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[VOTING] SOTW #3 - Freestyle

SOTW Voting  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Which artwork fits the theme perfectly?

    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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Posted  Edited by Bae

The voting period has ended. Johaw @Nematode won by a total of 5 votes. Before you say "Can she count? It's 10" unfortunately, giving your reasons as to why you voted for that person has to count. So, only five people did that. You cannot give you reason anymore.  




Signature of the Week (SOTW): July 13 - July 27.

Brought to you by the Creative Team.


Welcome to the second Signature of the Week (SOTW) contest. If you need to read over the rules and guidelines, please refer to this thread:

The theme was Freestyle. Here are the listed entries:






Hannah 2.png

















When you vote, please state your reasons or it won't count. Voting for yourself is not allowed but you may vote each other. Voting period will end on 28-July-17 at 22:00 EST.


Edited by Bae


credits to @Clavers

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5 In my opinion is insane. I voted for that because the logo looks INCREDIBLE. Futuristic style, the lights, and the splashing water effect looks amazing. 

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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Posted  Edited by Syntax

#7 simply because it actually took effort, you can see the beauty of the mountains, and how attractive they are, to me other images seem like image on image with text on the side, to be honest #7 might look like a trollish candidate, but if you think about it, it actually has it's own beauty. 


All other candidates were amazing and they all put effort into it, it actually took me half an hour to decide, since they're all unique in their own way, after all this is freestyle.

Edited by Syntax

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Technically, #7 isn't supposed to be on here because this is a signature contest. Not an art contest but I needed more candidates for more fun and I can see now what kind of people you guys are.


credits to @Clavers

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Just now, Bae said:

Technically, #7 isn't supposed to be on here because this is a signature contest. Not an art contest but I needed more candidates for more fun and I can see now what kind of people you guys are.

What makes it a signature and not a signature? Does it have to be smaller? Do i have to put my name over the middle of it?


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Posted  Edited by Bae
1 hour ago, Nematode said:

What makes it a signature and not a signature? Does it have to be smaller? Do i have to put my name over the middle of it?


It's not just the size, but the style/type of it. Uhhh, how to word this:

For some people, it's the focus of the text in an image including the size of the image (smaller). Kind of like how you write out your signature, but you can still have a background or a subject matter.

For a few of us, it's the style, medium, and subject matter. Style is just basically the theme or type, medium means resources/materials, and subject matter is the focus of a person, thing, or animal or in most cases is one something is unrecognizable. 


But I'm not removing you because I needed more variety of candidates. But those who voted for you gotta comment though or it won't count. Only a few commented, so yeah. For your art, it would make more sense toward AOTM (art of the month) or Drawing/Painting contests.

Edited by Bae


credits to @Clavers

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I voted for 7 I really like the ms paint version of bob ross's art also It's so good I'm gonna add it to my signature. ty for this great signature

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36 minutes ago, Bae said:

It's not just the size, but the style/type of it. Uhhh, how to word this:

For some people, it's the focus of the text in an image including the size of the image (smaller). Kind of like how you write out your signature, but you can still have a background or a subject matter.

For a few of us, it's the style, medium, and subject matter. Style is just basically the theme or type, medium means resources/materials, and subject matter is the focus of a person, thing, or animal or in most cases is one something is unrecognizable. 


But I'm not removing you because I needed more variety of candidates. But those who voted for you gotta comment though or it won't count. Only a few commented, so yeah. For your art, it would make more sense toward AOTM (art of the month) or Drawing/Painting contests.




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While 5 has a lot of things going for it(creativeness, uniqueness, etc.), I personally prefer 4, due to its relative simplicity while being detailed and expressing the person of the signature(unless Darkling disagrees with that last point, but still, it is neat).

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Posted  Edited by Gekkota_

I voted for Three.

Reason being is that it's more of a signature photo besides the rest. The image is perfect size and I like the creativity to it. It was a close one out of Four ( @Darkling) and Three.  I'm not sure who submitted three but I'm pretty sure it was @Rose and not because I have a liking for @Rose it's because it stood out the most.


Good luck, guys! :) 


Edited by Gekkota_

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~Made by the lovely @Rose::x: Thanks. <3


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I had trouble choosing between 4 & 5. And since I already knew about #5's artwork and I don't want to be bias about it as I've seen it multiple times in our group. I decided to choose #4, and I also like the animation and shine to it.


credits to @Clavers

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