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The Director Dilemma

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I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I hope people will not see this post as "toxic" since you are presenting valid arguments in a respectful way. I hope this will be "fruit for thought" for our Director team.

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Posted  Edited by positive

I generally disagree with the overheated criticism and "oh fuck this shit im leaving" type of resignations that have been going on recently. But I think this is a great thread so far since you're actually willing to talk about it, and if it keeps on like the way it was meant to be, a civilized discussion, without personal attacks, I highly doubt it would ever get hidden.


Gonna address just one point here, what I think is the most important thing I could address. You claim that joining the director team right now would be equivalent of "leaving the community", as you claim they are disconnected, too far up their own asses right? And then you claim that you would erase the people of the team with the exception of Ben Roy as you want "new blood" or lets be honest, you want to see changes happening and you don't believe any other Directors in the team. Fair, but this is like crazy of you to expect things to change and do absolutely nothing about it. You straight up got an offer to join the actually decision making part of this community (and yes, no matter how disconnected you claim them to be, they're a big part of this community whether you like it or not) - I've addressed this in a much less serious post not too long ago. I'm not remotely as active or connected to GFL as I used to be unfortuantely, but all I see here recently are talks and criticism. Only that. No actions. Why are the higher ups fed up of your (not specifically eueuq) "criticism"? Maybe it's because thats all they get. I mean no shit that nobody would ever be able to satisfy everyone. But getting shit and criticism for every step you do like it's real world politics is beyond irrational for any sane person doing this and helping gfl for fun. And you guys wonder why VIrusking left? Why people like Juky wouldn't step up again to help this community? All that's left at this point is backlash from every single change or step anyone attempts to do. I'm not defending the higher ups, i'm obviously not defending the community either. But I stand behind my point that nobody gets shit done and that's whats actually "killing" this community. (quote on quote because it's not even close to dead). The moment we as a community stopped doing progress is the breaking point where we got fucked as a whole. People no longer suggest, they just shit on each other. This is no democracy, whatever the higher ups say or do is the way, you can change their minds, you can get them demoted at some point if what they do is truly wrong, but undermining every director and expecting anything to be done without doing anything for the community yourselves is insanity. 


I wrote this fairly quickly just on top off my head, sorry if it's painful to read when it comes to paragraphs which are non existent 😜


Edited by positive

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I am bored and want to make a post that will likely not get locked/hidden. :nepsmug:

  • This is a gaming community, not a debates/political one, we're here to play games not discuss what directors should/should not do, if you feel like it's a relevant topic I could see why they shut you down all the time as you claim.
  • I was in Events, and I debated some topics. At times, I'd discuss the changes that would affect me such as Council, PR Merge, and PR Team. Other than that, I wouldn't care about Server Managers or Admins, same way around when I was admin on TTT long time ago.
  • You might want to define the word Community, because to me, it means the active playerbase that plays on our servers, which probably only knows who the manager is, who the admins are, and wouldn't care who directors are and what they do. To me it seems as if by community you're referring to PR Team, Discord members, and Teamspeak users.
  • I still do not agree with you on anything, because literally I don't understand why you always want to know everything and at all times. Somethings are supposed to be hidden.
  • If you feel like you're being ignored by a director, make a staff report, and tell everyone about how he ignored you and why he shouldn't be director, I don't see how generalizing a simple issue would solve anything.
  • Recently, directors have been criticized for the least minor changes they make, and that could probably be one reason if not THE reason why you're no longer being listened to, I guess, I'm not sure what you mean by ignored but there's that.
  • Removing all directors is a bad idea, I'm not even commenting on it.
  • I think it's best if you do a TL;DR at the end of the thread or a seperate post because all I got from this is that you're being ignored and that you were promised director or something.


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Posted  Edited by rapperdan
10 minutes ago, positive said:

I generally disagree with the overheated criticism and "oh fuck this shit im leaving" type of resignations that have been going on recently. But I think this is a great thread so far since you're actually willing to talk about it, and if it keeps on like the way it was meant to be, a civilized discussion, without personal attacks, I highly doubt it would ever get hidden.


 Gonna address just one point here, what I think is the most important think I could address. You claim that joining the director team right now would be equivalent of "leaving the community", as you claim they are disconnected, too far up their own asses right? And then you claim that you would Erase the people of the team with the exception of Ben Roy as you want "new blood" or lets be honest, you want to see changes happening and you don't believe any other Directors in the team. Fair, but this is like crazy of you to expect things to change and do absolutely nothing about it. You straight up got an offer to join the actually decision making part of this community (and yes, no matter how disconnected you claim them to be, they're a big part of this community whether you like it or not) - I've addressed this in a much less serious post not too long ago. I'm not remotely as active or connected to GFL as I used to be unfortuantely, but all I see here recently are talks and criticism. Only that. No actions. Why are the higher ups fed up of your (not specifically eueuq) "criticism"? Maybe it's because thats all they get. I mean no shit that nobody would ever be able to satisfy everyone. But getting shit and criticism for every step you do like it's real world politics is beyond irrational for any sane person doing this and helping gfl for fun. And you guys wonder why VIrusking left? Why people like Juky wouldn't step up again to help this community? All that's left at this point is backlash from every single change or step anyone attempts to do. I'm not defending the higher ups, i'm obviously not defending the community either. But I stand behind my point that nobody gets shit done and that's whats actually "killing" this community. (quote on quote because it's not even close to dead). The moment as a community stopped doing progress is the breaking point where we got fucked as a whole. People no longer suggest, they just shit on each other. This is no democracy, whatever the higher ups say or do is the way, you can change their minds, you can get them demoted at some point if what they do is truly wrong, but undermining every director and expecting anything to be done without doing anything for the community yourselves is insanity. 


I wrote this fairly quickly just on top off my head, sorry if it's painful to read when it comes to paragraphs which are non existent 😜


it is why I followed virusking while I do wish for csgo to do great partically GFL's csgo scene my wishes remain to simply overlook things and have many spread there wings as my worth is higher elsewhere and ik things can be done better without people just pissing on things this is GFL everyone here is GFL so I have endlessly asked my self why does everyone here wish for things to die off it's not about some bs rank it's about others and being able to provide and give them what they want.



also to top it all off @queue you are preaching about the playerbase but when was the last time you played on the servers?

that purge in internal happened for a reason and it was the only answer and yes it had to happen stop causing so many issues.

Edited by rapperdan

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2 minutes ago, Rick said:

removing Council (should never have been a thing in the first place to be honest with you)

Well, as a part of ^ happening then I also saw the comments from directors and how they wanted council rather than some other options that didn't include council. 


5 minutes ago, Rick said:

people calling us all lazy and shit at our jobs when in reality we're doing what we need to do to keep this community going forward

Never heard people call you "lazy" or "shit at your jobs". I heard quite a bit of "Directors are inactive" and "Directors seems to have lost focus for the community" and "Directors lack communication with the community".

I'm trying to say that all directors have done great work at some point but they seemed to have entered a bad cycle of inactivity (atleast before the incident). If someone questioned a director on what they were working on they'd be asked "Why are you so salty and always bitching?!". Well, it's always nice to be attacked for questioning what work someone does as director instead of thinking about the situation and what a directors activity/motivation does throughout the community. Never seen more director activity from all directors than when Nick was in the position and Trello was used as well as announcements and general chatting with the community in the shout box.

Thanks for doing great work directors. We like you, that's why we question you.


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1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Some time before I became the Team Leader of Teamspeak, @Roy and I had a conversation about ideas I had for the community. During said conversation, I was told I supposedly had "potential" and was seen as a possible choice in the future for a Director position. I was hesitant in said position mostly because I wanted to work on our communication platforms at the time (I am glad that I was given the opportunity to overhaul at least one of them and assist with another, it was a fun time while it lasted). However, in the current state of the Director team and regardless of the supposed "potential" I have, I do not think I or anyone else would want to be a part of it. It is the equivalent of leaving the community.

So you got the chance to try to change how the state of Directors are, in your opinion, also got the chance to make it so your ideas aren't "ignored" and you let it pass.


Sometimes it feels like you love giving ideas, trying to get them added yet you bailed when you had the chance. Granted you hated the idea behind the Council rank, but however you feel about it, you must agree that Council had a lot of power to implement things and get ideas heard. To add on the beginning of this paragraph, I always got the impression you love being able to suggest things and do it your way, it seems it is either your way or nothing at all.


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Lack of general interaction with said community

While this might be true, most of the community stay on their own bubble of the playerbase of their server. They don't care about Directors and might even not know they exist. Most of the playerbase if they know Directors exist, they don't care about them simply because they aren't related to their server.


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Lack of transparency with said community

This is half true. They are normally always willing to discuss their ideas if you go to them and try to talk to them. Of course, they won't go around and say on things they are working and current ideas being discussed. I assume the above is about the ideas they have not being always shared with the community as a whole.


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Lack of accessibility in terms of communication

Care to explain? You think they are hard to approach? Hard to talk to?


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Proposing the idea of "removing all the 'toxic' people of GFL" (i.e. anyone who opposes them)

I haven't seen any official statement of this besides some people talking about it, care to link where it is said this?


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Removal of handfuls of people from the internal discord without notice or reasoning

They said a purge of internal would happen, granted trusted members never got a dm or anything explaining why the removal, but team members and anyone that isn't CA or Manager+ was warned that they would be purged.


1 hour ago, eueuq said:

Making decisions that go entirely against the point of this community

Such as? 





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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All of this shit sounds really gay tbh

Did you just disrespect me on this server? You dun fucked up faggot. Ill have you know that I am friends with 9 GFL Admins, 6 community managers, 27 server owners, 420 trial admins and 69 board of directors. You think you can just talk shit to me in game without having any sort of consequences or repercussions? You are sorely mistaken you chap fucking cunt. In just one private message, not only I will get you ban from all GFL servers, but I will get you ban from heaven, hell, purgatory, basically all of existence.  There won't be a cosmic plane alive that will accept your dumb mongoloid soft-serve ice cream bitch made looking ass. Prepare to have your spaghetti sliced up by a machete pal. Enjoy whatever fickle time you have left before an admin comes in and bombastically shitfucks you into oblivion for being an arrogant cum shitting cuck you are.  If you only you had an iota of fucking intelligence you would've known that tangling with someone with connections like mine would lead to your inevitable demise.

I'll see you on the forums kidd0.

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Posted  Edited by eueuq

Time for a mega-reply :lenny:Accedentily replied early so I will edit this with my reply of Pyros Done



I and others have not had great experience in the past with these types of posts which is why I expect(ed) it to be hidden/etc. That aside, I understand your points. GFL politics can be a rough time and hurts progress (I enjoy reading it though because it is comical :lenny:). The problem is that most people cannot take action even if they wanted to. Like I said, this Director problem cannot be solved by a normal community member no matter how much they tried to solve it. If I were offered some scenario where I could actually help (I would not consider the conversation I had with Roy mentioned before as an offer per se), maybe, but I would still be one person against a handful of others that do not want me to take action and I am sure plenty of others feel the same way. Lower level problems disconnected from the Director team can be solved, though. As I said, I have proposed solutions to these types of problems and some of which have been implemented either by me or someone else. Others and I have been taking action on what we can deal with. I believe that if Directors were more transparent in their actions and discussions, the amount of critiques, complaints, etc. would reduce dramatically since most of the complaints deal with not knowing what is going on, not being able to give input on decisions, etc. I feel no sympathy for them since they should be able to handle criticism and have the capacity to reduce said criticism if they actually listen to it. Lastly, I do not care if you wrote it quickly, segment your paragraphs better :lenny:.



  • If Directors make decisions that have long term negative effects on the community that slowly erode it from a gaming community, then I can and will comment on it. Also, do not pretend as though I am the one who is turning GFL into a political mess. This has been a trait GFL has had for a long time.
  • What does this have to do with me?
  • GFL's community as a whole is anyone who is actively on our communication platforms since that is where most of the conversations in relation to GFL happen. People who interact entirely on a game server or two are a part of GFL's player base, but not necessarily the community as a whole in my opinion. Each server, a part of GFL or not, has their own community separate from the big picture. You have to interact with the community to be a part of it.
  • I want to know what is happening because sudden change (like what happened in the recent internal discord purge) is not good. Most of those sudden changes feel like they had 3 seconds of thought put into them and I feel as though allowing those who would be affected by said ideas, short term or long term, should be able to have their voices heard.
  • What do you think is practically is? Also, like I said, what the community says means nothing to them, especially when it is their own positions on the line.
  • I have been criticizing Directors for all decisions, big or small. People a part of a community really should be obligated to do so too since leaving bad ideas/people to do as they please without opposition does not exactly result in positive outcomes (see literally any communist country in history). By ignored, I mean me proposing ideas that are generally supported and then someone does something different or the complete opposite (i.e. transparency, staff hierarchy, etc.).
  • As I said, it is a radical idea. I also never said it was inherently the best approach to the situation. I just am upset with every single Director and I know they will never truly change. Getting rid of them all and replacing them with people who would do a better job (something that should happen more often across all of GFL, not just the Director team) is common sense in my opinion.
  • If you cannot read all of the post because you are lazy, then I do not care about your opinion. Simple as that.
22 hours ago, rapperdan said:

also to top it all off @queue you are preaching about the playerbase but when was the last time you played on the servers?

that purge in internal happened for a reason and it was the only answer and yes it had to happen stop causing so many issues.

I have not touched a single GFL game server in probably 2 or 3 years. However, I have offered on many occasions that I would look into any game server issues brought to me. I am more than willing to sit down and have a discussion with whomever wants to discuss an issue with a game server and brainstorm solutions. No one has taken me up on that offer. Also, the internal discord purge did not need to happen and was not the "only answer". It was a decision that was barely discussed amongst only Directors which left us with zero possibility to help guide the decision in a better, more reasonable direction.


22 hours ago, Worgee said:

Would it be too much to ask to have Directors become an active part of the community like they used to be?




  • I do not care if it was the "heat of the moment". The fact it was even proposed in the first place is worrying. If it was pushed any further, that would have been a stupid decision made entirely on emotion (sounds familiar 🤔).
  • Other proposals were put in place that did not include Council that were outright ignored the second a certain Director got into power and had different plans. While it did not need to happen in the first place, it only happened because of Directors. No one else can be blamed but yourselves. However, while I am happy that Council got removed and regardless of how much I hated the idea of it, I think it is better than our current system having no equivalent in place (different conversation for a different day). I never saw any of the potential in Council that was mentioned as I did not believe it would help with the stated problems.
  • This is exactly what I am referring to when I say that I am considered a "toxic person who does not know what they are talking about that wants the worst for GFL". This is a non-argument as it does not address anything I said.
  • As I said, the removal of most Directors and Roy is a radical idea. I would rather a better solution get proposed, but it is all I can think of at the moment. This is exactly why I proposed it publicly for input, something Directors do not ever do. When say remove Roy, I mean from Directors. Him not being on the Director team does not impact his ability to work on CS:GO still.
  • I never said you had to devote 100% of your time to GFL as that is unrealistic and no one would want to do that anyways. I do not even care how much time you spend in GFL. I have said on multiple occasions that I want Directors to do less work, not more. You should not be working on GMOD since that is @Zebra's job. You should work on Rust until you find a manager for it (hopefully not a long time since it should not be Director's responsibility long term). Work should be more properly distributed instead of allowing Directors to do everything and anything they want. While Director inactivity is a problem, it is last on the agenda of issues I have with the team honestly.
  • While I am glad Nick is pushing for Trello usage, I told Directors and others to use Trello months ago with little to no response. Like I said, the current Director team will never truly change. If you want to make it look like you care about transparency, do it in full including decisions like removing Council and such.
  • I do not care about this point as long as it does not result in a decision made in 0.3 nanoseconds (remember that amazing public Discord purge? fun times).
  • I have been calling out everyone for a long time now, not just Directors. People cannot go unchallenged without it resulting in a negative outcome.


21 hours ago, Worgee said:

Thanks for doing great work directors. We like you, that's why we question you.

This is fake news.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

So you got the chance to try to change how the state of Directors are, in your opinion, also got the chance to make it so your ideas aren't "ignored" and you let it pass.

Sometimes it feels like you love giving ideas, trying to get them added yet you bailed when you had the chance. Granted you hated the idea behind the Council rank, but however you feel about it, you must agree that Council had a lot of power to implement things and get ideas heard. To add on the beginning of this paragraph, I always got the impression you love being able to suggest things and do it your way, it seems it is either your way or nothing at all.

As I said above, it is not like I let it pass. It was just never officially given to me (and likely will never be given to me for being too "toxic"). Even if it were given to me, I do not know if I would accept it or not since I would never be able to enforce the changes I want such as transparency. I was TL and Trusted, ranks you would think have power/a voice. I was rarely listened to in either rank. What makes you think that Council would have changed that? It seemed as though Council could not do anything without the approval of Directors anyways so it is not like I could have done anything on my own accord. And for this last point, I would say that is completely wrong. The best evidence for that is yourself. I have taken some feedback you have given me in the past on some of my ideas. You have checked flaws in my logic and supported other aspects of my ideas which is more valuable than hating/supporting everything. You are not the only person either as long as they are reasonable people (i.e. not Hacking or Syntax). I am open for discussion and things do not have to go exactly word for word my way as my way is not always favorable. However, the ideas I am complaining about being ignored are ones I have discussed with others and got a lot of support for it. And yes, I love being able to suggest solutions to problems since that is all I am good for :lenny:

21 hours ago, Pyros said:

While this might be true, most of the community stay on their own bubble of the playerbase of their server. They don't care about Directors and might even not know they exist. Most of the playerbase if they know Directors exist, they don't care about them simply because they aren't related to their server.

I defined what I mean when I refer to the GFL community above in response to Syntax. While they may not even know who the Directors are, the actions of the Directors still have an impact on said playerbase/community in the long term.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

This is half true. They are normally always willing to discuss their ideas if you go to them and try to talk to them. Of course, they won't go around and say on things they are working and current ideas being discussed. I assume the above is about the ideas they have not being always shared with the community as a whole.

Nothing to respond to here since it is probably right for the most part.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

Care to explain? You think they are hard to approach? Hard to talk to?

Roy is impossible to contact. The others reply when they feel like it whether it be a mention in Discord or a DM. I am not pushing this issue too hard, though.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

I haven't seen any official statement of this besides some people talking about it, care to link where it is said this?

See Rick's statement and my counter-statement above.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

They said a purge of internal would happen, granted trusted members never got a dm or anything explaining why the removal, but team members and anyone that isn't CA or Manager+ was warned that they would be purged.

I would like to see the time of the warning vs. the time the purge happened. That aside, I was mostly referring to the purge of CAs and, like you said, the lack of explanations given to said CAs.


21 hours ago, Pyros said:

Such as? 

Mostly dealing with transparency (probably more, but cannot think of any off the top of my head; I may add to this if I do). I have requested that they remove all the red tape required to talk about issues publicly so people would not be yelled at for "leaking". Nothing significant has been done in this regard. You have likely read all the rest of the stupid decisions relation to transparency that I have talked about so I will not repeat them again here.


EDIT: I remember when the discord partnership was being discussed and a certain director said something along the lines of "There will be a lot of backlash at first when it happens, but they will get over it. It is for the better long term." Sounds like they had the best intentions for GFL's community/playerbase, especially with how it was eventually handled.



Edited by eueuq


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Posted  Edited by rapperdan
1 hour ago, eueuq said:

I have not touched a single GFL game server in probably 2 or 3 years. However, I have offered on many occasions that I would look into any game server issues brought to me. I am more than willing to sit down and have a discussion with whomever wants to discuss an issue with a game server and brainstorm solutions. No one has taken me up on that offer. Also, the internal discord purge did not need to happen and was not the "only answer". It was a decision that was barely discussed amongst only Directors which left us with zero possibility to help guide the decision in a better, more reasonable direction.

So you wanted to be able to guide more people the wrong way trusted was desolved and reformed for a reason you preach about helping but refuse to work with anyone who is not doing exactly as you demand on a side note I wanted to say ty for the CA idea it helped a lot and your help remains more damaging then good you where a part of a team called gfl not for yourselve not for trusted but for gfl there comes a time where you must stop because you are damaging the servers and what actually matters please go be trusted elseware thanks.


TL:DR all of this belongs on r/iamverysmart simply because every thing you have said is you taking more time to look bigger and appear bigger and put your self before anyone else when in reality you have no clue what you are talking about you remain the reason why many people keep leaving as do others.




it is not about you it is about GFL you where removed because you where more damaging then good.


I'm still clueless as to why you have a need to type all this nonsense when in reality everything stated has issues that you yourselve are guilty of idk if you are pulling stuff from the mirror then talking about what you need to fix about your self but it's just weird at best.


also another issue that remains in gfl is that fancy typing and appearing smart does not and will never mean you are smart or have good ideas it just looks unrelatable and threatening to others at best I could easily do what you are doing and it does not make sense to me to do the such simply because my focus remains else where and I believe humans have common sense and the ability to reason I should not have to feed you with some nice worded thing that makes me look smart and others weaker but I always could but it remains something that is not my focus my focus is get my point across allow others to understand it and move on and solve the next issue not have to deal with such pity nonsense and people who damage so much by simply fighting any and all possible progress you should be glad that gfl is doing good no matter what the case you don't need to find a way to make it bleed out like it's some goal of yours a rank means nothing but what you do with it means everything.

Edited by rapperdan

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I started reading, I have read most of posts until I started reading so much shit I started laughing.


@queue Valiant effort, but as stated above, by no other than yourself, you haven't touched a GFL Server for the past 2 or 3 years.

1 hour ago, eueuq said:

I have not touched a single GFL game server in probably 2 or 3 years.

As far as I remember, this is a gaming community, our main point is game servers. That's how it all started. Game. Servers. GFL Servers. Which you haven't touched in 2 or 3 years.
So what does this look like? You are one of those people who just sits, eats their popcorn and talks shit without doing jack.


Like, don't get me wrong, you seem chill and all, but being chill and sitting in your teamspeak channel while posting all these rants won't change anything either. Sure GFL isn't fucking perfect, lmao I mean what do you expect? No one here majored in political science. We're all gamers, people who play games. Of course there will be things done wrong. But you are definitely not in a position whose opinion counts.






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Posted  Edited by eueuq
24 minutes ago, Leks said:

I started reading, I have read most of posts until I started reading so much shit I started laughing.


@queue Valiant effort, but as stated above, by no other than yourself, you haven't touched a GFL Server for the past 2 or 3 years.

As far as I remember, this is a gaming community, our main point is game servers. That's how it all started. Game. Servers. GFL Servers. Which you haven't touched in 2 or 3 years.
So what does this look like? You are one of those people who just sits, eats their popcorn and talks shit without doing jack.


Like, don't get me wrong, you seem chill and all, but being chill and sitting in your teamspeak channel while posting all these rants won't change anything either. Sure GFL isn't fucking perfect, lmao I mean what do you expect? No one here majored in political science. We're all gamers, people who play games. Of course there will be things done wrong. But you are definitely not in a position whose opinion counts.


Not playing on the game servers != doing nothing but complaining


On the surface level, yeah, it looks like exactly what you are saying. However, to the people I am directing this conversation to, they should know that I have not been "doing nothing but complaining" for the past 2 or 3 years. If you did actually read the posts like you said you did, you may have noticed several things I listed that I have done only in the past few months that were mentioned for the sake of achieving some sense of credibilitiy. There is plenty that I have done over the years that I have not gone out of my way to flaunt in people's faces, especially since they would mostly be off-topic to bring up for my arguments. For the sake of this thread, I have no need to list all of them.


That aside, this is a non-argument as it does not address anything I said other than my credibility with those who do not know me (not something I need for the time being). Give me good servers to play on and do not ruin the ones I like (i.e. Purge; Shiny was the last decent manager of it).

Edited by eueuq


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"gfl is going in circles" if so can we make it like this circle?


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2 hours ago, eueuq said:

I was TL and Trusted

Let's be honest, TLs only had power inside their teams to make changes, council could make most of changes without a director approving it and outside of their team.


Trusted is an overrated group by the whole community. If the whole trusted say "no" to something and the whole current staff says "yes", it will be done. Trusted had almost zero power and was/is a group there to help with decisions. Trusted has virtually no power at all without the current Staff agreeing with them.





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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7 hours ago, eueuq said:

Lack of transparency with said community

but but but i can look at the logs of all purchases that is very transparent


6 hours ago, Rick said:

Tl;dr - read what i've said, sorry kiddos

okay nevermind a director is making me actually read this is not transparent this is very opaque :lenny:


thanks @Violator

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