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To all Operator or higher, how did you get to your current position at GFL?

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: fixed misleading title

I love good stories.


As title said above, how did you get to your current position at GFL?


I got to my current position by being overly friendly among the players including admins in the server to the point where I was asked to apply or OP+, but I rejected the proposal because I only do what I loved to do and I do not need to be admin to be respected by the local community in the server.


As the time pass by, old players leave as the new players join, the server was pretty lively until the resettening, many of the regulars, operators and admins left by this event, but I remained because I have faith in the community. Few days later, it has becoming more difficult to get local admin's attention to ban blatant cheaters because most of them left and the site was down, this is where I decided to go apply for admin, the process wasn't easy, I had to wait until the site and the forum was backup to apply but I got in easily because there were only like one or two active admin at that time.


After I got accepted as admin, I promised myself and the community that I won't abuse my power for my own amusement but instead I would use my power to create more fun for the community.


This is how I got to my position in GFL.

Edited by Mad_Father
fixed misleading title


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What happend with me is not a long story it will probably be the shortest so we were playing surf machine and op comes up while talking and i was wanting it just to see waht it would be like to help a server out so i messaged thomas with like 4 paragraphs he agrees to give me op. and thats all i really remember.

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I got my postion by working closely with @Snoopyon our tf2 surf server, i provided maps, plugins, suggestions, and i worked on creating a stable population and rasing the game tracker rank. i was an admin for the server and i was offered the postion. so now i provide a unique expernce to my players. I see it this way, we play video games to escape our real lives in one way or another, weather were fresh off work and playing gta5 to relax, or you may have a social disorder and games are your world... whatever your flavor i aim to provide a clean healthy and overall a one of kind experince while surfing. :D 

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I asked for it.


Well for CS:GO Surf RPG DM, I was set as admin because of how Thomas and I exchange staff position for our servers.

For CS:GO Surf Timer [EU], it was the same thing ^. But then I got US by asking the manager; since eu is dead most of the time and it's very rare when it actually gets active.


credits to @Clavers

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Well, as for my CURRENT rank, I saw no staff for our CS:S bhop server. I started playing it (cause I really hadn't found any interest in our other servers), and was pretty much the only person who actively played it. Thomas eventually started telling people to apply for admin (since there were none), and I told him I was gaining hours on it to apply. He gave me a chance and started me off as Operator, then about a week passes and I get admin on it.


I would tell my story for jailbreak but that's not my CURRENT position :lenny:



was good knowin you


























D O N T   F O R G E T   W I L F O R D




D O N T   F O R G E T   J E R M



Former Garry's Mod Jailbreak Manager

Former CS:S Bhop Manager

Former CS:S Dust 2 Manager






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It would be very long story on how I ended up getting all current position. Instead, I'll give it a short story: I got manager through Roy when I asked him about giving Office a shot(and was changed multiple times until Casual Competitive was released). The server was released on GFL's birthday. However, it's not doing very well and is being cut/replaced with another server.


I currently manage Combat Surf(TF2) and CC/Unknown gamemode(CS:GO).





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I went to find an empty Orange X3 server so I could practice my very first rocket jumps as I really wanted to try out a rocket jump that a YouTuber name Muselk preformed. I staid on the server practising it then one day a hacker joined so I asked for an admin to come on line and well @Shuruia comes to my rescue. After a few more hackers and a few more bans from @Shuruia I asked him if he needed any admins to help out with the server. One thing lead to another and well, here I am after almost 1 and a half years of being in GFL


Good times.



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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13 hours ago, Otter said:

"I sucked a lot of dick" -GMod Admins

Don't generalize all of the GMod admins just because that's how you got admin.



Anyway, I got admin first on CSS Jailbreak but then I became inactive so I resigned. The server faced some troubles after a bit because the manager didn't want to listen to the admins and then the server died. I moved onto GMod TTT because I didn't like the way that CSS ZE was headed and figured that now would be the best time to jump ship. I went to GMod TTT and did my thing there. I asked Echo for admin and he gave it to me since I had been an admin under him and SWAT on Jailbreak. I got global gmod admin at that time and then I stayed with TTT for a while. Eventually TTT #2 popped up and I helped it out a bit at the start. Then ZS popped up and I jumped ship to help populate it. After a while there were some issues and the server died so I went back to TTT. Then I stayed on there for a while. After a while, we wanted to try populating ZS again so I helped populate it again. After a bit we got it so it was always at 40+ people a day. And one week it kept getting 60+ people (which the server couldn't handle). That server was doing well so I left and I believe I went back to TTT for a bit. Then on December of 2014, I left GMod to help populate CSGO ZE with Kim, Nick, SFB, Tiger, A 2, and some others. I got admin after about 2 or 3 weeks, I think. After about 2~3 months of that, the server kept reaching 64/64 and the lag was too bad for me to play on my old computer so I had to resign. I then returned to TTT a bit. I also was given the Moderator rank on the forums some time afterwards (i think). After a couple of months, I returned to CSGO to help out with Deathrun. I applied for admin on there after ~2 weeks and my app was open for a while. Eventually I moved to Minigames since the players on there were getting kind of out of hand. I didn't have any perms there so I couldn't do that much except pretty much spy on what was going on with some of the members there and Dan. After a bit, Infantry gave me global admin since I was trusted and all that. However, by the time I got admin, things with Dan had already started to escalate a lot. And after a week or two of me being admin, Dan lost his admin and stopped playing on Minigames. Since I was only really there to help Dan with being admin on Minigames I stopped being as active on there. I think I played on Deathrun a bit until I finally returned to GMod TTT and ZS. After a bit I stepped down from the global admin rank since I had become more focused on school and the forums than on the servers. Once my grades got back up I got my global admin rank back and have just been on-and-off on the servers. And that brings us to where we are now.


I can't remember what other servers I was admin for. I also "admined" a bit on ZM, some of the CSGO Surf servers, Decoy Dodgeball, and some other ones. But I usually don't do much there. Also, had I applied like 1 month sooner on CSS Jailbreak, I'm 90% sure that I would have gotten global admin since there weren't any individual admin applications and up to that point admins on 1 server got admin on all the servers. I waited a bit too long and I didn't get that dank global admin rank. lmao

"Be good people"

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I was playing the server I'm co-manager on (CS:S RPG Surf) for roughly two+ years now, (also played on GFL servers for roughly 4-5 years, primarily on CS:S MG/DR,) and back then, there was a manager "TehCandyman". At the time, I was a very active for 6 months, and a reputable person on the server. I saw that at the time, admin applications were closed, but I still messaged them, and basically just said. "Yo, I see your apps are closed, but here's mine anyways." And then he interviewed me, and I got the position- I was immediately given extended admin; No trial or anything. I soon effectively became the 'head admin'... Though not officially, just effectively. Probably because I was the most active and mature admin at the time. There was a point where I was basically the only active admin whatsoever, and Candyman wasn't around much either, so I effectively ran the server.

After Candyman went off to bootcamp, Shinigami Senpai and Thomasdavid took over. Thomas wanted to demote everyone and start fresh, but Shini didn't... But I did get bumped back to extended admin and not head.

Fast forward to about 2 months ago, and the whole shit went down with the .RU split. I was pretty much the only senior admin on the team that stuck with us on .com, and I earned a lot of points with Thomas, who was then the sole manager, and Roy himself, seeing as I stuck with .com and I tried to keep things going as normal after that whole debacle. It was at that time that I effectively was promoted to head admin, though again, not officially. This paralleled the talk in the pipes about me wanting to become co-manager of the server. So, while that was being deliberated, I was then officially promoted to head admin, and the process took a while, seeing as we were recovering from the whole backlash from the .RU split and following attacks. At around that time I was also given admin on the CS:GO RPG Surf (US), seeing as I was also starting to become active on there and Thomas, also manager of that server, was already aware of my abilities.

Then I officially got promoted to trial-manager and co-manager of the CS:S RPG DM Surf, (Yay! I was so excited about that,) and Thomas wanted to see how I did as manager before I got admin on any more servers... And, hey. Everybody is pretty happy with me so far, so far as I know. Of course, everyone has their haters, I'm no exception, but players and regulars are quite happy with things so far. Seeing as I was doing well with this position, Thomas also recently gave me admin on the CS:GO RPG DM Surf (EU) server as well.

And there we go. That's the uh... Slightly truncated version of how I got to where I am today.


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2 hours ago, Thomasdavid097 said:

I applied for purge and got accepted 3 weeks later, I was the best admin. thats all

Liar I was the best of them all :)))



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