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Goodbye all.

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3 minutes ago, Bae said:

This is somewhat hard for me to say since I left the community a lot, like no joke. But this is my final long-term farewell. I thought about this very long and hard since about two months ago but I wasn't sure if it was a final decision. So I waited till the time came, and I thought about how this would benefit me or how it'll be able to help me move on. I'm not saying you guys aren't the best people, but I just have to move on and experience life to full blast. I have been having family issues for the past six months and it's been ongoing even till now. I will also be very busy starting next year, supposedly I'll be working overtime/full-time depending on the job. My goal is to be able to move out of my parents' house and to be able to support myself. 


But honest to god, I thank you all for the support you've shown these past months and probably years since I've been here. I first came here July 2014 and though I did left for half a year later and another two years due to certain person being ... UGH...biased.... anyways... Thank you all for staying with me till then. I'm sorry but I won't be pinging anyone for their support ; but you know who you are... that's all that matters

Goodbye ❤️ You will be missed ❤️ So many good times with you! Ill download League so we can play and stay in touch ;) 


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Posted  Edited by TheJitFace

Never seen someone as reliable/dedicated as you. You kept your word when doing projects or even something as simple as member applications. It was fun building that Minecraft hub with you and doing random applications lol. I wish you good luck for your future endeavors. 

Edited by TheJitFace


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You'll definitely be missed and remembered amongst a lot of people. Regarding myself, I've seen you a lot quite a lot and doing your jobs amazingly. I always saw you jumping on those Member applications whenever needed to be, haha. Always so quick and proficient.


I wish you the best with the rest of your life and I hope you do end up living it to the fullest.


Much love, Bae.



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You will always be welcomed back without any shame.  Odds are I'll probably still be around; so you'll be welcomed back with open arms.  Looks like we have had so many opportunities to cross paths I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet!  I hope the family issues are resolved or minimized in the near future.


I can definitely sympathize about wanting to move out the family home.  I know you can do it; if you can't, then of course: no worries.  We live in a different times and it's very hard for our families (and even ourselves) to accept modern challenges/practicalities.


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As I already said, best of luck. I've really enjoyed admining with you since I first got promoted :lenny:  You've been a great part of GFL. I still remember that meme signature you made for me back in 2014 with a fuck ton of explosions and a lenny face, the minecraft server, you teaching me how to deal with member apps, and a lot of stuff. If you ever want to come back, we'll welcome you with open arms.  If you ever come back, just to fuck around a little, hit me up.  You will be missed. 





Take care. If you ever want to talk about something, feel free to msg me or something. (Also hit me up in League u skrub)


❤️ :lenny:




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Never really expected to see this. You've put so much time and effort into GFL over the years to the point where it became difficult to imagine seeing you leave. You've been a prominent cornerstone in the community for a long time, and it always sucks to see people like you leave.


Good luck with any of your future endeavours, Sally. We're going to miss you.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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I love you so much Sally. Thank you for all the support throughout the years as well as for always being a good friend. I will miss you, feel free to stay in contact. ❤️ Best of luck to you!




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