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2 minutes ago, Aura said:

To add on, I am unmotivated to do anything,



Anyways I know the feeling of being unmotivated and it really sucks ass. ( We already had that kind of talk before but fuck you Imma repeat myself. ) I wish you the best and hope you get motivated. @Astral Rogue Psst give her motivation.

Average HL2RP Enjoyer.

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Unfortunate circumstances. I'm certain that you would've been a good leader, since you seemed to have good plans for the Media Team. 

I kind of understand your feelings though, since I have heard conflicts happening a lot of the time.

And I do understand your decision to take the promotion, since letting people down isn't the best feeling. 

And don't worry. I'm sure you'll get another chance to shine in the future, darling. ❤️


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Just now, Astral Rogue said:

Unfortunate circumstances. I'm certain that you would've been a good leader, since you seemed to have good plans for the Media Team. 

I kind of understand your feelings though, since I have heard conflicts happening a lot of the time.

And I do understand your decision to take the promotion, since letting people down isn't the best feeling. 

And don't worry. I'm sure you'll get another chance to shine in the future, darling. ❤️

Such beautiful words. All of us should learn your way of comfort and compassion. Nah fuck it who am I kidding. Most of us are toxic l4d2 players lolol.

Average HL2RP Enjoyer.

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That was a fast resignation. Things are back to how they were before Council was moved to TL. More to show the current "upgrade" doesn't solve much, because now one of the "guiding bodies" is going to have to take over, or have another TL take over the team, which leads to more unproductiveness due to having to multitask and take on roles that weren't intended for them. 


It was better set up with TL -> 2nd in command -> team, that way if the TL resigned, the 2nd in command could quickly take over. It's a shame things have changed and you had to leave. 


As for the drama-fest, it's always been a drama-fest, everyone trying to 1up the other, and constant tagging trying to bring each other down, not going to say who-to-who, but it did happen a bit. Also I'd assume most drama is done because of the recent changes & certain individuals causing a lot of drama and tension through the teams, not to mention the deadlines wanted by the directors (I remember reading something about a roadmap for the whole year wanting to be done, as well as what changes were to be planned for 2019?) I mean that's a lot of stress in-and-out of itself, not to add up to the stress created by some Council members who are too pushy at times & aren't staff-like & respect others' schedules.


You were a good 2nd in command, though leading the team through 2nd in command is different than TL, since TL does have more behind-the-scenes work to do, and a lot less time to work on their private requests, since they're stuck on delegating the functions of other members (the easy part of being TL). 


As for taking the role to show others, not a very smart choice, if you knew you weren't ready to take on the role or didn't have the ambition to take it, you shouldn't have taken it. It's a bit of a waste of time on Council's side when they could've chosen someone else for the job who would've remained longer, always choose selflessness over selfishness, brings the community up and creates less work/stress for others.

Former Gmod Prop Hunt Admin

Former Media Team Team Leader

Former Media Team GFX Member

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Just saying, Media team might be one of the hardest teams to lead. Full of stress of higher ups pushing thing, constant change of leadership and requests with half the info and some people want you to read minds and do exactly what they have thought. 


Welcome to the club tho





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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44 minutes ago, TheSadBandit said:

That was a fast resignation. Things are back to how they were before Council was moved to TL. More to show the current "upgrade" doesn't solve much, because now one of the "guiding bodies" is going to have to take over, or have another TL take over the team, which leads to more unproductiveness due to having to multitask and take on roles that weren't intended for them. 


It was better set up with TL -> 2nd in command -> team, that way if the TL resigned, the 2nd in command could quickly take over. It's a shame things have changed and you had to leave. 


As for the drama-fest, it's always been a drama-fest, everyone trying to 1up the other, and constant tagging trying to bring each other down, not going to say who-to-who, but it did happen a bit. Also I'd assume most drama is done because of the recent changes & certain individuals causing a lot of drama and tension through the teams, not to mention the deadlines wanted by the directors (I remember reading something about a roadmap for the whole year wanting to be done, as well as what changes were to be planned for 2019?) I mean that's a lot of stress in-and-out of itself, not to add up to the stress created by some Council members who are too pushy at times & aren't staff-like & respect others' schedules.


You were a good 2nd in command, though leading the team through 2nd in command is different than TL, since TL does have more behind-the-scenes work to do, and a lot less time to work on their private requests, since they're stuck on delegating the functions of other members (the easy part of being TL). 


As for taking the role to show others, not a very smart choice, if you knew you weren't ready to take on the role or didn't have the ambition to take it, you shouldn't have taken it. It's a bit of a waste of time on Council's side when they could've chosen someone else for the job who would've remained longer, always choose selflessness over selfishness, brings the community up and creates less work/stress for others.

When I originally pushed for me to have leadership, I was selfless in wanting to make the Media Team better and more active. Over Christmas break, things changed. I won't say exactly what happened, but life happened. Things change, its bound to happen. Should I have accepted leader in the first place? No. It was a mistake, and I realize that now. But I resigned now instead of getting demoted for inactivity later, its better this way. (Gives them time to get the team moving forward since there is no leader to lead it now) 


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It's happening too fast. I am at a lost of words for you and GFL's state. I find the big issue is to be able to tell between REAL issues and Complaints. Once things settle, again, priorities will be sorted and we'll be back on track.

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Posted  Edited by Korowa

I'll always be here for you and I hope this is what will make you happy in the end, even if I wish I was able to help you and give you motivation. I respect your choice that was made for the sake of your well-being.

Love you, Rosey. 

Edited by Korowa




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At least you realized what was going on. It's big of you to notice that and step down the way you did, rather than keeping the position but doing very little.


I already had respect for you, but you definitely have my respect for this too.


It looks like you're not completely gone though which is good so at least you're sticking around



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2 hours ago, Pyros said:

Just saying, Media team might be one of the hardest teams to lead. Full of stress of higher ups pushing thing, constant change of leadership and requests with half the info and some people want you to read minds and do exactly what they have thought. 


Welcome to the club tho

Honestly it's not that hard, as the leader you can decide to take a request or manage your team to make that request, if I were to take up the request I'd definitely ask for more info, in the case they don't know what they want, I'll do a couple first-drafts of ideas that pop in my head and work around what they like from the ideas and try to implement it into one graphic. As for higher ups pushing things, I'm assuming every team has that, higher ups wanting more & demanding stuff (aside from moderation, that's pretty easy and basic). 


As for resigning early, sure it may have been a good decision, but now the team is left without a leader, would've been good if you resigned and left someone to take your place, I was sort of pushed off the team, but there was someone there to take over. I thought it would've been Joel as he had "really good ideas" to push the team forward, but I wasn't shocked it was you. Anyways, what's done is done, I'm glad that you took the courage to resign that fast.

Former Gmod Prop Hunt Admin

Former Media Team Team Leader

Former Media Team GFX Member

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5 hours ago, TheSadBandit said:

That was a fast resignation. Things are back to how they were before Council was moved to TL. More to show the current "upgrade" doesn't solve much, because now one of the "guiding bodies" is going to have to take over, or have another TL take over the team, which leads to more unproductiveness due to having to multitask and take on roles that weren't intended for them. 


It was better set up with TL -> 2nd in command -> team, that way if the TL resigned, the 2nd in command could quickly take over. It's a shame things have changed and you had to leave. 


As for the drama-fest, it's always been a drama-fest, everyone trying to 1up the other, and constant tagging trying to bring each other down, not going to say who-to-who, but it did happen a bit. Also I'd assume most drama is done because of the recent changes & certain individuals causing a lot of drama and tension through the teams, not to mention the deadlines wanted by the directors (I remember reading something about a roadmap for the whole year wanting to be done, as well as what changes were to be planned for 2019?) I mean that's a lot of stress in-and-out of itself, not to add up to the stress created by some Council members who are too pushy at times & aren't staff-like & respect others' schedules.


You were a good 2nd in command, though leading the team through 2nd in command is different than TL, since TL does have more behind-the-scenes work to do, and a lot less time to work on their private requests, since they're stuck on delegating the functions of other members (the easy part of being TL). 


As for taking the role to show others, not a very smart choice, if you knew you weren't ready to take on the role or didn't have the ambition to take it, you shouldn't have taken it. It's a bit of a waste of time on Council's side when they could've chosen someone else for the job who would've remained longer, always choose selflessness over selfishness, brings the community up and creates less work/stress for others.

You're wrong, but I'm not arguing with you since this is a resignation thread.

Have fun aura!

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I hope you will still pursue GFX as you are very skilled (Doubt anyone can really argue that). You had motivation and dedication for sure and I'm sad to see that go away, maybe it will come back. Who knows. 

No hard feelings about resigning shortly after the promotion, we'll keep working to find solutions 🙂 


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Well I think you led it for longer than I did. Thanks for sticking with breach though 😄

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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I'm sad to see you go. Was looking forward to working with you to make GFL better.


Regardless, may you be successful in all you do in life. 


Also, don't let anyone tell you anything about stepping down. You're doing the right thing if you don't want to do the job. You don't owe sticking around to anybody but yourself.

"Be good people"

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Sad to see you leave so soon! You had so much potential to lead the media team is the right direction, sad to hear you felt that way. I hope once you’re ready you join the media team back and bring back them amazing GFX skills. ❤️❤️




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