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"The Diversity of Dystopianism" - A New Kind of Survival.

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๐Ÿ‘‰ย ~~ Deliberatelyย Inspired by: @Salad's Story and "The 100" Tv-Show Series ~~ย ๐Ÿ‘ˆ



157 years after the year of 2020, came a time where a nuclear war took placeย and destroyed civilization.ย All left of humanity remained aboveย in aย spacecraft, revolving around the "uninhabitable" planet in whichย they calledย Orb, but we recognize as planetย Earth.

Aย spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sentย only 75 involuntary individualsย back to Orb, in hopes of the planetย now beingย tenantable. This planet will soon be seen as a beautiful home byย the survivors, but later, will realize that this place that they called beautiful, is nothing but a dystopia.

Can they find what it takes to survive?


๐•ธ๐–†๐–Ž๐–“ ๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–—๐–†๐–ˆ๐–™๐–Š๐–—๐–˜:












(...Part I...)



As Pyros and Skittlez sat in the cafeteria duringย theirย leisureย time, there was an unexpected loud alarm. Almost right after cameย the bright flashing red lights as well.


โ€œEmergency escape pod is preparing to launch!โ€ Says the emergency broadcast system, echoing throughout the rooms of the space station.


โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?!โ€ Pyrosย yellsย through the windows toย the council room, where the directors were sitting.


โ€œOh! It must be nothingโ€ฆ thereโ€™s probably been some kind of inaccurate alarm trigger for the heat detectors or perhaps one of the batteries went low again. No worri-''ย Nickย explains but got suddenly interrupted with an unexpected explosion that shook the floor beneath everyone's feet. As people dropped to the floor, Pyros beganย to say,

โ€œWell you better fix that damn battery.โ€


Nick and Aurora glancesย back to the stationing computers in front of them and read the alert that is flashing obnoxiously upon their screens. It quoted,ย โ€œEmergent Gas leak! Eject at once!โ€

Ben knocks his cup of coffee over from gettingย frightened by the message on the screen.


โ€œ... what in the hell?โ€ says Frenzy as he kicks his feet off the desk, pauses his "Tom and Jerry" film, and finally puts out his cigarette.

Nick gets up from his chair and rushing out the door to the hallwayย where Aurora scarcely follows.ย 


"Where are you going? We have to sort this out together!" yelled Shuruia from the council room.ย Nick and Auroraย continueย to stroll down the hallway,ย giving no response.

โ€œSir, weโ€™ve never had a drill for this-โ€ Aurora exclaimed while her and Nickย continue to rush down the hall.

โ€œYou and I both know whatย we have to do.โ€ Nick replies as calmly as he was able too.

โ€œYeah? Whatโ€™s the biggestย idea, because right nowโ€ฆ I think we know our new destiny โ€ฆโ€ Aurora says in a disheartening tone.ย 

โ€œAurora, I love you, but shut the hell up.โ€ Nick pleads while getting more and more irritated under pressure, but later adds,ย 

โ€œNegative remarks are the last things we need- besidesโ€ฆ you heard the loudย announcement. We're gonna haveย to be forced to depart from the station.โ€

Aurora seems startled and replies with, "Depart? ... Really? Like in hell- Where would we even go!?"

Nick stays silent, trying to come to terms with what he is about to say himself. "Ourย only option. Planet Orb."


โ€œI- No โ€ฆ Nick, I love you, but that's absurd. For all we know, that planet could intoxicate and kill all of us in a matter of seconds! The human race hasnโ€™t been on that planet for centuries-โ€ Aurora tries to explain but Nick Interrupts her with,

โ€œWell- It doesnโ€™t look like we got much of a choice right now!โ€

Nick says while finally reaching the end of a tunneled hallway, and pulling an abnormally large lever that opened to a miniatureย sized room. As oxygen begins to flood the room that he opened, Aurora and Nick both step in.


โ€œSystem Failure. Abort!โ€ย Announces the pre-animated loudspeaker, causing moreย panics than before.


Screams and cries shouted from the children and parents.ย 


โ€œEmergency Escape Pod is almost ready for departure.โ€ Screams the emergency broadcast system once again.


โ€œNick. Nick. Nick! Aurora, you there?โ€ Shuruia cries through the walkie talkie thatโ€™s wired to Nick's chest.

โ€œWhat is it, Shuruia?โ€ Nick asked.

โ€œAll the rooms are getting excessively hot. I think a fire already started in the room where the batteries are- so we sent Ben to go check it out. He hasn't come back since! The computers now say that we only have about 3 minutes left to abort. Can you do what ever you are doing, quicker?"


โ€œListen very closelyโ€ฆ we are going to have to evacuate using the one space pod which I can easily do for us. The harder partย is that the pod has a max capacityย of 75 people.ย Even then, we will have to start cramping up the area and piling on top of each other.โ€ Nick explained to Aurora but also Shuruiaย through the Walkie-Talkie.ย 

โ€œShit. What do you want me to do?โ€ Shuruiaย asked.

โ€œRight now, you are with everyone while Aurora and I are separate. Therefore I really need you, Ben, FrenZy, Skittlez, and Pyros in charge of getting the juveniles and the smarter individuals over here to Aurora and I, where the shuttle is. I also really need one of you to go after Ben. He needs to be here for when we depart.โ€ Nick orders.


โ€œNick.. I- .. I don't-โ€ Shuruiaย says but soon after taking a huge sigh and attempting to coming to terms with the situation of what theyย will have to do next. โ€œ.. we'll do it. I'll also try to look for him myself.โ€ Shuruia says, finishing his first statement.

โ€œLook, this is hard on all of us. I know what I'm asking is not only a huge felony against our guidelines but we have to get this figured out one way or another. The human race depends on the four of you right now. Just get them over here in time, please.โ€ Nick urges.

โ€œRight. We will.โ€ Shuruia says, dispatching from the W-T.


Nick and Aurora clear the shuttle area for everyone to quickly compile against each other to safety.ย 

"They have to get here! It's been too long." Aurora says frantically.


Before Nick could reply back, they both start to hear the stampede of people running down the hall. Nick sticks his head out of the doorway and motions the groupย to his direction.ย 

"Over here. Quickly. Please." Nickย shouts.

"Is everything ready to go?" Pyros asked Nick as they arrived down the hall.

"Yes."ย Nick asked. "Now, where is Ben?"

"Weย looked everywhere, weย couldn't findย him but I'm certain thatย he was aware that we were aborting the station before he went to go check out the fire.ย " Pyros reassured.ย 

"Great. We will wait." Nick said as he pointed him and everyone else inside the pod.


While everyone begins to overflow the area,ย Nick squeezes in the front seat, setting up every last thing for departure while the others forceย the juveniles to cooperate.ย Theyย shoved every last personย that were chosen from the crowd to board, putting them in their seats to buckle them up. Finally, the council members squeezed in last. After everyone was settledย in, Skittlez stayed stiff at the front door.

"He'll be here." Skittlez said, peering down the hallway to where Ben would appear.

"We are down to seconds. We need to go." FrenZy adds while the fire around the station turns to be outrageous.

"We aren'tย leaving without Ben. Besides, the Pod isn't fully ready for departure yet either way. I don't even know what will happen if we attempt to leave without the shuttle beingย ready! Anything could happen. We need to wait just a few more seco-" Nick says in a panic but getting interruptedย again but a substantial explosion that trembled the entire pod hysterically.

"We are out of seconds. We need to leave if we want to make it out alive. Skittlez, close the damn door!"ย Pyros yells.


As the flames start to increase in every direction, everyone knew it was the time to leave.ย Skittlez tilts his head down in dis-satisfaction but soon says, "I'm not leaving without Ben..."ย 

Nick feels sick about the situation, especially without having any type of solution. His respect for Ben and Skittlez were on exceeding standards but the human race was now in his possession.ย "Skittlez... get in the shuttle and close the door. Or I will be forced to leave you."ย He eventuallyย proceeds with saying.

"Screw you, Nick."

Skittlez says, darting out of the door,ย down the hall in hopes to find Ben. The last and final abrupt explosion carried rapidly down the remaining halls and rooms in the station... rupturing Skittlez and Ben's bodies, perishing their corpsesย into nothing but ashes.

Everyone fell silent.

"Fuck." Nick says while finally running to the back of the ship to seal the door shut and placing himself back into a random seat... feeling nothing but guilt.


"Someone press the button!" one of the juveniles yelled.

"Oh- fuck this. MOVE!" FrenZy screams as he pushes through the group of people, getting to the front of the Pod. He slams his palm down on the button that Nick refused to touch. The shuttle quickly dispatches from what was left of the Space Station, sending everyone back in their seats with a massive jolt.


While the shuttle was being launched into Orb's atmosphere, they experiencedย extreme turbulenceย and trauma. While then coming to an instantaneous stop after a final thrust to the ground. Everyone remained in their seats while hoping it all came to a final stop.

Nick unbuckles his seatbelt and the others follow. He stands up, feeling addled on what the next move should be.ย 

".. Should we open the door?" Says Shuruia.

"No. We don't know if it's safe yet-" Nick replies.

"I'm so tired of this 'to-be-safe'ย shit. Listen,ย either we open that door or we die of dehydration- and that's if we don't drown in each othersย piss before that." Says FrenZyย while he strides over to the huge lever.

FrenZy makes eye contact with Nick, waiting for some type of objection that would be anticipated. Nick stands there, clueless of what to say or what the right call would be. Beforeย anyone could get another word out, FrenZy pulls the lever down to decompress the airlock leading to the outside...



๐Ÿ’™(If you enjoyed what I wrote so far, I would be more than happy to create a part II! Let me know.)๐Ÿ’™

[ย The formatย looked very uninviting to read and distorted with all of it clumped together,ย so I apologize for the unusual line spacing and/or other mistakes.ย ]



Written by,

Bue. // Blue_Panda130


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9 minutes ago, Bue. said:

"Screw you, Nick."

Skittlez says

i think this may be a direct quote from the council chatย :omegalul:

but this was really fun to read! I want a part 2!

Director of Divisions and Physion Unturned Division Leader



xQc on GFL Surf 7/16/22



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Posted โ€†Edited by Infra - Edit Reason: pog

This is fucking brilliant. Fucking. Brilliant.

I actually cannot wait for Part2 :pogchamp:



Edited by Infra

Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra-ย | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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31 minutes ago, Salad said:

i think this may be a direct quote from the council chatย :omegalul:

but this was really fun to read! I want a part 2!


19 minutes ago, Infra said:

This is fucking brilliant. Fucking. Brilliant.

I actually cannot wait for Part2 :pogchamp:





It means a lot to me that you guys liked it!!

I noticed literally right after I submitted that the formatting was literally so unattractiveย ๐Ÿ˜…ย But I'm glad you guys were able to look past that!


I'll start working on a part II whenever I can. โค๏ธ


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7 minutes ago, Primitive said:

Title is a bit of a dogwhistle, yikes

What do you mean?

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Posted โ€†Edited by Bue.
1 hour ago, Primitive said:

Title is a bit of a dogwhistle, yikes

If you are referring to my title not making much sense from what myย tales context represented so far,ย stress LESS!!!!!


Part II will make much more sense in regards to the title. ๐Ÿ™‚

Edited by Bue.

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Posted โ€†Edited by Alexis

This was a terrible story, the grammar, the suspension... it disgusts me! I thought you could clearly do better @Bue.ย But nope, clearly I was fucking wrong, Jesus!

I'm joking!ย It was actually good.


Edited by Alexis

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2 minutes ago, Alexis said:

This was a terrible story, the grammar, the suspension... it disgusts me! I thought you could clearly do better @Bue.ย But nope, clearly I was fucking wrong, Jesus!

I'm joking!ย It was actually good.



How fucking adorable.ย 

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I can say without a shadow of doubt, only thing missing is us blaming Nick for everything, and some curse words directed to the danish people. Besides that, nice story.





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod:ย 






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2 hours ago, Lachaine said:

PART 2!!!!

I'm really glad you liked it!!!



1 hour ago, Pyros said:

I can say without a shadow of doubt, only thing missing is us blaming Nick for everything, and some curse words directed to the danish people. Besides that, nice story.

Deeply.... deeply noted. :)

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This is cool, the formatting is painful to look at, but the story is quite interesting. I say, where is the link with dystopia in this story? Maybe some sort of moral that I missed.


Qualified gamer and professional moron

Admin on Breach (loony bin)

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 



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1 minute ago, Kaitsedd said:

This is cool, the formatting is painful to look at, but the story is quite interesting. I say, where is the link with dystopia in this story? Maybe some sort of moral that I missed.


I briefly explained this in one of my other comments-

8 hours ago, Bue. said:

If you are referring to my title not making much sense from what myย tales context represented so far,ย stress LESS!!!!!


Part II will make much more sense in regards to the title. ๐Ÿ™‚


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8 hours ago, Bue. said:

If you are referring to my title not making much sense from what myย tales context represented so far,ย stress LESS!!!!!


Part II will make much more sense in regards to the title. ๐Ÿ™‚



Qualified gamer and professional moron

Admin on Breach (loony bin)

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 



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2 minutes ago, Kaitsedd said:


Yep! Thank you for your feedback.

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Posted โ€†Edited by VilhjalmrF

what the fuck I didn't think this was a story!



Edited by VilhjalmrF

Average HL2RP Enjoyer.

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