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annoying furry

stepping down to TA

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Also will say that this isn't a break like last time, I don't intend to return to director


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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I shit you not I had this typed before you posted that Xy


I bet 2 weeks before you step back up."

Stop reading my mind smh



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1 minute ago, Zero said:

I shit you not I had this typed before you posted that Xy


I bet 2 weeks before you step back up."

Stop reading my mind smh

Get gooder noob


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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21 minutes ago, BeatBoxBattleMe said:

Can’t wait to see you back next month! (;



(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


Twitter ❤️Ko-Fi ❤️Github






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Sad to hear that, @Xy_. Thanks for all your work as a Director. ❤️


Will you continue doing the back-end stuff you did as a Director/TA in disguise?

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1 hour ago, Supreme leader 049 said:

I agree with kite being gay, but not Gary. He's a furry :lenny:

No he's a gay furry. Didn't you see the shit he posted in nsfw of Kite's Discord?

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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2 hours ago, Supreme leader 049 said:

I agree with kite being gay, but not Gary. He's a furry :lenny:

Kiss ass. Trying to get gary's approval. And gary is gay the fuck you mean?

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8 hours ago, Nick said:

Sad to hear that, @Xy_. Thanks for all your work as a Director. ❤️


Will you continue doing the back-end stuff you did as a Director/TA in disguise?

I think that "back-endy" stuff would fall within the realm of TA. At present, I am of the opinion that a director should be more front facing than I was / am (I have never been the most social person). More than likely, I will still be able to assign NFO and Pterodactyl perms, access the machines via SSH, and help managers with their servers should they needed (btw I haven't forgot about torchlight, I just have been occupied with school these past couple of weeks). So if that is what you meant, then yes. If you meant actually function as a director (I guess in a way I did do that last time?), I don't really intend to. I think Oscar, Wiggles, and Ben have got things handled for now.


I hope that answers your question.


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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