking, doing drugs, stealing, typical hoodlum shit. One day before school had started I was at the usual place called the "smokers corner" smoking a stoge and a few bowls before school when the school resource officer rolls up on his lame ass golf cart. Next thing I know I am being hauled off to the Junior Detention Center for having parafinilia and a pack of Newports. They gave me some shitty program called Diversion where I had to go to 12 weeks of these classes called faceit and take drug tests every month. My mom let me use her urine :lenny:. After all that I still didn't stop. Started to get so bad that my mom had to retire and take me out of public school to put me into virtual school. During my sophomore year I met my ex and he saved me from that street rat life. after 1 year of virtual school and being sober my mom let me go back to public school. Junior year was so amazing!(This last year) I reconnected with my old best friend Adriana and met this girl Alex who is always there for me when I need her. I ended up getting my GED and now I am enrolled into SPC for august. Next year Ill have college experience to share :lenny:

- Triggered -

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Posted  Edited by Nubz
2 hours ago, Stick said:

This one time, at band camp...

Funny enough, I do have a story starting like this, although it's pretty fucked up.


My high school used to do Band camp at this place about two hours away where we would stay for a week, but my freshman year was the last year they did this. Three people were assigned to a room (not co-ed, obviously) and it was pretty fun, until one of the other rooms decided to play a 'prank' on their roommate. (Spoiled because NSFW)



One kid bare teabagged another while he was sleeping, and the other roommate took pictures on his phone. The victim had Narcolepsy, so he was out the whole time, and didn't know what happened for about a day. Eventually, the pictures started getting texted around the upper classmen, and that was how people starting finding out (I had heard through word of mouth, from someone who had gotten one). The director ended up finding out, and the kids that did it both got expelled. The director stepped down, and left the school shortly after.



Now the school does band camp at the school...


Edit: Added a detail I forgot to mention

Edited by Nubz




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My school district has a strict internet policy where essentially 80% of websites are banned. It's essentially North Korea. But, I suppose, not all are banned...

In science a few years ago we were "Researching" stuff for a paper we had to do. I put that in quotations because I pretty much got my work done early, and normally resorted to my own leisure time on my phone or youtube. This time I decided to screw with someone because, well, I hated everyone and wanted to get a laugh out of it. So this one kid went to the restroom and left their laptop on the lab table all open, and so I turned around when nobody looked. (People were really, really dumb...). Apparently my school district bans everything but Pornhub I suppose. The teacher gave them and their table partners Detention and alternative school, I got off scot-free. 

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One time in Freshman year, I was getting my stuff from my locker when this kid named Adam came up to me with his girlfriend and asked me "Hey do you know what Game of Thrones is?" and I was like "Uh yeah?" then they walked away laughing. To this day, I still never knew why



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There was a day back in high school when I absolutely HATED ANIME. I literally could not stand it and made fun of kids for watching. 


Not to long after I lost a bet and I had to watch 1 short Anime.


They choose Anohana, probably because they knew I would rethink Anime. Yes, after watching it not olnly did I tear up a bit but I reconsidered Anime.


Now I am probably the biggest Weeb at my school. Some call me the Weebivist for fighting for Weeb right XD LOL JK :3

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45 minutes ago, Nubz said:

Funny enough, I do have a story starting like this, although it's pretty fucked up.


My high school used to do Band camp at this place about two hours away where we would stay for a week, but my freshman year was the last year they did this. Three people were assigned to a room (not co-ed, obviously) and it was pretty fun, until one of the other rooms decided to play a 'prank' on their roommate. (Spoiled because NSFW)


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One kid bare teabagged another while he was sleeping, and the other roommate took pictures on his phone. The victim had Narcolepsy, so he was out the whole time, and didn't know what happened for about a day. Eventually, the pictures started getting texted around the upper classmen, and that was how people starting finding out (I had heard through word of mouth, from someone who had gotten one). The director ended up finding out, and the kids that did it both got expelled. The director stepped down, and left the school shortly after.



Now the school does band camp at the school...


Edit: Added a detail I forgot to mention

Nothing good happens at band camp

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School skipping stories, anyone?


(Disclaimer: This isn't intended to romanticise absenteeism or to encourage others to do it. Stay in school, mongs.)


The sixth form college that I attended was essentially an extension of my high school, which was a Catholic institution; they (unlike some other sixth form colleges) did not respond too kindly to unexcused absences. I liked my high school enough that I never skipped classes, but this mentality did not carry over to my sixth form college.


I hated sixth form with every fibre of my being. I didn't mind the ethics & philosophy lessons since the teachers were relaxed (sometimes they never even showed up to their classes) and the subject was incredibly easy. My other two subjects were linguistics (which I hated due to the teachers) and psychology (which had a respectable teacher, but it had the most whacked and overly convoluted curriculum). Certain events that happened after December of that year also left me feeling bitter and depressed.


Just before the end of my first sixth form year, I finally decided that I had enough. The sixth form secretary was a sweet middle-aged woman who would believe anything that you'd say. I took advantage of this by making up assorted claims such as sickness, doctor/dentist/optician appointments and retrieving my dog from the vet/groomer.


My truancy went smoothly at first. The end of the first sixth form year was on the horizon and exams were already out of the way. None of the staff cared enough to chase someone who was playing truant during a period of academic inactivity. Of course, matters got a lot more serious when my second year of sixth form was in full swing. I could still keep up with most of the exam material, but the real nail in the coffin was the fact that I was missing a lot of my coursework, which comprised a large portion of our grades outside of the exams. I eventually held the dishonour of having the lowest attendance rate out of any currently attending student at my college.


Naturally, the staff swiftly caught on to the fact that something strange was afoot. The hunt was on. I dreaded being in sixth form even more since there were certain staff members (namely my psychology teacher, Head of Year and one of my English teachers) that I wished to avoid at all costs in a bid to avoid their unbridled wrath. To make matters worse, I was alone in such matters. My friends were vaguely aware of what I was doing, but I did not wish to get them involved.


I devised plans to get around having to encounter these staff members. I observed their patterns and timetables and compared them to my own timetable to best determine when the best time to leave would be. My only exit from the compound was a tiny password protected gate. The issue was not the fact that it was password protected, as I knew the password. The issue lied with the fact that this gate was right next to the main walkway where most people pass through if they had business to conduct in the sixth form building. Making my way from the secretary's office, down the main stairs, past the main walkway and submitting the gate's password all took time and posed a risk. I was caught a few times, but I was getting more and more skillful (as far as truancy could be considered "skillful") at doing it by hiding in the bathroom and listening for the unique footstep sounds that the staff members left.


Leaving through the gate was the hardest part; I could simply walk out of the car park and into the street after that. My usual course of action after that would be to return home so I could shower/bathe, walk my dog, use my PC and sleep. Unfortunately for me, my mother (who was spiralling into alcoholism) and her ex no longer tolerated my truancy past a certain threshold. I could no longer return home during school hours without getting a hard time for it. This left me with fewer options than I would have liked, although I was thankfully never a wild child and thus kept my distance from such trifles as drugs and alcohol.


Outside of attending classes, most of my sixth form days were spent napping in a local church's graveyard as well as various park areas. There was this one time where I found a hilly grass area near my sixth form. It was surrounded by a small cobblestone wall and had a cosy little alcove near a power transformer. After retrieving food and drinks from a local shop, I decided to set up a "camp" of sorts in this spot so I could study and have a nap whilst listening to music. It was the perfect spot, or so I thought at the time. My own little slice of heaven was soon trampled by the fact that a PE teacher alongside a handful of students from my sixth form were using the area for group exercises; the school's own field was currently already in use by various groups. I panicked and promptly fled the scene by gathering my belongings and hopping the fence. I skirted the area by staying under the cobblestone wall which allowed me to leave without a trace, although this probably raised the eyebrows of the local residents. 


Besides the necessary arrangements for coursework and my ethics & philosophy lessons, the only reason why I would stay in the sixth form building during my second year was so that <creepy> I could see my crush. </creepy> I'm just happy that gruelling slog is finally over. I even managed to get decent grades in the end.


As a concluding statement to the slightly younger individuals in GFL: please stay in school. The consequences of recurring absences will begin to seriously weigh you down after a while. After all, it's easier to keep up than it is to catch up.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Real story. 


Main wrestling in the district championships against a kid that kicked my ass earlier that season. I had a pre-workout before the end of the last round so it'd kick in right before I start the match for the finals. Whistle blows, we're at neutral and he shoots a DEEP double and flattens me out. 


I shit my pants a little bit. Not a figurative statement. Luckily for me, I have the blue singlet on so its not bleeding through. I can't wrestle with shit in my pants. I freak out and hit the fastest stand up I've ever hit in my wresting career to bring the match back to neutral. I don't know what else to do, so I go right for the pin. I end up hitting an elbow roll and pinning this freak wrestler in the first 45 seconds of the match, and the crowd goes nuts. I go off the mat and have to change clothes before anyone notices. 


tl;dr, shit pants, win championships. 

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25 minutes ago, Cypher said:

Real story. 


Main wrestling in the district championships against a kid that kicked my ass earlier that season. I had a pre-workout before the end of the last round so it'd kick in right before I start the match for the finals. Whistle blows, we're at neutral and he shoots a DEEP double and flattens me out. 


I shit my pants a little bit. Not a figurative statement. Luckily for me, I have the blue singlet on so its not bleeding through. I can't wrestle with shit in my pants. I freak out and hit the fastest stand up I've ever hit in my wresting career to bring the match back to neutral. I don't know what else to do, so I go right for the pin. I end up hitting an elbow roll and pinning this freak wrestler in the first 45 seconds of the match, and the crowd goes nuts. I go off the mat and have to change clothes before anyone notices. 


tl;dr, shit pants, win championships. 


Not my personal story, but I was at a basketball match and a kid made a half court shot and literally shit his pants in excitement. They had to pause the game to clean up the gym floor. Kid got made fun of for the next 3 months.

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Posted  Edited by Addy

This happened earlier this year


Me and a couple friends met at lunch, ate, then went out to our break. Once we got there, we saw a blue marker just sitting on the ground. Being the people we are, we decided to draw a pentagram on the ground

(ya know, one of these things )



We decided the next best thing to do would be to pick up our small ginger friend (there were 4 of us, and 1 of him) and hold him over said pentagram. Maybe like, 10 seconds later, a teacher comes over to us asking why we're holding a person over a pentagram. She says its "vandalizing property" and that we should "keep our hands to ourselves". She takes us to the front office, where our assistant principal talks to us. She asks for our names, and tells us we're gonna have after-school detention like, 2 days from then.

A couple days pass, and still no sign on that detention coming. We never got the paperwork, we never went, they never said anything about it past that point.


TL;DR: found marker outside, drew pentagram, held ginger friend over pentagram, "gets detention", doesn't actually get detention

Edited by Addy



was good knowin you


























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