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Bath or shower

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Showers are for people who like to get it over with done with so they can do whatever they have to do baths are for people who like to relax/rest enjoy their time. I like both but I would pick baths because I like to sit their in the hot water soaking playing games and watching tv and it is so relaxing but sometimes I like showers when I have to go and do something but I still would pick bath if I had the choice. What about you, bath or shower

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Baths are not economical and a waste of water.
if you bathe you are wasting our resources and should be punished!
Now let's look at the actual process of taking a bath - getting clean.
You're lying in the water that you used to remove all the dirt etc from your body... So technically you're getting dirty once more lol.

Unless it's for recreational purposes which as I mentioned above, is a waste of money and resources.
Once you're done with the bath, you most likely will turn on the shower and actually wash yourself from the dirty water. 


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1 minute ago, Fluffin'Fluff said:

If the filth is on you the whole day anyways does it really matter at that point?

the main purpose of taking a bath is to remove said filth... Why even bother to bathe if you're going to keep it lol


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I've rarely had access to showers in my life, so baths for me. The whole "bathing in your own filth" argument never made sense to me since I assumed that most people would be smart enough to use a form of detergent with their bath.


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@EJ. basically explained the logic behind having baths. :P 

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~Made by the lovely @Rose::x: Thanks. <3


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I shower in the week when time is precious. Once I am off work however baths all the way! It's more just to unwind and relax. I wash myself before hand anyway so don't end up "bathing in filth". 

Some people have other ways to calm down from a busy weeks work and this is mine. 


p.s. I pay for the resources that I use so I can waste them how I please @Leks



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First off, I am glad most of you people cleanse yourself.

Second off I prefer a shower. Especially if @Darkling joins.

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Posted  Edited by rapperdan

Shower all the way. I don't like bathing in my own filth. But to be fair Hot Tubs are pretty dope. So if I'm trying to clean my self I'm gonna go with the shower. I'm sure you know the reason for the other.

Edited by rapperdan

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I choose shower because bath has all those hair that come out of your body and then its up into your butthole, sliming down onto your skin like some worms. But the other reasons is because every time I take a bath, my parents put in some herbs to heal my skin but it looks like blood and I didn't like it. So I chose shower, much easier and quicker to do.


credits to @Clavers

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Shower in the morning to start the day off nice and fresh.


Bath in the evening to clam down and leave one's cares behind.


Easy as that! (it doesn't bother me bathing in my own "filth" since, you know, its mine)


brb taking a bath

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Posted  Edited by Twig

Shower cause my legs like to not be in the air when laying down...



...and also cause fuck you i said so

Edited by Twig

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Shower then bath

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