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Return of prison gangs

What gang are you in?  

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  1. 1. What gang are you in?

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Posted  Edited by Elijah

Once apon a time On a server far far away, there were 3 prison gangs. Fedora, Turtle, and NeckTwisterz. Then they all got moved to a different prison because people didn't wanna join they're prison anymore... But this prison is back, and so are its prisoners. Meaning the gangs are rising back to power. What gang will take it all?


Our first gang is a fan favorite... Fedora

Fedora will now be lead by me @Elijah

Fedora is for the classier prisoners who just wanna chill and relax throughout there sentence. You are marked with the [Fedora] color tag and by wearing a fedora in game.


Our second gang is... Turtle

Turtle will now be lead by @canman1151

Turtles are a simple people and cowards who just wanna hide from the harsh prison lifestyle. They are marked with the [Turtle] color tag and by wearing a Turtle hat in game.


Our least popular gang is... NeckTwisterz

NcKz will now be lead by @eddiegdo

Neck Twisterz is for people who don't care and want to kill, we work together to attack people. You'll be shown as a Twister with the color tag [nckz] and by wearing the Skull Mask in the game.

Edited by Elijah





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Nah, me and my boy @eddiegdo made a pact a few months ago, so i'm with him on team nckz


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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I went with the Turtle gang. 

Slow and Steady wins the race. ;) Me and @canman1151 are turtles for life. 

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~Made by the lovely @Rose::x: Thanks. <3


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1 hour ago, HackingPotato said:

This offends me. The gangs are not led by the founders of the groups :benthinking:

Do you see Brian anywhere?

Do you know how to make holy water?



You boil the hell out of it!

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Screw your gangs, I'm a lone wolf 



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

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2 hours ago, Mundo said:

Do you see Brian anywhere?


24 minutes ago, canman1151 said:

And were is Mike he gets on not that much though.


Yall crazy. I was never a fedora or a turtle. I was always a nckz but my faith lies with shadown, only @eddiegdo would know who that is. 


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8 hours ago, Elijah said:

but you voted for fedora :benthinking:

Pressed the wrong button


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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Posted  Edited by Xy_ - Edit Reason: Merge 3x post

What the fuck where's the Glenn gang ?


I pick necktwisterz cuz ed is my B


8 hours ago, EJ. said:

When was this a thing lol.


I'm going with whatever @eddiegdo's gang is, and maybe this'll give me a reason to play jailbreak again :lenny: 


Didnt u stop playing JB cuz u wanted admin on TTT and got denied for being power hungry ???

Edited by Xy_
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3 hours ago, Squanchy said:

Didnt u stop playing JB cuz u wanted admin on TTT and got denied for being power hungry ???

nigga that ain’t any of your business lmao. STAY IN YO LANE


Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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