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One thing you like about someone else

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Heyo, here's a game.


Say something you like about someone else. If someone mentions you, say what you like about them, and then say something nice about someone else.


(I got the idea in three seconds after looking at the roast thread)


I'll start. What I like about @Nap14hockey is how he's always helping me when I need it. Really kind person.

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Posted  Edited by Nap14hockey
52 minutes ago, Twig said:

Heyo, here's a game.


Say something you like about someone else. If someone mentions you, say what you like about them, and then say something nice about someone else.


(I got the idea in three seconds after looking at the roast thread)


I'll start. What I like about @Nap14hockey is how he's always helping me when I need it. Really kind person.

Thanks dude, I appreciate it.  

That being said 


@Twig for the same reasons he listed, and because he is quite nice, even when I'm an absolute prick.


And since I have to mention someone else, 

@Xy_because I like how he tries to help when either I need it, or I'm being a little shit and about to do something stupid

Edited by Nap14hockey


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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Aight so let me mentione some stupid niggas real fast
@Roy - For being a real nigga who listens to another real nigga

@RickGrimesTM - for being another good nigga who let's me t-bag him on rust

@Snoopy - for being a third good nigga who is really cool

@HackingPotato - for being a mofo who tells the truth even if it hurts

@Dano - gesundheit schutstaffel

@Boxy - Real nigga who I love to fuck around with <3

@denros - you really funny gandhi xd

@Zebra - you sounds really cool I wanna talk with you more tho

@TheSpiderofGFL - Really relaxing dude

@Nyarowa - retarded but pastel de belem

@Johaw - your ability to be dumb xd

@Myretarded admins - for being well, guess what, retarded but nice. (i am joking about being retarded)

Can't really remember anyone else off the bat lol 



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Posted  Edited by BLAZE

Ill go next

@Roy - Pretty chill dude when his mom lets him have his one hour a day gaming.

@Johaw - Has Helped me A lot when I became admin and is a pretty kule dude to talk too as well.

@Nyarowa - cool person and fun to talk to.


I hope I can do more than 1.

Edited by BLAZE


Ad Infinitum


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I don't know hom many I can tag in this, but I'll list a few.


Starting with ("surprisingly"):

@Johaw - I really like to be around him because he is very funny and tries a lot to cheer up others, and he's always there to help. Great friend.

@Snoopy - Another great friend. He always offers help when needed, and he wants to cheer up his friends too. Rude humor ;(

@Preliminary - Not popular or active in the community, but he's one of my best friends. Literally who supports and helps me the most for a long time. Plus, he has a lot of patience to deal with me.

@Roy - Nobody expect it :lenny:, but I like that no matter how retarded he might be, he's still a  great friend. And he's also a loser.

@MucusCough - I love your silence. :lenny: 

@Leks - Depsite the fact of sometimes being a pastel de nata, you're still cool and fun to hang out with :D

@PaulaDeen - fat but a real nigga.

@BLAZE - we don't talk much, but when we do, it just shows how much of a good friend you are. Pretty chill person and fun to talk to.





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@Zebra He's a nice young boy who'll be an adult soon enough. :lenny:

@Newpro Despite how many years/times it's been that I've jokingly harass him, he still stay as a friend despite calling me a pedo :lenny: 

@Roy I like how you are more open/social than you were before. You used to be like scare/shy to talk to others outside of the higherups people. 


Idk... I know for sure I chose those who will possibly take forever to respond or never respond 


credits to @Clavers

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