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Religion discussions

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Posted  Edited by Benroyjam

Hi, because of my interests of discussing religion over shoutbox, I decided to make a thread about it. I am Christian, and my denomination is Baptist. I go to church every Sunday and Wednesdays. My church is a member of SBC(Southern Baptist Convention). 


The following questions to ask: 

What is your religion? Does it have any denominations? Do you go to church or whatever?

Do you use to be in any religion? If so, why did you stop?


Note: If you unnecessarily post something that doesn't belong to this topic or going off-topic, I will report your post and have it hidden. (i.e saying hail satan, is not helpful to the discussions).

Edited by Benroyjam





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As y'all probably already saw, I am Christian and my Denomination is Roman Catholic. I attend church every Sunday (or a Saturday Vigil if I can't attend Sunday).  Idk what else to say :P 


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

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Interesting topic, to be sure. Why not.


What is your religion? Agnostic, though technically it's not a religion?


Does it have any denominations? Nope.


Do you go to church or whatever? No. - See below.


Do you use to be in any religion? If so, why did you stop? The church I was in when I was younger was non-denominational. And I suppose I stopped due to growing up. I came to my own conclusions, and these never sided with the church, mostly. I have no ill will towards Christians, or Christianity, or those of faith in religion, but it's simply not my cuppa.













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Posted  Edited by Jcfraven

I am an LCMS Lutheran with Baptist roots, meeting only on Sundays for a pre-worship "Sunday School,"(currently a Bible study of 2 Timothy) and the worship service. There is no Church on Wednesdays for us.

Edited by Jcfraven

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I was born and raised in a strong Catholic environment. I was a devout Catholic until I was 13 or so. Got sick of the fact that your country of origin was the main factor for what religion you'd start with. Stayed away from religion until I turned 18, upon which I started to associate with LaVeyan Satanism. That remains true to this day.


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Posted  Edited by Rose

I wasn't forced to any religion by my parents, though, some other family members tried to force Christianity onto me. From that point on I just stayed away from any religion. And I usually find going to church to do whatever you do there is a waste of time. But that's my opinion. 

Edited by Rose


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I'm atheist but my mothers side is roman catholic, If I would be culturally close to any religion it would be roman catholic which may define how my morals are as growing up that may have created some morals in my life but other then that I believe you can be of any religion you wish and peoples believes should be respected fyi I don't know why a site is being made in my name called rapperdan.faith I hope that does not become some weird meme cult anyways that's about all I have to say.

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I'm not in any religion right now and will never be in any. I use to be catholic and I go to church every sunday but I stop believing at the age of 10. I've stop for many reasons that I won't be going to talk about.

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Posted  Edited by Korowa

I don't follow any religion strictly right now but I have religious beliefs. I grew up in a Catholic/Christian family.

Edited by Korowa




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